Term Papers on Book Reports |
An Inquiry Into Ophelias Madne
Number of words: 1176 - Number of pages: 5.... father demands that she tell Hamlet at once that she can no longer be with him and tells her "I would not, in plain terms, from this time forth have you so slander any moment leisure as to give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet. Look to’t, I charge you. Come your ways." (I.iii.132-35). It is clear that here Polonius is making decisions for his daughter, regardless if she really loves Hamlet or not. She feels very unimportant and helpless now, and because of this develops a lack of emotional confidence and strength. All she can reply is "I do not, my lord, what I should think." (I.i .....
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Huck As Hero
Number of words: 1255 - Number of pages: 5.... times and culture behind him. Although exposed too the greatest amount of corruption, Huck is the purest character in the book.
From the beginning of the novel, one can observe the inner strength of young Huck. Huck was a “beaten and bruised” child, coming from a family where the only guidance that the boy had was from his drunken Pap (Dynos 13). Due to a lack of leadership to follow in, Huck was forced to raise himself. It takes a strong character to raise oneself (18), and Huck did one hell of a job doing it. Children gain much of who they are from how they were brought up, dur .....
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One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: McMurphy
Number of words: 2001 - Number of pages: 8.... consciousness he had never dreamed of before and it was not a dream
or delirium but part of his awareness (322)." This awareness caused him to
believe that these psychedelic drugs could enable him to see things the way they
were truly meant to be seen.
After working as a test subject for the hospital, Kesey was able to get a
job working as a psychiatric aide. This was the next significant factor in
writing the book. "Sometimes he would go to work high on acid (LSD) (323)." By
doing so, he was able to understand the pain felt by the patients on the ward.
In addition, the job allowed h .....
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The Great Gatsby: Jay Gatsby's Great Morals And Lack Of Glamour
Number of words: 703 - Number of pages: 3.... On top of all this, he wants to escape his background and past. Gatsby's life changed from being in the low or middle class to the high class. It is a big mystery of how he receives all this money but it is not from Cody. It is believed that he is a bootlegger. No one was ever sure.
In this story, one can relate Jay's character to the author, Fitzgerald. Both want to achieve the American Dream but are unable to do it. All the money in the world cannot change the past but Gatsby and Fitzgerald learned that the hard way, They were living in a lie, which says that money can buy anything a .....
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Of Mice And Men: The Importance Of A Close Friendship Between Two People
Number of words: 619 - Number of pages: 3.... Curley doesn't like that so he
tries to keep her in the house.
Slim is like the head of the ranch because he knows what is going on and
everybody likes him. He is the kind of guy you would want as a friend. He is
called a Jerkline skinner. He is a person that is very easy to get along with.
So he becomes one of George's good friends.
The saying "The need for social companionship is a basic urge common to
all mean and deserves consideration as a fundamental aspect of life." Because
people need friends to get along in life. Without friend's life would be
pointless. You could h .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Visions Of A Past Society
Number of words: 743 - Number of pages: 3.... in hand except that it gave
them a half-holiday, ran before her progress, turning their heads
continually to stare into her face, and at the wink-ing baby in her arms,
and at the ignominious letter on her breast.
P. 52, 53
As this is happening, all the people see is the crime that Hester
committed, not the person behind it. They do not take into consideration,
that the crime itself, is not as evil as they make it out to be. Hawthorne
describes it as enjoyable to the spectators, by showing the children watch
her and laugh as she makes her way to the scaffold. It' .....
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1984 2
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... is a crime but his dissatisfaction with life and his sexual frustration lead him to the wrong conclusion. That he still thinks that he can get away with this and that the thought police will never catch him. This is where Winston unconsciously seals his fate of being caught but he feels the adventure is well worth the risk. Later in the relationship, they both are aware that the end to them is near.
There were a couple of things that Winston owned that were deemed illegal but ironically the glass paperweight seemed to be the most important. First of all, the paperweight serves no purpos .....
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A Separate Peace
Number of words: 759 - Number of pages: 3.... certainly not Gene's grades. Gene does not realize this, perhaps he simply does not want to admit the truth. He has created an enemy
o protect himself from acknowledging that he is not completely satisfied with his character, or lack of character and individuality.
Gene soon realizes that Finny is not trying to be his rival. However, this realization only makes Gene angrier with Finny. He is irritated at the notion that he is "not of the same quality as Finny,” thus he cannot possibly compete with Finny. At this
int Gene already knows that his enemy is not Finny, but he is not ye .....
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The Heart Of Darkness: Theme Based On Lies And The Good And Evil In Man
Number of words: 893 - Number of pages: 4.... about the experiences were as if he were writing about himself. "Every novel contains an element of autobiography-and this can hardly be denied, since the creator can only explain himself in his creations."(Kimbrough,158) The story is written as seen through Marlow's eyes. Marlow is a follower of the sea. His voyage up the Congo is his first experience in freshwater navigation. He is used as a tool, so to speak, in order for Conrad to enter the story and tell it out of his own philosophical mind. He longs to see Kurtz, in the hope's of appreciating all that Kurtz finds endearing in the Afri .....
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Albert Camus' "The Plague"
Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2.... had ever seen. Michael was pale white and
vomited often, he hurt so much from the vomiting that he seemed paralyzed. Mr.
Rieux tried to help the man the best that he could, but he ended up dying.
Michael was the first person to die of this illness. After his death, many
cases of this illness were reported widespread. Again more details of sickness
and death, this is the parallelism for this novel.
As the reports of sickness and death came to inform Dr. Rieux, he tried
to comfort and cure the plagued patients. About ninety percent of the people
infected had died. He wanted a sto .....
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