Term Papers on Book Reports |
Their Eyes Were Watching God: Janie Crawford
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2.... she becomes like a little kid
being told what to do by an adult, Joe. She does it without even questioning
herself, which is why I think that she loses the part of her voice that she has
discovered by running away from Logan. At times, she has enough courage to say
no to Joe, but he always has something to say back that discourages Janie from
continuing her argument. But, in my opinion, Janie does not lose her will to
find herself and it might have even become stronger because the reader can see
that Janie is not happy with the way things are now and that she will probably
want to c .....
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Biblical Allusions And Imagery In Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath
Number of words: 1675 - Number of pages: 7.... in poverty and therefore was branded as a Communist
because of his "voice." Although, it did become a bestseller and receive
countless awards, his book was banned in many schools and libraries.
However, critics never attacked The Grapes of Wrath on the artistic level
and they still consider it a beautifully mastered work of art. More than
any other American novel, it successfully embodies a contemporary social
problem of national scope in an artistically viable expression.1 In The
Grapes of Wrath, Steinbeck utilizes Biblical imagery and allusions to
illustrate the struggle of the Joa .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities
Number of words: 321 - Number of pages: 2.... of Marquis St Evermonde. This aristocrat shows selfishness and dominance over the common people of France. He has no respect for the common people. This is apparent when he cold hartedly runs over an innocent child with his carriage. After he runs the child over, he does not stop his carriage, he throws a coin to the child’s parent, thinking that the coin is make up for the child’s life. This act portrays the nobility’s no respect for life. It also portrays the coldness and unsympathtic atitude of France’s nobiliyt. Dickens makes the reader despise the French nobility by showing .....
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The Godfather: Did The Author Present An Accurate Portrayal Of Narcotics As A Major Part Of The Mafia Business
Number of words: 1554 - Number of pages: 6.... to this was, from where could they get it. Depending on what it was, it had to be found and brought in from over-seas. From Ecuador they could obtain opium poppies with which to make heroin, and virtually unlimited supply of coca leaves, with which to make cocaine from Bolivia and Peru. Plus their smuggling routes and expertise were solidly established. Hence, the first drug laboratories were established in Medellin, supposedly with Mafia money (Eddy and Hugo, 45). The New York Mafia as well as other American crime families, would buy the drugs from Colombian drug lords. One of the maj .....
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Animal Farm Book Report
Number of words: 2085 - Number of pages: 8.... "Animal Farm" slowly starts to loose
power and Mr. Jones takes back over. This is a
style analysis of Animal Farm.
Diction, language and imagery are three important
elements in a style analysis. A word choice that
is used a lot in the novel is "rebellion".
Rebellion is a word used instead of a revolution
or a war. Another word that is used a lot in the
novel is "comrade". Comrade means an intimate
friend or associate. Comrade is used in that form
in the novel, instead of saying that someone was
their friend the animals called him their comrade.
"’No, comrades, a thousand times .....
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The Narrator And Sam Cavanaugh: Dolls To Control?
Number of words: 1245 - Number of pages: 5.... persuasion and against his better judgement, the narrator takes Mr. Norton to a run down Black neighborhood. Then he takes Mr. Norton to a bar and risks his health and life. When Dr. Bledsoe found out about the trip the narrator was kicked out of school because he showed Mr. Norton anything less than the ideal Black man.
The next example in Invisible Man that implies the narrator and all black men have no control or say so in their lives is when the narrator is sent away from the college. He is sent to a paint factor to work. The narrator arrives and immediately notices the huge electric .....
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The Adventures Of Sherlock Hol
Number of words: 1510 - Number of pages: 6.... Being with Holmes gives him a chance to see the man's brain, which Watson openly admires, in action, as well. He also gets a chance to test his own mind against the problems they encounter. He seems to enjoy the drama of his friend's life and work, speaking of Holmes as a fascinating creature, more machine than man at times. Unravelling the mystery of who Holmes is seems to be one of his main motivations, as well as his own desire for adventure, even if he stays much more grounded than his
Sherlock Holmes himself is a detective with an unusual approach and personality. He h .....
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Glass Menagerie
Number of words: 655 - Number of pages: 3.... Laura was constantly pushed by her mother to take a night coarse in typing so that she could get a job and make money for the family.
Laura is much like the unicorn that sits on her shelf. The unicorn is different from all the other horses in that it has a single horn on its head. The unicorn is Laura's favorite, and is also the first glass piece she made. i think this represents how she looks at herself as an individual. She is set apart by her indiffrence, and cannot change the wayshe looks at herself. She want to feel like she is special, but never gets acceptance from her classm .....
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Holding The Dream
Number of words: 763 - Number of pages: 3.... a small age, eight years old. Kate trained her self to be a practical woman, one who worked hard toward any goals she had and earned them step by step always being careful. She lived in the Templetown house for many years, then she decided to make it out on her own. She was an attorney. Kate worked at the office for a company called Bittle and Associates. She loved where she lived it made her happy. She lived in Big Sur, California. She was happy to be with her foster parents Josh and Alexia, and Margo and Laura, and the other children. Kate lived a normal life with that family. A .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Atticus And Miss Maudie
Number of words: 615 - Number of pages: 3.... know what extent of legal trouble her actions might offer for Tom, not to mention problems with her father. She didn’t know he’d run and therefore seem to seal the fact that he provoked it.
Mayella took care of everything around her. In this way she sang her heart out. Mayella took charge of her siblings. She was like their mother. They might not have had much class, but they were relatively healthy and able thanks to her. She kept a good house (with the help of Tom Robinson it seems). The most touching point is that with all her responsibilities and at the age she was, Mayella .....
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