Term Papers on Book Reports |
Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde
Number of words: 483 - Number of pages: 2.... that morally what he did was wrong. And that one shall just be as they are, and not try to change that. He tried, and he failed.
Dr. Hyde on the other hand is the evil side of Dr. Jekyll. Enfield points out that “ he (I) saw a strange, deformed man round the corner and bump into a young girl. The strange man did not stop but simply walked right over the young girl.” This man was later figured to be Dr. Hyde, This obviously shows that he was an evil man who had no worries about anything in his life (pushing over a little kid as one of them), and he would peruse doing what h .....
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The Code Of Chivalry In Sir Gawain And The Green Knight
Number of words: 525 - Number of pages: 2.... where he is greeted warmly by the lord and lady of the castle. The lord and Gawain decide to make an agreement to give each other whatever the other receives over the next three days. On the third day of this agreement, Sir Gawain receives a magic green girdle from the lady of the castle that is said to keep him from harm. Fearing the Green Knight, Gawain lies to the lord of the castle about what he has received that day keeps the girdle. Gawain was not honest and did not keep his word, thus breaking the code of honor.
Continuing on his journey, Sir Gawain finds the Green Knight and .....
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The Great Gatsby: The American Dream
Number of words: 965 - Number of pages: 4.... extravagant parties, hoping that she will attend. She does not, however, so Gatsby casually asks around to find out if anyone knows her. Eventually, Gatsby soon realizes that Nick Carraway, his neighbor, is Daisy’s cousin. Gatsby then devises a plan to at last see his beloved Daisy. Jordan sets up the meeting for
Gatsby with Nick, “He wants to know if you’ll invite Daisy to your house some afternoon and then let him come over.” By arranging this meeting, he displays his wealth, and he believes that he has acquired her affection once again as Daisy says, “ I certainly am aw .....
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The Awakening: Edna Pontel
Number of words: 757 - Number of pages: 3.... Edna begins to respond to him with a passion she hasn’t felt before. She begins to realize that she can play roles other than wife and mother.
Throughout the book Edna takes many steps to increase her independence. She sends her children away, she refuses to stay at home on Tuesdays (as was the social convention of the time), she frequents races and parties. Unfortunately, her independence proves to be her downfall.
Edna stays married because divorce was unheard of in those days. She wants to marry Robert, but he will not because it will disgrace her to leave her husband. No matter how m .....
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Go Ask Alice
Number of words: 2428 - Number of pages: 9.... 25 she goes on about how nothing
every happens in her life. She does not enjoy her teachers, subjects and school.
She thinks everything is losing interest and everything's dull. I think she just
is going through the "teenager blues".
Julie Brown had a party but she didn't go because she gained seven whole
pounds. I don't think that seven pounds is a big deal.
On September 30th her father was invited to be the "Dean of Political
Science at --------- ". She says that she is gonna become a new person by time
she gets her new house and that it is gonna be so great. Good maybe now she will
qui .....
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An Analysis Of "This Boy's Life"
Number of words: 1563 - Number of pages: 6.... A boy learns a lot from
just being around his father. He learns what a man is and how they should
act, whether it's good or bad. These three boys never had that experience
from a father on a regular basis. Everything that they learned at home,
they learned from their mother. By no fault of their mothers, the three
boys developed a sensitive feminine side. Deep down, almost subconsciously,
they were all aware of their sensitivity, which made them feel weak. Their
feelings of inferiority showed with their shyness around girls, their
attempts at looking cool in the mirror, and in t .....
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Comparison: Journey To The Center Of The Earth & The Time Machine
Number of words: 1656 - Number of pages: 7.... Professor Hardwigg found a parchment by Arne Saknussemm that tells how to get to the center of the Earth. The professor couldn't resist an adventure and chose to go on it. The Time Machine uses the plot "The Understanding." The Time Traveler had built a time machine and went into the future. The sensation he felt when he traveled he could not describe. The kinds of conflict are different. Journey to the Center of the Earth uses the conflict Man Vs Nature. The travelers have to over come the dangers of the journey. They have to face the elements, starvation, thirst, and fatigue. The Time Mach .....
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The Lack Of Comprehensive Speech In Catch 22
Number of words: 830 - Number of pages: 4.... punished.
He now wants to know when Clevinger did not say that he could not be punished.
Clevinger quickly rebuts and states, "I always didn't say you couldn't punish me,
sir." Finally, the colonel is satisfied with that answer even though
Clevinger's statement did not answer the question and has no meaning.
Major Major often spoke with a lack of meaning. He simply did not make
sense. For instance, he told Sergeant Towser, his assistant, "From now on, I
don't want anyone to come in to see me while I'm here."(102) According to this
statement, when would anyone be able to see him if .....
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Black Like Me
Number of words: 903 - Number of pages: 4.... light bulb, and the truth that he wanted people to understand. Mr. Griffin was a middle age white man who lived with his wife and children. He was not oriented to his family. He decided to pass his own society to the black society. Although this decision might help most of the African Americans, he had to sacrifice his gathering time with his family. “She offered, as her part of the project, her willingness to lead, with our three children, the unsatisfactory family life of a household deprived of husband and father” (Griffin 9). Leaving Mrs. Griffin and his children would deprive them .....
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A Separate Peace: Finny - How Things Change
Number of words: 1102 - Number of pages: 5.... Finny did was perfect, which just upset Gene
all the more. Finny was so perfect that he didn't care what others thought,
like when Finny wore a pink shirt as an emblem after the bombing of central
Europe. " '...Pink! It makes you look like a fairy!' 'Does it?' He used this
preoccupied tone when he was thinking of something more interesting than what
you had said." One time Finny and Gene were at the swimming pool when Finny
noticed that a boy named A. Hopkins Parker had the record for the 100 yards free
style. When Finny realized that A. Hopkins Parker had graduated before they
ca .....
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