Term Papers on Book Reports |
Summer Of The Monkeys: Summary
Number of words: 347 - Number of pages: 2.... his grandpas store and
told him about it. Then he sent a telegram to the circus.
They they came and gave Jay Berry the money. Then he asked his
grandpa about a pony. The next day he went to pick from 2 ponies. The one
he wanted to buy was wounded so he would not buy it.
Instead he went home and gave the money to his parents for the
operation on his sisters old twisted leg.
After everyone left for the operation but Jay Berry and papa
everything got quiet. Papa got deprest and so did Jay Berry.
Then they wrote a note saying they were coming back.
They went to the rail station and Daisy and .....
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The Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 809 - Number of pages: 3.... a symbol of Satan, or the Devil. When Simon talked with , he learned what the real evil was, which is the evil in people’s hearts. is a symbol of the things we make up to be the cause for evil, when those things aren’t the real reason. The fire is a symbol of hope and rescue. When the fire was burning bright, it was because the boys were working hard to get rescued. When the fire burnt out, it was because many boys, like Jack, didn’t care anymore about being rescued. In the end, the fire that got them rescued was not meant for rescue. It was there because Jack was burning down the isla .....
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Review Of Hemmingway's "In Our Time"
Number of words: 1929 - Number of pages: 8.... Although the book does not have any sequential order to it I believe that it does have criteria fit for a novel. If the book is compared to life it is evident that there is not a single distinct pattern that neither the book nor life itself follows. The repitition of the character Nick can be related to a main character in a novel. The similarities in the style of thought between all the male characters show a correlation with life. These correlations are the way that subcontiously we all make choices that suit our best interests, such as the people in which we choose to be around an .....
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Comic Relief Of Hamlet
Number of words: 1397 - Number of pages: 6.... natural expression of the satisfaction that attends the success of any striving. Hamlet often finds humorous occasions especially after he has done something that affects another character. He takes the “inside joke” to the limits and smiles upon the defeat of his enemies. This is especially true with the relationship between him and his father-by-marriage. Hamlet puts on the play so that he may have a reassurance that his true father was wrongfully killed by his uncle Claudius. Once the play had ended so abruptly Hamlet smiles upon the dismay of Claudius knowing that he has .....
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David Edding's Pawn Of Prophecy
Number of words: 1050 - Number of pages: 4.... in the use of the orb.
For thousands of years Torak is kept at bay because the orb is
protected by the Chereks, but somehow, a man known as the Apostate takes
the orb hoping to deliver it to Torak. Belgarath, his daughter Polgara, a
Cherek named Barak, a Drasnian named Silk, a Sendar named Durnik and a
young boy named Garion venture out into the world to try and recover the
orb. Garion is of the Cherek line and has the mark of the orb. The book
is only one of a series of ten books and the plot ends abruptly with
Belgarath and his band of wanderers setting sail for Camaar to cont .....
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Thesis Paper On The Crucible T
Number of words: 1101 - Number of pages: 5.... immediate supervisor, which says “ there is either obedience or the church will burn like hell is burning.” “The church in theocratic Salem is identical with the state and the community and will surely crumble if unquestioning obedience falters in the least.” Proctor, on the other hand, “has come to regard his self as a king of fraud,” as long as he remains obedient to an authority which he cannot respect. In other words he believes that the cannot be his true self when he has to abide by lies and not by his morals. He thinks there is to much mention of hell in God’s churc .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Secrets. We Have Them, We Hide Them, But Can We Live With Them?
Number of words: 945 - Number of pages: 4.... Then Chillingworth, still
trying to find out the name of her lover, comments, ". . . but Hester, the
man lives who has wronged us both! Who is he?" When he says this, he is
hinting that he is going to do something to Dimmesdale. This is why Hester
makes Chillingworth promise not to kill her lover if he finds out his
identity. Chillingworth deserves to know who slept with his wife,
although Hester should not have had to tell him. I think that Dimmesdale
should have admitted that he was Pearl's father. Today, if a priest
admitted such a crime, he would probably be sent to jail. However, .....
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Bright Shining Lie
Number of words: 1704 - Number of pages: 7.... detailed reports to those in charge of the actual conditions and state of the war. However, those above him either ignored the reports or destroyed them, because they could not believe that anyone could stand up to the might of the U.S. Reports that were sent to Washington were often dressed up to make things appear better than they were. No deliberated plan to misinform the government was ever uncovered, the generals simply believed that eventually things would go their way and they didn't want to alarm anyone. Vann learned of this practice and decided to start using the press to get hi .....
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Wright's "Black Boy": An Oppressionist Impression
Number of words: 882 - Number of pages: 4.... and mesmorizing tone; like that of
a preecher drawing his audience into a hymm. Omisdt violence, under anger and
fear, Wright converses with the reader as though he were a youth leader telling
a story to a group of boyscouts outside by a campfire. His spellbounding words
chant the reader into his world and produce a map through which the reader
follows his life in the shadows of others. “ I mingled with the boys, hoping to
pass unnoticed , but knowing that sooner or later I would be spotted for a
newcomer. And trouble came quickly- a bloabk boy came bounding past me, thumping
my hat to the .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Holden Was A Twisted Individual
Number of words: 370 - Number of pages: 2.... Holden is set on a straight path. Holden gets depressed when he sees something in the world he can’t change. Most young adults don’t think about things like this and get depressed. Most young adults think about it and become sad and move on. Holden has trouble letting go of things
Holden has such a twisted mind that he thinks his teacher Mr. Antolini is gay and a pass at him. This happened when Mr. Antolini try to make Holden feel better about his life and then Mr. Antolini touch him and Holden mistook this as a sign of homosexuality. Mr. Antolini was only trying to be kind. .....
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