Term Papers on Book Reports |
Number of words: 473 - Number of pages: 2.... never gets the nerve to. She is an important part of his past that he misses a lot, and he wants to go back and be with her again. The Museum of Natural History represents a different aspect of his past. While Jane Gallagher makes Holden want to return to his past, the Museum of Natural History sort of changes his mind. He remembers how he used to go there all the time, and how he was different, but the wax figures were always the same. He realizes that he can’t go back in time, because he is not the same as he used to be. He also realizes that he will never be the same as he used to be. O .....
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King Lear
Number of words: 848 - Number of pages: 4.... will be chosen for her immediately after Lear executes this "living will." Before he allots the shares, Lear asks each daughter to make a profession of her love for him in order to receive her entitlement. Goneril and Regan waste no time professing love for their father, but Cordelia is speechless. She loves her father as any daughter should, no more and no less. Lear is outraged by what he sees as her lack of devotion. He cuts Cordelia out of her share and banishes her. Her share is divided between Goneril and Regan. Lear gives them everything but keeps a retinue, a following of 100 k .....
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Glass Menagerie: Relationships Are The Conveyance Of Love
Number of words: 1313 - Number of pages: 5.... look forward to in life. She loves her children a lot but she does not
show it. Inside she loves Tom but she needs to appreciate him more and show
affection. Amanda doesn't want to realize that her children have different
views than her. Tom and Amanda are always arguing. To get away from his
mother, Tom tells Amanda that he goes to the movies every night and stays
out late to escape Amanda's nagging. Amanda is always telling Tom how to
eat, when to eat, what to eat, how to quit smoking, and what to read.
Amanda doesn't believe that Tom goes to the movies every night. Every time
Tom tries t .....
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Flowers For Algernon 2
Number of words: 866 - Number of pages: 4.... the book calls her, is
Charlie’s night school teacher and then a romantic interest and then a
teacher again. She liked the old Charlie, but when he starts becoming
smart she finds it harder and harder to keep up with him. Being with him
makes her feel strange, inadequate at times. She’s almost afraid of him.
She thinks she knows Charlie, but discovers she doesn’t.
The people at the bakery employed the retarded Charlie for years.
While working there, they stood up for him sometimes, and sometimes
played cruel jokes on him.
The doctors are overconfident and .....
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The Mosquito Coast
Number of words: 519 - Number of pages: 2.... eventually prompted him to relocate himself and his family to a
different country altogether, where he whatever lifestyle he so desired.
Charley is the thirteen year old son of Allie. He is naive to the
practices of modern society because of his fathers continual and insisted
sheltering from the evils of everyday life. He is very impressionable and sees
his father as the most brilliant man on earth.
Jerry is the ten year old younger brother of Charley. He enjoys
bettering his brother, and cutting him down. He puts on a guise of valiant
bravery, yet inside he is merely a fr .....
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The Color Purple
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... power to fight back physically. Secondly, Celie and herself that show the conflict of man Vs him/herself. She can't win over herself and that is why she doesn't have enough courage to stand up and be in command for her own life. Thirdly, the tradition of men had high social status then women. That shows the conflict of man Vs society. At the end of the book Celie eventually fight over the tradition. Men are no longer in charge for her life. In the book, , Alice Walker used several symbols and personifications to describe Celie's insecure and painful life. From the view of a reader, the title .....
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The Crucible: Abigail Is Selfish And Evil
Number of words: 949 - Number of pages: 4.... in the black of some terrible night and I will bring a pointy reckoning that will shudder you... And you know I can do it... I can make you wish you had never seen the sun go down." She fell in love with John Proctor after their affair, her morals and her whole life began to fall apart. She started to be overcome with her feelings of love, and her passion for John was enormous. After she was denied these things she could no longer control herself, and her whole reason for living became to get back John. This shows that when a person is given something, which they enjoy, and even lov .....
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Joy Luck Club
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... the house and raise the children. Women in America receive educations that will prepare them for the high paying jobs of a professional. The women in China are known for taking orders from their husbands.
Another feature that is found to be different in China from America is the different roles women take in the home. The author explains that a Chinese woman is expected to be a good wife for her chosen husband. Girls are promised at an early age to a man. The story “The Red Candle” shows an arranged marriage where the author sacrificed her life to fulfill her parents’ promise of ma .....
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Number of words: 533 - Number of pages: 2.... Truth, where he alters historical records to fit the needs of the Party. He has noticed a co-worker, a beautiful dark-haired girl, staring at him; he worries that she is an informant who will turn him in for his thoughtcrime. He worries about the Party's control of history: it claims Oceania has always been allied with Eastasia in a war against Eurasia, but Winston seems to recall a time when this wasn't true; the Party also claims that Emmanuel Goldstein, the leader of the Brotherhood, is the most dangerous man alive, but Winston doubts the claim. He spends his evenings wandering through t .....
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Theme And Setting In Coming Of Age
Number of words: 319 - Number of pages: 2.... throughout her childhood. She often speaks of competition with Darlene over their grades, how she became homecoming queen, and how she started a trend with her tight jeans. She had many antidotes from her school life. She spoke of her embarrassment at lunch when she had such a poor lunch. She talked about how Adline and Junior would follow her around at school and how it embarrassed her. Mostly though she talked about her grades and what a good student she was. She told how she became the tutor for Wayne and his other white friends. Of all the settings in this novel her school life was define .....
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