Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Allegory Of Young Goodman
Number of words: 895 - Number of pages: 4.... the air, and caught on the branch of a tree. The young man seized it and beheld a pink ribbon. ‘My Faith is gone!’ cried he, after one stupefied moment. ‘There is no good on earth; and sin so but a name. Come devil! for to thee is this world given.’ ” (Hawthorne 196) The ribbon Brown seized from the branch was one of the things Hawthorne had used to describe Faith in the beginning of the story. Brown apparently lost Faith when he lost his faith in god represented by the ribbon falling through the air.
The traveler represents the devil. “But the only .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Book Review
Number of words: 830 - Number of pages: 4.... Holden decides to go into New
York City for a couple of days until his parents will be expecting him home for
Christmas vacation. Holden goes to bars and meets with friends during this time.
On the third night, Holden decides to go and visit his sister, Phoebe. Phoebe
is one of the only people that Holden actually loves. Holden talks to Phoebe
about his life being a failure. He is trying to understand life and his place
in the world. Holden decides that he wants to go see Mr. Antolini, an old
teacher, to help him get a better understanding of his life. At Mr. Antolini's
home, Hold .....
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Character Analysis: Catherine Morland
Number of words: 947 - Number of pages: 4.... is fond of. She loves books that have a mystery to them. Along with fantasy novels, Catherine (at age eight) feels she would be fond of music lessons. She tries them for one year and of course does not like them. Her mother is not one to hold her child to something they do not like, so she allows Catherine to quit. The day that Catherine left her music teacher was "the happiest day of her life" (22). It is not that Catherine despises music, she just does not prefer the lessons. She does, however, enjoy drawing, although it does not rank the highest of her fancies. Her supply of paper is no .....
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Catch-22 2
Number of words: 1250 - Number of pages: 5.... is stationed with his Air Force squadron on the island of Pianosa, near the Italian coast and the Mediterranean Sea. (Heller) The squadron is thrown thoughtlessly into brutal combat situations and bombing runs on which it is more important for them to capture a good aerial photograph of an explosion than to destroy their target. Their colonels continually raise the number of missions they are required to fly before being sent home so that no one is ever sent home.
Heller's satire targets a variety of bureaucrats, the military-industrial complex, and the business ethic and economic arrangeme .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Creative Writing Assignment
Number of words: 461 - Number of pages: 2.... still cheer for them. The worst part about actually going to watch a
game at the stadium rather than on TV is the prices. To buy a ticket for a
seat in the stadium really is not that bad, but after that they charge an arm
and a leg for whatever you buy. They do not let people bring their own food
into the game so when the spectators get hungry the sunuvabitch's charge
outrageous amounts on the same food that they sell in a supermarket for a
quarter the price. People almost have top be as rich as the players to bring a
whole family to the game and be able to feed them without going broke .....
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Black Elk Speaks
Number of words: 1311 - Number of pages: 5.... as a young boy, a
vision of the wisdom inherent in the earth that would direct him toward his true
calling of being a wichasha wakon or holy man like his predecessors. Black
Elk's childhood vision stayed with him throughout his life, and it offered him
aid and wisdom whenever he sought it. It is from the strength of this vision,
and the wisdom in his heart that Black Elk eventually realized his place as a
leader and wise man in the Ogalala band of the Sioux.
The wisdom possessed by Black Elk is immediately present in his
recollections of various lessons learned by himself and by others. T .....
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Moby Dick
Number of words: 1441 - Number of pages: 6.... 2. A commentary on the universe
and human destiny. 3. Thoughts about God and Nature.
III. Characters
B. The protagonist in this book is Ishmael, a Christian, schoolteacher and part-
time sailor. Ishmael's role in the hunt for “Moby Dick” is to interpret what is
happening. He discusses his reasons for going to sea and interprets and looks
for understanding a number of reasons for any specific action where other
characters only understand one reason.
C. It is hard to say what changes take place in Ishmael's personality, since he
is the narrator he doesn't talk about himself, he only ta .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Atticus' Determination, Persistence, And Intelligence
Number of words: 602 - Number of pages: 3.... of time with them to help them with their schoolwork and any troubles that they maybe facing.
In addition another heroic quality is Atticus’ persistence. For instance, Atticus is very persistent with the children to have them do their homework and to succeed in whatever they do. This shows that he deeply cares about the children and wants them to grow up to be the best that they can be. Atticus also wants his children to prove to the world what they can accomplish. Another example is that Atticus is very persistent by having many rituals that he performs very often and never once miss .....
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Underground To Canada
Number of words: 1265 - Number of pages: 5.... their slave cabins was a garden which sometimes a hen would scratch around.
Although the living conditions were better at the Hensen plantation it turns out the condition was much worse at the Riley plantation. The slave cabins were far behind a row of trees in the back yard, behind the Big House so the Massa and Missy did not have to look at the pitiful slaves. Usually there would be some laughter and a lot of talk at the Hensen plantation but at the Riley plantation there was no laughter and almost no talk. Much like the slave cabins at the Hensen plantation they were lined up in .....
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The Metamorphosis
Number of words: 571 - Number of pages: 3.... starts locking his doors at night after having to travel, he becomes distrustful of people, and he brings these things into his home, where they separate him from his family. The only way Gregor can find happiness is through the small amount of creative work he can accomplish through carpentry. This is his true love and his one indulgence and he will do anything to protect it, and he shows when his mother and sister move to clean his room and move his furniture. He fears they will remove the picture with the frame that he made so "he pressed against the glass, which gave a good surface t .....
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