Term Papers on Book Reports |
To Kill A Mockingbird: Childhood Experience
Number of words: 1562 - Number of pages: 6.... however, has given me a big revelation after reading the two
novels. The novels show that the childhood experience of a person has a great
positive influence on his personality, behaviour, and ways on dealing with
others. This idea has been shown by the authors in both novels.
From the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, one could discover that innocent
behaviour and misunderstanding can lead a child to view a person or thing
incorrectly and incompletely. This behaviour can also lead a child to a wrong
perspective. In the first part of To Kill a Mockingbird, the main character .....
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The Glass Menagerie
Number of words: 719 - Number of pages: 3.... her
physical condition, more so than normal people.
Another symbol presented deals more with Tom than any of the other
characters: Tom's habit of going to the movies shows us his longing to
leave the apartment and head out into the world of reality. A place where
one can find adventure. And Tom, being a poet, can understand the needs of
man to long for adventure and romance. But he is kept from entering
reality by Amanda, who criticizes him as being a "selfish dreamer." But,
Tom has made steps to escape into reality by transferring the payment of a
light bill to pay for his .....
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Number of words: 303 - Number of pages: 2.... sin by its nature. The second by its significance is hunger, which is represented by a she-wolf. This beast is the symbol of all the cravings such as sex, food and money. However, the first beast that Dante sees is a leopard. His spots on the body are very meaningful; they have ability to change if we look at baby deer, for example. Therefore, the leopard is the symbol of trickery, betrayal. The by Dante as a pure piece of art intensifies our experience of life. For me, it is a chance to examine my own experiences, some outer source that fulfill my inner need of thoughts.
Word Count: 301 .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Hypocrisy Is A Sin
Number of words: 1280 - Number of pages: 5.... independent woman who deals with her sin of
adultery very well. Instead of running away from it, she lives with it and
accepts her punishment. However, while succumbing to the will of the court,
she does not for an instant truly believe that she sinned. Hester thinks
that she has not committed adultery because in her mind she wasn't really
married to Chillingworth. Hester believes that marriage is only valid when
there is love, and there is no love between Hester and Chillingworth. In
the prison, defending her actions against him, she declares, "Thou knowest,
thou knowest that I was fra .....
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Jane Eyre
Number of words: 1461 - Number of pages: 6.... relationship. At one point, she even goes so far as to excuse herself for thinking. She says, "I was thinking, sir (you will excuse the idea; it was involuntary), I was thinking of Hercules and Samson with their charmers" (p.289). This statement possibly begins to suggests Janes unsatisfaction with Rochester's position of complete dominance in their relationship. To Jane, Rochester embodies the idea of love which she has so long been denied of. As I stated earlier, the whole movie is about Janes journey towards acceptance, by herself and by others. It is this journey which persuades her .....
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The Innocence Of Oedipus By J. T. Sheppard: Reactions And Emotions Of The Audience
Number of words: 551 - Number of pages: 3.... both of these misfortunes.
Imperfections come within all men. This brings forth the difference between voluntary and the involuntary crimes. Oedipus is in fact a good man, who was “the unfortunate man who had committed an unintentional crime.” Sheppard states his philosophy of a good man. “Of the best it may be said that they are in a sense ‘good’ since there is nothing ‘shameful’ in their intentional and purposed deed and thought. But even so, they are not secure. Perfection, if calamity comes, is not possible.” “A man may be guilty through no fault of his .....
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The Great Gatsby: Morality And Gatsby
Number of words: 366 - Number of pages: 2.... and full of doubt. "He had seen me several times and had intended to call
on me long before but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it-
signed Jay Gatsby." (Fitzgerald 45-46) The two had lived next door to each
other for awhile however, they had never associated. Therefore, along with the
invitation to the party there was some suspicion. Jay Gatsby is a very wealthy
man. Nick Carraway, although he lives in West Egg, is not wealthy nor elegant.
The two are certainly opposites. Gatsby and Carraway are bound to take
advantage of each other.
In The Great Gatsby moral .....
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Sphere: Summary
Number of words: 361 - Number of pages: 2.... fire, and internal floods follow
the introduction of the squid. Barnes is eaten alive by the gigantic
After the climax and many deaths the few people left discover whoever
enters the Sphere is granted the power that everything they think or
imagine happens or is created. Either it's conscious or subconscious,
while they're sleeping or awake, or even if they really want it to happen.
They also it was planted by another world as a test of its full
capabilities and consequences. Ted actually imagines his own death, only to
kill himself. Once their emergency submarine is lost, th .....
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Handmaids Tale Vs. Fire Dwelle
Number of words: 2033 - Number of pages: 8.... of every day routine.
The nature of Offred’s lost identity is very drastic. Before the new religious group of Gilead took over the world she was a very normal every day woman. She did what was expected of her time and continued to do so after the take over. She had a husband and a daughter who she loved very much. But the new society which she lives in love is not permitted. “ If I thought that this would happen again I would die. But this is wrong, nobody dies from lack of sex. It’s lack of love we die from. There’s nobody here I can love, all the .....
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The Gift: Review
Number of words: 976 - Number of pages: 4.... realizing it he had fallen in love with her. Tommy's parent had a lot of difficulty accepting Maribeth because she was so young and alone and also pregnant. But very soon they became supportive of Tommy and his love for Maribeth because they realized how good-hearted she was. Tommy's parents soon decide to adopt Maribeth's child, knowing that this was another chance to share their love with a child, knowing that this child was a gift from God, and that Maribeth was sent to them for a reason.
During this novel, after Maribeth had gotten pregnant, she seemed very unsure of what she was she goi .....
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