Term Papers on Book Reports |
Lord Of The Flies: The Setting
Number of words: 428 - Number of pages: 2.... give responsibilities to each of
the characters. The type of government will shape their behaviors and the
respect from the others. Their rules of civilization change the way people
feel about each other. For example, Jack does not like Ralph because Ralph
is the leader of the group and makes the decisions, but Jack doesn't like
the way Ralph leads them.
Another reason Golding put the setting on an island is that the
environment is different from the conditions that they're used to. The
environment and vegetation of the island is a big influence on their daily
life. Their life b .....
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Famous Mathematicians: A Book Review
Number of words: 825 - Number of pages: 3.... has been and will continue to be an important part of mathematics.
Archimedes was born in Syracuse in 287 BC and is thought of as the greatest mathematician, engineer, and physicist of ancient times. He was often asked by King Hieron to solve problems or assist in the safekeeping of Syracuse by developing different defense mechanisms. His mathematical works are concerned with many topics including plane geometry, cylinders, solid geometry, and arithmetic, especially with the estimation and notation of large numbers. A Roman soldier killed Archimedes as he was working on a geometric desi .....
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Definition Of Integrity
Number of words: 570 - Number of pages: 3.... towards
himselfor his beliefs. Danforth, is the Deputy Governor who convicts the
citizens of being witches. When Danforth is asked to pardon the accused,
he refuses saying that he can't because twelve have already hung for the
same crime, and he refuses to let asnyone off. Even though he knows what
is right and that they are innocent he won't because it would ruin the
integrity of the court, and his own recitude.
Indictment: The McMartin Trial, also has many characters who
posses a great sense of integrity. For instance the McMartin family sticks
together even when they are bein .....
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Summary: Jurassic Park
Number of words: 1405 - Number of pages: 6.... which was found near the sight where the young girl was bit, was
sent to a lab to be examined, and it was identified as a Procompsognathus,
thought to be extinct for millions of years. The scientists who witnessed
the evidence, Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant, both foremost in the fields of
paleontology, were soon requested to fly down to a private island off of
Costa Rica by John Hammond, founder of InGen. A little later on in the
second section, the story unfolds somewhat, when the scene shifts to a
meeting of the Biosyn Corporation of Cupertino, where they explain that
InGen was cloning dinos .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 1000 - Number of pages: 4.... raft, feeling bad and
low…Then I thought a minute, and says to myself, hold on,- s'pose you'd a
done right and give Jim up; would you felt better than you do now? No, says
I, I'd feel bad…" (p.127). Only a few weeks with Jim and still feeling
great ambivalence, Huck returns to the river to think. Twain tries here to
tell the reader how strong the "mob" really is, and only when totally alone
is Huck able to make the morally correct decision. The natural flowing and
calm of the river cause this deep-thought, showing how unnatural the
collective thought of a society can be.
The largest an .....
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Phoolan Devi: Perceptions Of Power
Number of words: 978 - Number of pages: 4.... power, but regardless of the order in which it is
conceptualized, I feel the nature of power is inextricably founded in belief and
One of the most striking characteristics of Phoolan Devi is her refusal to
accept her power-deficient positions in her relationships. From the time that
she was a child, she seems to have refused to conform to her society's
hierarchical indexing. She resisted attempts to categorize and fix her into
typical gender, class, and matrimonial positions. This is not to say that her
resistance was always successful, but I am trying to show a lack of .....
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Pride And Prejudice: Thoughts Of Marriage
Number of words: 501 - Number of pages: 2.... new
crowd. Her plans are to get in contact with them and make aware her five
unmarried daughters. Mrs. Bennet encourages her daughter, Jane, to set her
sights on Mr. Bingley. Mr. Bennet's' sarcastic comments prove his
disconcert on the whole topic. When Jane is invited to meet with Mr.
Bingley and his sister, Mrs. Bennet suggests that she go by horseback in
hopes that she could probably get ill and extend her stay. Mrs. Bennet's'
mind is always thinking of ways to marry off her daughters. Her idea works
to perfection and Jane ends up staying longer.
Mrs. Bennet goes to work aga .....
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Fantasy Vs. Reality
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... belong
to. With all her heart, she longs for a true friend that she can tell her
dreams to and will understand her for it. These wishes seem easy enough to
grant, but Esperanza soon finds out that there is more to friendship. "If you
give me five dollars, I will be your friend forever." Esperanza discovers that
she can not have anything for nothing. Rachel and Lucy sure enough become her
friends, but only after she helped them pay for the bike. Esperanza never does
truly find a real friend who shares the same goal as she does because all the
friends she has have more problems than her. .....
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Analysis Of Pearl In Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"
Number of words: 1256 - Number of pages: 5.... The character of Pearl in the Scarlet Letter lived a very difficult life.
Before the novel begins, Hester Prynne gives birth to Pearl after having an
affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, a Puritan minister. Pearl's birth proves that
Hester cheated on her husband Roger Chillingworth provoking the stories action.
The novel opens with the people of Boston staring and laughing at Hester holding
Pearl while standing on the town's scaffold. At this time, Pearl is three
months old. Years later Hester gets released from jail and lives with Pearl in
the outskirts of town. Since Hester becomes .....
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The Flies: Ideal Of Authority
Number of words: 849 - Number of pages: 4.... about by the death of her father, and the acquired power of gisthus. Electra has many dreams and wishes that she is unable to fulfill due to her low status in society. One of these dreams includes the reappearance of her brother Orestes, who disappeared from the city and their father was killed. Orestes does in fact return to Argos, and at one point offers to take Electra and leave town, yet Electra refuses to go. Possibly, Electra has become to accustomed to living a life of servitude and powerlessness that she is afraid of living a life of her own with responsibilities to uphold .....
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