Term Papers on Book Reports |
Frankenstein Protagonist And A
Number of words: 549 - Number of pages: 2.... (also Nature) is created, the role of antagonist and protagonist changes due to enforcement. When the monster was created, it wasn’t the antagonist. It tried to do many good things such as saving a small girl. Those good deeds were never rewarded, causing the monster to be disgusted with humanity making it, by enforcement to be come the antagonist. Victor at this point becomes the protagonist as the monster goes throughout its rampage killing loved ones of Victor. The best example of the monsters turning into the antagonist is after he saves a mans daughter and the man shoots and .....
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Of Mice And Men: George, Lennie, And Crooks
Number of words: 1511 - Number of pages: 6.... a gut.” Primarily, that is his official job, but the most important of them all is to watch his simple-minded friend, Lennie. George has to speak for Lennie, lest he slip away and give the reason why they ran out of weed. In the beginning of the book, the first impression is that George is harsh with Lennie, but in terms of the entire novel, we might say that he was, if anything, not strict enough.
George and Lennie have created a dream of their having a place someday, and a reason for that, since they don’t wasn’t to be bossed around by anyone else except for themselves. Howev .....
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David Copperfield: A Novel Of Hypocrisy, Sexual Degradation, Selfish Exploitation, And Fraud
Number of words: 1252 - Number of pages: 5.... Dickens himself. We could call it a 'Novel of
personal memory' but we have to keep in mind the full original title: 'The
Personal History, Adventures, Experience, and Observation of David Copperfield,
the Younger, of Bluderstone Rookery. (Which he never meant to published on any
account.) This complete title strongly suggests that this is one man's story
written for himself. It was also supposed to 'never have been published on any
account.' Later in chap 42 this condition is repeated: 'this manuscript is
intended for no eyes but mine.' Of course this is part of the fiction, after all
we are .....
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Frankenstein: Reflects Of Mary Shelley's Life
Number of words: 1118 - Number of pages: 5.... from "...the relation between the sexes..." to "...the relationship between parents and children" (Ellis 125). In her book however, the relationship between parent and child becomes creator and creation. "I felt what the duties of a creator towards his creature were, and that I ought to render him happy before I complained of his wickedness" (Shelley 70). One can now see how the characters from the novel reflect Shelley's own life.
The style in which Shelley wrote is shown in the novel. Since she grew up under the influence of a feminist mother and a philosophical father, she write .....
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Ellen Foster
Number of words: 381 - Number of pages: 2.... a child without parents is raised by someone that is a lot different than she is. After Ellen’s mother died, she is unwillingly left with her alcoholic father who mistreats her. Ellen spent a lot of time at her friend, Starletta’s house and at the house of her grandmother. Life with her grandmother was no better than life with her father. She did not want to be in either situation. After living with her grandmother, Ellen’s struggle to find a suitable, comforting home comes to an end. For the second time in her life, a family member has died right next to her, basically in her arms. El .....
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First Love: Vladimir's Voyage
Number of words: 1910 - Number of pages: 7.... craftier Zinaida, it is only natural that his experience brims with romantic raptures and tribulations. He comes into the experience with ideal notions of romanticism which he acquires from the poetry and romantic literature that he reads in his childhood. "I would take a book with me - Kaidanov's lectures, for example - though I seldom opened it, and spent most of the time repeating lines of poetry aloud to myself - I knew a great many by then."( p. 23) From his first encounter with the mystical enchantress, his behavior alters without his understanding the reasons behind these modificatio .....
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Faust: An Elemental Romantic Work
Number of words: 203 - Number of pages: 1.... by the way Faust was willing to sell
his soul to better himself.
In Faust Mephistopheles makes a wager with God. The wager is that Faust,
a common doctor, will stray from the path that is true and fit. Mephistopheles
makes an agreement with Faust that if Mephistopheles satisfies Faust's desires
in this world, Faust will work as Mephistopheles servant. Faust lives a typical
romantic life full of passion, pride, and adventure. A turning point to Faust
after Faust lives his life with his desires fulfilled he decides to change.
Goethe is generally recognized as one of the .....
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A Rose For Emily: Emily's Life
Number of words: 910 - Number of pages: 4.... all that was left to her; and in a way, people were glad being left alone. She had become humanized" (219). This sounds as if her father’s death was sort of liberation for Emily. In a way it was, she could begin to date and court men of her choice and liking. Her father couldn’t chase them off any more. But then again, did she have the know-how to do this, after all those years of her father’s past actions? It also sounds as if the townspeople thought Emily was above the law because of her high-class stature. Now since the passing of her father she may be like them, a middle class work .....
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A Tale Of Two Cities: Inner Soul And Human Emotion
Number of words: 679 - Number of pages: 3.... Lucie marries Darnay, Carton still loves her and in the end, gives his life to save Darnay for her. Dickens, who was fascinated with French history, especially the French Revolution, begins by criticizing the aristocrats' treatment of the poor people of France. In the seventh chapter of book two, the Monsieur the Marquis had accidentally driven his carriage over a young child, killing him. Instead of worrying about the child's welfare, the Monsieur's reaction was to worry about his horses: "One or the other of you is forever in the way. How do I know what injury you have done to my horse .....
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Animal Farm 3
Number of words: 469 - Number of pages: 2.... other than a farm, the characters would be irrelevant and the story it self would have no meaning. The story would also be hard to understand and follow.
Without the rural setting of this farm, Napoleon would not have been able get the power he so desperately wanted through this revolt. The revolt would not have occurred if this novel had been set in an urban area or city, which in result would stop Napoleon from leading this group of confused animals and gaining his overwhelming power over them. Napoleon was only happy looking over and down at the less intelligent animals. If he w .....
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