Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Lady With The Pet Dog
Number of words: 501 - Number of pages: 2.... he could not forget her. She was in his mind all the time.
Gurov did not like his wife and was unfaithful to her for a long time. When he meet Anna, I felt, she was the woman that he was looking for in his life. Anna is trapped between two men. One that make her feel like nothing and the other one that make her feel a live. Anna loves her husband but not in the same passion that she loves Gurov. Anna and Gurov Found love and passion in each other arms and feel like a husband and wife, both of them tried to let it go but they can not. Gurov himself tried to understand their relationshi .....
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Young Goodman Brown: The Woods
Number of words: 813 - Number of pages: 3.... would immediately approach anyone who entered the woods and try to recruit them into his ways. The woods in the Brown story are definitely nowhere anyone would want to journey off into, as they may never leave in the same state of mind.
The woods, in my story are creepy in appearance as most woods are, but are very safe and calming . My woods are overcome with nature at it’s best and great scenery. As one passes through my woods, they will notice a large pond where one can sit and watch as animals come from all over to hunt, fish, bath, drink, etc. There was one time awhile back when .....
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An Analysis Of The Novel Candide By Voltaire
Number of words: 753 - Number of pages: 3.... of misfortune and
travel around the world. At every place Candide goes something unthinkable
seems to happen to him. Candide meets several people along the way who all
have their own interesting story of misfortune and the inhumanities of mankind.
Candide ends up on a small farm, married to Cunegonde and living with two
philosophers. He argues with others at the end of the book if this really is
the best of all possible worlds and they conclude the we must "work without
reason" and "must cultivate our garden".
In this novel Voltaire is extremely influenced by his frame of reference .....
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Common Human Experiences In To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 420 - Number of pages: 2.... The people of Maycomb county
did not understand Boo, he was not seen outside of his house and people did not
know what to think. They made up their own ideas of what he was like and made
him out to be some sort of monster. They pre-judged him because he was
different than they were. Scout later met Boo and discovered that there
judgements of him were false.
The second common human experience is courage. Atticus displays two different
types of courage in the novel. the first is a mental courage when he defends
Tom Robinson even though the chances of winning are almost hopeless. Thi .....
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Lord Of The Flies: How Anyone Can Regress Into Savagery
Number of words: 518 - Number of pages: 2.... were holding the shell in
their hands. This power was personified by the statement “By the time
Ralph had finished blowing the conch the platform was crowded.” Which
shows how even early on, the group let the conch shell have power.
The assembly moved towards dictatorship when Jack started to
discredit Ralph and the conch. “And you shut up! Who are you anyway?
Sitting there - telling people what to do. You can't hunt, you can't sing-
.” I think that this statement stayed in the boys' heads throughout the
rest of the story. Jack finally broke off by himself and invited people .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Where The Blame Falls
Number of words: 449 - Number of pages: 2.... to make any clothing for the other Puritans
weddings. Pearl was picked upon by the other children often. Hester was
no longer accepted by the Puritans.
Dimmesdale has had as much punishment as Hester for their sin.
Dimmesdale is putting the blame upon himself. Dimmesdale is the minister,
and he should know better than to commit a sin. Dimmesdale is dying inside
ever since he had committed the sin with Hester, by the guilt and
eventually collapses. Throughout the book, he is reminded of his sins by
Chillingworth, and the other Puritans. Dimmesdale is rotting up inside and
giving himself .....
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Robinson Crusoe
Number of words: 713 - Number of pages: 3.... but from his own determination to live, he learns how to make things
on his own. With nothing but his bare hands and a couple of hatchets, he
starts out building a shelter for himself. From acquiring these new skills,
he adds onto his house and learns to form his own tools. Out of new
experiences with these tools and his vivid imagination, he now has the
ability to build anything that he wishes for. Later, he builds a table,
chair, shelves, a summer home, canoe, and a boat. Robinson Crusoe shows us
that a person can fight against the odds and win because of pure
determination, even i .....
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Sit-Down Book Report
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... the working people on
GM assembly lines and all auto workers in the United States of America.
Governor Murphy’s role was to mediate, but he was on General Motors side.
He insisted that the sit-downers get basic human right’s such as food, heat,
and water. Murphy also controlled the police and National Guard. They shot
and killed several strikers. After it was all over Martin and the United Auto
workers emerged victorious.
The strike started in Flint on December 30,1936. The GM factories
were described as a mess, because of the lack of sanitation. There was also
spare parts and .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: The Theme Of Prejudice
Number of words: 1633 - Number of pages: 6.... in the
cold. Boo wraps a blanket around her, without her knowing that he did.
The other time didn't happen until part two, when Jem and Scout are
attacked by Bob Ewell. People were prejudiced against Boo because he is
different. The children had not seen him so they made up stories about him
(Johnson,1). They were afraid of him. They didn't realize it was Boo
leaving the gifts and wanted to be friendly. In part two the main focus
is on Tom Robinson. He is a black man accused of raping white woman.
The prejudice in this part of the novel is called racism. The opinion
formed because .....
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Like Water For Chocolate And Master Harold: Oppression
Number of words: 1346 - Number of pages: 5.... is noticing things which he did not notice when he was younger. He
realized that where he lives white people have certain rights over black people.
Hally owns a cafe and he has got two black men working for him, one of which is
Sam. Hally walks in one morning and finds Willie and Sam dancing, preparing for
a dance contest. "Hally- Think you stand a chance. Act your bloody age! (Hurls
the rag at Willie) Cut out the nonsense now and get on with your work. And you
too, Sam. Sop fooling around " (Athol Fugard, Master Harold and the boys 18).
Hally criticizes Sam by asking him sarcastically if h .....
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