Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Great Gatsby: The Destructive Effects Of Wealth
Number of words: 416 - Number of pages: 2.... between them.
They seem like a couple in their 80's who are sick and tired of each
other. The fact that they came from rich families probably attributed to
their snobby behavior.
The attitude in the first chapter showed a lot of the ugliness
attributed to wealth. Tom especially showed little and at times no sign
of a pleasant attitude while Nick visited his home. He always found a way
to throw in that he was better than Nick, "I've got a nice place here."
and when he blurted out that he had " never heard of them " (the company
that Nick was working for) just to make him fell superio .....
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The Trial By Kafka And The Stranger By Camus: Flaws And Failures Of The Judicial System
Number of words: 1578 - Number of pages: 6.... flaws are entirely different,
The purpose of the plot in The Trial is to show the downfalls of a
judicial system that is run without the public’s knowledge or input. Kafka
wants the reader see the flaws in their judicial system and to become
actively involved in the judicial reforms. He wants the reader to see that
these flaws should not just be brushed off as mere inconveniences. He uses
K. to show the life-altering (and in K.’s case, life-ending) effects that
judicial flaws can have on the public. His arrest, his search for answers,
and his trial and eventual execution .....
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The Symbolism Of Color In The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 821 - Number of pages: 3.... [Daisy] dressed in white, and had a little white roadster…"
(p. 75) She also dresses her daughter in white. Even in Daisy’s name we see
white. The Daisy is a white and yellow flower. Daisy also often became
physically white. "His [Gatsby’s] heart beat faster and faster as Daisy’s
white face came up to his own." (p. 112) It is obvious that Daisy is a
very white character. As far as purity goes Daisy spends a great deal of
time trying to appear pure with her white possessions. Perhaps she is pure
to some extent but she is, at least, undoubtedly white.
Green is Gatsby’s color in the .....
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Flowers For Algernon Essay
Number of words: 1803 - Number of pages: 7.... memories of the
night his parents took him to the Warren Home. He was terrified and his dad
would never answer his questions. Charlie remembered his childhood and
through his memories, he felt guilty for hurting his family.
After the operation, In the bakery, he used to have friends. Friends
that would talk to him and care about him. Charlie then realized that he had
no friends but merely knew people that made fun of him. The bakery
employees just liked him because they could blame their mistakes on Charlie.
Then, they could not do this after the operation, so they all turned aga .....
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Real And Unreal
Number of words: 870 - Number of pages: 4.... wrong relationship. It just implies that the characters are both dedicated to their relationship not being positive. In a realistic relationship, there are constant factors interfering with the relationship, and opinions of the other change and vary throughout the work. Claire Kemp, in her short story, “Keeping Company” gives an example of a relationship that is controlled by the male. He suppresses his wife. Perhaps the cause of this is his own insecurity with the relationship. Securing her love for him has taken precedent over him providing love for her. The couple’s current resid .....
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Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... Grendel is very lonely in the world of man. He has only one person close to
him and that is his mother. She cares for Grendel but just with the natural
motherly instincts which Grendel sees as mechanical. Grendel doesn't understand,
"Why can't I have someone to talk to?" as the world starts to look darker in his
eyes. Animals of all sorts are enemies of his because they don't understand him.
Grendel is more superior
Grendel's role in society is to be the great destroyer. The Dragon tells
Grendel this " You improve them, my boy! … You stimulate them!" but Grendel dose
not want .....
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Amazing Grace By Jonathan Kozol
Number of words: 1931 - Number of pages: 8.... tribulations of everyday “normal” life for the children and people who live here. Normal for them however is quite different than it is for most of us. Living with drug dealers, pollution, poor hospital care and an abominable education system not to mention the social system of the city, is the “norm” for these children. In his interviews with the children of this squalid neighborhood, we find that the children speak honestly and freely about their feelings. Forgotten, hidden, abandoned, are just some of the words that come to mind. One boy named “Malcolm X” wears his hair i .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Analysis Of The Title
Number of words: 1072 - Number of pages: 4.... up Jem's pant that tore on Dill's
last night. Boo was the one who saved their lives. On the contrary to
Scout's primary belief, Boo never harms anyone. Scout also realizes that
she wrongfully treated Boo when she thinks about the gifts in the tree.
She never gave anything back to Boo, except love at the end. When Scout
escorts Arthur home and stands on his front porch, she sees the same
street she saw, just from an entirely different perspective. Scout learns
what a Mockingbird is, and who represents one.
Arthur Radley not only plays an important role in developing Scout
and J .....
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Canterbury Tales-a Personal Pe
Number of words: 689 - Number of pages: 3.... simplest way to achieve salvation was to buy it. The character of the Pardoner is truly one of the books most evil-hearted and despicable, for he is the person who can “sell” salvation. He takes total advantage of his position intimidating people into buying his pardons, indulgences, and holy relics. The Pardoner has no real concern for the sinners, he only wants his money, as shown on page 243, where he says “Out come the pence, and specially for myself, for my exclusive purpose is to win and not at all to castigate their sin. Once dead what matter how their souls may fa .....
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The Chosen By Chaim Potok
Number of words: 773 - Number of pages: 3.... himself a true Jew because he (unlike Rueven) wears the traditional side curls and is educated in Yiddish. At first the two boys cannot stand each other, many times Danny refers to Rueven as "apikorsim," (32) which basically translates to... someone who is not true to their religion. These differences between the two soon become obsolete with one unfortunate accident, and make them realize they could use each other to get through some hard times. "Silence is all we dread. There's ransom in a voice--But Silence is infinity."-Emily Dickinson Emily Dickinson's quote can be related to the .....
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