Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Color Purple By Alice Walker
Number of words: 610 - Number of pages: 3.... her adolescence believing she
was raped by her father and that he killed both of their children. She writes
to God, because she has no one else to write to. She feels that what happened
to her is so terrible that she can only talk about it to someone she feels loves
her. She knows her sister Nettie loves her, but she is too young to understand.
Celie believe only to God may she talk honestly and openly about her suffering.
Celie is not, however, at this point, complaining to God, she is simply
confiding in him.
Celie was born into a poor family; her mother was sick most of the time,
men .....
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Chaucerian Moral And Social Commentary In The Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 1892 - Number of pages: 7.... class, a social strata that was mostly unacknowledged. The Medieval middle class was neither aristocracy nor Plebian; however, the middle class was increasingly important to medieval society and culture. As the son of a well to do wine merchant, Geoffrey Chaucer lived in close proximity with the lower classes, no doubt becoming quite familiar with the culture and attitudes of the commoners. Perhaps most vital to Chaucer’s ascension into poetic greatness evolved because of his unusual access and acceptance into the upper world of aristocracy. As an adolescent, Chaucer was sent by .....
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Fahrenheit 451 Utopia Thru Mat
Number of words: 1248 - Number of pages: 5.... freedom fighting campaign has been the Tibetan Freedom Concert, a rock concert where artists and citizens converge, sharing their views for Tibetan freedom from Chinese oppression. Over the three years of its existence, the concert has generated so much publicity that it has forced President Bill Clinton to step in and try to hasten the negotiation between the Chinese government and the Dalai Lama. In a Sonicnet Music News article, the Dalai Lama said:
“’Through this live show, many, many Chinese will have gained a better awareness of President Clinton’s feelings about Tibet .....
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Killer Angels
Number of words: 668 - Number of pages: 3.... of their enemies. The well-deserved rave reviews that litter the front and back covers drew me to it, but Shaara's powerful writing style and stunningly human characters drew me into it. Shaara has an amazing ability to portray the major players of the battle, whose real personalities must have since been lost over a century of historian analyzation, as real people. Shaara portrays the terrible butchery of the four days' fighting through the vividly rendered thoughts and emotions of such great men as General Robert E. Lee, Major General John Buford from the South and from the North .....
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An Analysis Of Chaucer's "Canterbury Tales": The Wife Of Bath's Tale
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... worthy cause of the
afflicted and weak; on the other, we have the sad truth that the human
knight rarely lived up to this ideal(Patterson 170). In a work by Muriel
Bowden, Associate Professor of English at Hunter College, she explains that
the knights of the Middle Ages were "merely mounted soldiers, . . .
notorious" for their utter cruelty(18). The tale Bath's Wife weaves
exposes that Chaucer was aware of both forms of the medieval soldier.
Where as his knowledge that knights were often far from perfect is
evidenced in the beginning of Alison's tale where the "lusty" soldier rapes
a youn .....
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A Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 572 - Number of pages: 3.... to have an affair with her. He tries to kiss her, but she slaps him. Frederick has to go to war so she gives him Saint Anthony on a necklace. While fighting, Frederick gets wounded very badly. Rinaldi and the priest visit him at the hospital. Catherine visits him later and they have an affair in the hospital room. After this Frederick realizes that he is really, truely in love with her; that he isn't just attacted to her physically anymore. Catherine is now stationed at the hospital Frederick is in and changes her schedule to the night shift. Catherine is pregnant and Frederick feels "trap .....
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Harrison Bergeron
Number of words: 516 - Number of pages: 2.... produced by the mental handicaps. With the handicaps imposed there would
not the breakthroughs that are needed to improve the population's way of life.
Suppose someone did not have the ability to invent the automobile. It would be
difficult to commute to school or work. Imagine if you had to walk to work
every day no matter how bad the weather is. Now-a-days people complain about
having to simply walk out to their car in the morning and wait for it to warm up.
Many jobs would have never been created if there were not any cars. Without
technological advancements, the economy would .....
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Who Has Seen The Wind: One's Understanding God Matures
Number of words: 473 - Number of pages: 2.... because they were not nice to him.4
Brian's knowledge of God is still young and immature.
In the middle of the novel, Brian talks to Saint Sammy and is
encouraged to think about God.5 Saint Sammy is a religious man who is
familiar with God's Word. He relies on God to show him the right way to
deal with Bent Candy. Brian is in such awe of Saint Sammy's knowledge and
closeness to God that he then desires to seek after God.6 The knowledge
and closeness that Saint Sammy has to God encourages Brian. Brian is
spiritually uplifted by Saint Sammy's encouragement.
Finally at the end of .....
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Something Wicked This Way Comes" Supernatural Forces
Number of words: 1093 - Number of pages: 4.... and back to
bellows again (Bradbury 143).” The carnival selects her because of her
unique ability to sense emotions and feel the body’s reaction to the world
around it. After the boys thwart her first attempt to find them and give
them to Mr. Dark, the old witch went in search of them during the parade,
but encounters Will’s father instead. During their confrontation Mr.
Halloway’s lack of fear and concern seemed to cause the witch pain, “The
Witch from the concussion of his fiercely erupted and overly jovial words,
dropped one wounded hand to her side, wiped sweat from it, as .....
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Don Quixote
Number of words: 1416 - Number of pages: 6.... to agrees that Dulcinea is the fairest maiden in the world. Don then attacks them and serves a beating for his troubles. A peasant passing by recognizes Quixote and loads him across his donkey. They head back to their village as Don wildly describes his mishaps. returns to his village where his met by his niece and housekeeper. While he is sleeping, his chivalric romance books are burned and the room is sealed off by well intentional friends and family. They believe that Don’s nonsense is caused by the devil’s work. Throughout the rest of the book, Friston is blamed for .....
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