Term Papers on Book Reports |
All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 1609 - Number of pages: 6.... of his
pre-enlistment and innocent days. Further, he is repulsed by the banal
and meaningless language that is used by members of that society. As
he becomes alienated from his former, traditional, society, Baumer
simultaneously is able to communicate effectively only with his
military comrades. Since the novel is told from the first person point
of view, the reader can see how the words Baumer speaks are at
variance with his true feelings. In his preface to the novel, Remarque
maintains that "a generation of men ... were destroyed by the war"
(Remarque, All Quiet .....
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Importance Of The Concept Of H
Number of words: 980 - Number of pages: 4.... of the poem the seafarer identifies his life with his kinsmen on land as his home, the place that he belongs.
At first he does not seem content with his seafaring life. During the early descriptions of his time there, it is painted as a life of hardship and penance. Images and adjectives of the sea and life there are harsh and foreboding-"ice cold", "hung round with icicles" , "fettered with frost". The sea is seen as cold, and not just in the physical sense .It is remote, a place of despair , an earthly purgatory, where there is "always anxiety …. as to what the Lord will bestow on h .....
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East Of Eden By John Steinbeck
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... Acoording to the town Cathy lived, Cathy had a scent of sweetness, but that is just what Cathy wanted the town to see and think when Cathy planned her kill. On page 114-115, "The fire broke out... the Ames house went up like a rocket... Enough remained of Mr. and Mrs. Ames to make sure there were two bodies." Cathy had set the house on fire and broke into the safe to steal the family's money. As the investigators scoped the place, they noticed that the bolts stuck out and there were no keys left in the locks. They knew it was not an accident. Cathy's body was never found, but the town .....
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Beat Movement
Number of words: 677 - Number of pages: 3.... most important contributions to
contemporary verse was to take poetry out of the classrooms and into
non-academic setting—coffee houses, jazz clubs, large public auditoriums and
even athletic stadiums. Poetry is more popular and more read than anytime in
history, not only spoken poetry but also sung poetry of a high order. "The
literature, coordinated by pop music, with a way of dressing, with a way of life,
it something that has influenced the youth of the world not only in Western
countries but Eastern countries as well. (" Music has been
influenced greatly by Beat writing. .....
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Animal Farm: The Corruption In Humans And The Character Napoleon
Number of words: 836 - Number of pages: 4.... effect he had on others didn't have
much impact on his moral character. His tactics for deception were his
cunning ways. An example of this is when the pigs milked the cows and
someone asked what was going to happen to all that milk, Napoleon
receptively shrugged it off by saying: “ ‘ Never mind the milk, comrades!'
cried Napoleon, placing himself in front of the buckets. ‘That will be
attended to.' “ Napoleon is using a communist term when referring to the
other animals as comrades. A Utilitarian is one who believes all things
should be done with the greater good in mind. This i .....
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Fallen Angles
Number of words: 721 - Number of pages: 3.... Peewee and Perry have a few days to rest, because they have a weekend pass and it grants them 48 hours of freedom. They go to Saigon and have a few drinks and generally have fun, before they have to report back to their unit, which is stationed in the northern highlands of South Vietnam. When they return, they are happy that they made good use of their weekend passes in Saigon.
The next day, Peewee and Perry are sent on another patrol, but this time they are sent in by helicopter. They are sent to an area known to have active Vîet Công troops in the vicinity. It does not take long f .....
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Comparison Of Alex From Clockw
Number of words: 1666 - Number of pages: 7.... and enemies. Society plays an important part in both of their lives. It is ironic that Alex starts as a savage and Jack as a civilized human being, But when their society’s and surroundings affect them each of them becomes what the other was. Alex becomes unable to commit evil and Jack assumes leadership of a savage group that commits acts of brutality.
Alex and his “droogs” set the town ablaze by committing horrific acts of violence. He loves doing what his society says is wrong. During one of their night rides, Alex and his droogs, ripped out an old man’s teet .....
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To Kill A Mockingbord: Atticus Finch
Number of words: 658 - Number of pages: 3.... asleep. Don't wake him.
...You know what we want, another man said. Get aside from the
door, Mr. Finch.
You can turn around and go home again, Walter, Atticus said
Atticus stayed and protected a black man when an angry mob came for
him. The towns people could not believe he would do such a thing. Atticus
does not care what the towns people thinks right he does what he thinks is
Atticus is an excellent parent. He raised his children not to be
disrespectful and not to be prejudice. He has enstilled in his children
the morals w .....
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As I Lay Dying: Character's Words And Insight To Underlying Meanings
Number of words: 1183 - Number of pages: 5.... gift of
realizing things without them having to actually be told to him to gain
credibility with the reader. Who would doubt a narrator who possesses that
type of adroitness? Also, his language is clear and reflective. He uses
similes and metaphors and appears to have an acute awareness of spatial
relationships. Darl's sophisticated perception and poetic linguistics give him
the means of reaching for and maintaining his role as a competent observer and
reporter. However, his position does create certain problems for his siblings.
Tull describes Darl's “look” as being uncanny. .....
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Snow Falling On Cedars: Ishmael And Hatsue
Number of words: 1004 - Number of pages: 4.... to see her, even if she did not see him. He thought of her no matter what he was doing. In the simplest sense of the word, he loved Hatsue.
Hatsue was the second to think she fell in love. She reacted to Ishmael. When they kissed on the boat, she did not think as much of it as Ishmael. She did not realize he loved her until he told her. She then realized she liked being with him, and returned his love partially in spirit, but completely in word. Her initial intent was to extend friendship towards Ishmael. They were friends since their early childhood, and Hatsue saw nothing more of it on he .....
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