Term Papers on Book Reports |
Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 538 - Number of pages: 2.... dreams of man. Sometimes, this can drive man to great things, sometimes it can drive a man to ruin. Willy was driven to the latter. (Not his own greed for he was a simple man with simple dreams, but by the greed of others.) The developers who took away the sun and gave birth to shadows, his boss who reduced him to commission and his sons which reduced him to a failure.
The next largest flaw in society is a lack of compassion. This could be as a result of almost overwhelming greed, the main culprit being big business. "I'm always in a race with the junkyard! I just finished paying for th .....
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A Seperate Peace
Number of words: 1111 - Number of pages: 5.... lie within his best friend Phineas (Finny), but later he realizes that his conflict is internal. Misplaced jealousy, fear, love and hate fight for control of Gene's actions. When the dark side of him wins for a brief moment and he pushes Finny out of a tree it ends his man against man conflict and makes Gene realize that Finny's intention has never been to sabotage him. He had only wanted to have a close and meaningful relationship with his best friend, but their relationship was forever scarred by Gene's betrayal. Gene also learns that people destruct themselves all of the time for no re .....
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Emma By Jane Austen
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... Miss Taylor’s departure gradually begins to heal. As the story progresses, Emma notices Harriet’s fondness of a young farmer by the name of Robert Martin. Emma feels that Mr. Martin is not worthy of her dear friend’s hand, and convinces Harriet to decline his proposal. Emma, confident of her own matchmaking abilities, then tries to make a match between her companion and Mr. Elton, who is a charming gentleman of an impetuous background. This reveals one of the themes in the story, which is social class prejudice. Although Mr. Martin’s earnings are quite respectable, Emma feels t .....
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Gullivers Travels And Robinson Crusoe: Characters Resemble Trained Soldiers
Number of words: 1402 - Number of pages: 6.... through many parts of Europe. The period from 1600 to about 1750 is known as the Baroque Era. Throughout this period the Catholic Church was fighting back against the effects of the Renaissance. The people of the Renaissance society started to question their beliefs in the church and tried to rationally explain the world around them. Several crusades were fought throughout this period and in the end England and France became "Christianized." Robinson Crusoe was published during the Baroque Era and it contained a great amount of Catholicism. Crusoe becomes a good Christian during his lonely .....
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The Beauty Myth: Themes
Number of words: 1366 - Number of pages: 5.... in culture has significantly made an impact on society today. It has always been that men were judged on their masculinity by their achievements and women’s femininity has been based upon by there looks. The fourth issue in the book is about health. The book talks about how women would jeopardize their health to look good for men by starving themselves or by having another form of an eating disorder. The fifth and last issue in the book is that of violence. One example given is that women would subject themselves to plastic surgery to become more attractive to men. This, in a way, is a t .....
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The Life And Work Of Anthony Burgess
Number of words: 1819 - Number of pages: 7.... of five books, Burgess also focused on his life experiences.
Enderby's Dark Lady was the fifth in the series, and that will be the second
book focused on in this paper. Anthony Burgess's work in A Clockwork Orange and
Enderby's Dark Lady strongly reflects significant events or influences in his
own life.
Anthony Burgess was born John Burgess Wilson in Manchester, England in
early 1917. (Stinson 1). Both of Burgess's parents were members of the theatric
arts: His father was a pianist, his mother was a musical actress. Burgess went
to a Catholic elementary school, and was one of the ma .....
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The Themes In To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee
Number of words: 1161 - Number of pages: 5.... recluse might
live, the courtroom, and the lawyer's office" (Matuz 239). This
environment and her southern background proved to be the perfect
combination for writing a story about life in a quiet town in Alabama. The
only way to be a good writer is to write from experience, and since she
lived most of her life in the setting of the story, her writing proved to
be good. The timing for the release of To Kill a Mockingbird could not
have been more perfect. "In a time of the burgeoning civil rights
movement, her book was met with popular acclaim and was later adapted for
film" (Matu .....
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The Great Gatsby: Jay Gatsby Is A Pathetic Character
Number of words: 1284 - Number of pages: 5.... At that time, divorce was very
uncommon, and it was very unlikely that any woman would leave her husband
for any reason at all.
Everything that Gatsby ever did in his whole life was based upon
his pursuit of the dream. He moved to New York and bought his very
expensive mansion because of Daisy. Jordan Baker said, "Gatsby bought that
house so that Daisy would be just across the bay."(Fitzgerald 83) He held
many expensive parties in the hope that Daisy might show up at one of them.
Jordan said, "I think he half expected her to wander into one of his
parties, some night, but she neve .....
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The Bluest Eye 3
Number of words: 1310 - Number of pages: 5.... with the barest necessities. Cholly dies alone in a warehouse. Claudia MacTeer is the main narrator in the story. She is about nine years old when they story takes place, she is remembering the story. Claudia is black and doesn't see anything wrong with that. She isn't like the other girls who think it would be better if she was white, she doesn't buy into that idea, she destroys the white dolls that she receives for Christmas. Claudia has learned from her mother how to be a strong black female and express her opinion in a white dominated society. Frieda is a lot like her sister and had the .....
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Animal Farm
Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... they renamed the farm from Manor Farm to Animal Farm.
The pigs learned to read and write by looking at books in the farmhouse. They also learned
many other things. The animals had to work even harder than before. They had to harvest the
fields without any tools. The animals were still happy anyway because they were free from the
farmers rule. An old donkey named Benjamin was unchanged after the rebellion. They had sort of
what was like council meetings. Napoleon and Snowball were most active in the debates. They
made committees to teach the animals how to read and write. Napoleon foun .....
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