Term Papers on Book Reports |
Why The Unicorn Must Lose Its Horn
Number of words: 670 - Number of pages: 3.... she is different from both her mother and brother. Jim says that the unicorn "feel[s] sort of lonesome"(1752). Laura is alluding to herself when she talks about the unicorn being the only one among the other horses. When Jim says that the unicorn is lonesome Laura replies with, "Well, if he [is] he doesn’t complain about it. He stays on a shelf with some horses that don’t have horns and all of them seem to get along nicely together"(1752). When the unicorn looses his horn the unicorn becomes just like all the other horses which is how Jim makes Laura feel. In Jim’s arms Laura begin .....
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The Neurosis Of Passion
Number of words: 1941 - Number of pages: 8.... either devoid of femininity and impotent, or love-mad and utterly absurd.
The female first described in Great Expectations is Pip’s deceased mother. Having never seen his parents he imagines his mother as "freckled and sickly" (Dickens, 3). The novel thus begins with a negative image of women and motherhood. Later Pip introduces his sister and mother substitute, Mrs. Joe Gargery describing her as harsh and unapproachable, far from the mother of Victorian fantasy. In Mrs. Joe’s marriage to Joe the typical male and female roles are reversed. This reversal is pointed out to th .....
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Number of words: 1104 - Number of pages: 5.... by several people. When he meets these people he tells them where he is going. They cross themselves along with doing other superstitious actions. What Harker doesn't realize is that it was the eve of Saint George's Day, a night when "all the evil things in the world will have full sway"[12]. So, one of the women concerned for his safety gives him a rosary to protect him on his journey. A superstition of most is that a rosary will protect you from all evil, and in this novel the evil party is and his followers. This rosary protects him when Jonathan cuts himself shaving the next day a .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Holden Deals With Alcohol, Sex, And Violence
Number of words: 1121 - Number of pages: 5.... one cause of death amongst teenagers. Studies show that among high school students age 14 - 17, 60% of the students use alcohol once a week, 75% use it at least once a month, and 85% have used it once in the year.
In the novel, Holden Caulfield has very easy access to alcoholic beverages. Throughout the novel, it seems that every time Holden gets depressed, he turns towards alcohol. in Chapter 12, Holden is at Ernie's night club and he got served even though he was only a minor. In Chapter 20, Holden gets drunk. The way he acted when he was drunk shows how pathetic you are when you can no .....
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Materialism - The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 1699 - Number of pages: 7.... and Nick Carraway to display how the materialistic attitude of the 1920’s leads many to hopeless depression and how materialism never constitutes happiness. Fitzgerald uses Jay Gatsby, a character who spends his entire adult life raising his status, only to show the stupidity of the materialistic attitude. Rather than hard work, Gatsby turns to crime and bootlegging in order to earn wealth and status to get the attention of Daisy Buchanon, a woman he falls in love with five years earlier. "He [Gatsby] found her [Daisy] excitingly desirable. He went to her house… There was a ripe myst .....
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1984: Summary And Reactions
Number of words: 3005 - Number of pages: 11.... telling on traitors,
including parents. Winston is revolted. He returns home and writes a couple
more minutes before going back to work. He remenbers a dream where O'Brien tole
him he would meet him in a place wher there is no darkness. He washes his hands
and hides the diary
Major ideas, conflicts and themes are introduced. We are shown how the earth
has changed, into 3 main contenients. we are also introduced to the main
character and how he fits into the new world. Also we are shown how the
computer age has taken over peoples minds. The language is easy to understan .....
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The Odyssey - Comparing The Ro
Number of words: 851 - Number of pages: 4.... mystery.
In “Rustler’s Rhapsody”, Miss Tracy and the C.B.’s daughter are the only female characters. They both portray the stereotype of incipit debutantes who are instantly attracted to the handsome hero. The C.B.’s daughter is an inept character who gets dragged across the desert by her horse “Wildfire”, only to be saved by Rex O’ Herolan. In that particular scene, she attempts to seduce Rex by flirting and engaging in small talk about a blanket. Miss Tracy, the town prostitute, is even more direct than the C.B.’s daughter. She .....
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Number of words: 1421 - Number of pages: 6.... punishable by death. By employing literary devices such as diction,
foreshadowing, and symbolism, Orwell composes a novel "1984" which proves
to be a gem in Orwell's collection of novels against totalitarianism.
Orwell wrote 1984 as a political statement against totalitarianism.
Orwell's word choice drives the plot of the story in that they introduce a
new dimension, a world where everything takes place in a modern controlled
society. The phrase "Newspeak" was created by Orwell to describe a
derivation of the English language, which this new world uses to
communicate, and to represent .....
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Black Like Me
Number of words: 901 - Number of pages: 4.... he saw the light bulb, and the truth that he wanted people to understand.
Mr. Griffin was a middle age white man who lived with his wife and children. He was not oriented to his family. He decided to pass his own society to the black society. Although this decision might help most of the African Americans, he had to sacrifice his gathering time with his family. “She offered, as her part of the project, her willingness to lead, with our three children, the unsatisfactory family life of a household deprived of husband and father” (Griffin 9). Leaving Mrs. Griffin and his childre .....
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An Analysis Of The Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 641 - Number of pages: 3.... and hardships while on the island including the
dangers of the jungle, finding food, and remaining a functional group.
The novel's main focus is on Ralph and his experiences on the island.
As leader of the group, Ralph has a great deal of responsibility and must learn
how to work with this responsibility. Through the course of the story, Ralph
changes from an adolescent child to a mature person, but ends up breaking down
at the end of the novel. This aspect of Ralph's character is a way that Golding
depicts human behavior in society, which is the main theme of the book.
As the novel b .....
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