Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Great Gatsby: Being Successful
Number of words: 601 - Number of pages: 3.... of the color green we can associate it with a few things. The majority of the things in nature are green, leaves, plants, and the grass. Green represents a peaceful color; one that does not hurt the eye when put in direct line of sight. An example of a color that would lash out at you and scream, “hey look at me, I’m noticeable!” would be red. Aside from red being associated with violence it is a very noticeable color that is probably why it is the color used in the tail light’s of cars. The point is that green is a color that is very neutral. It does not provoke anger, in fact .....
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Animal Farm Real World Example
Number of words: 814 - Number of pages: 3.... and poverty; where everyone is physically attractive, emotionally stable, and economically wealthy; a distorted reflection of our own world. This leads real people to attempt to create this imaginary world, only to fail; thus generating in themselves a sense of unworthiness, which in turn prompts them to try harder, to stop being individuals and become uniform.
Another controlling method that is diffused through television, radio and written publications; is any reported information about world politics and news. Powerful political groups narrow people’s views of what is going on .....
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Bram Stoker's Dracula: Anti-Christianity
Number of words: 1515 - Number of pages: 6.... makes a (Holy circle) with the Host to keep vampires out and to keep Mina safe in the (Holy circle). Another time when the Host is used as a deterrence of vampires is at the time Van Helsing and the other men are going to leave Mina alone in the house. Van Helsing touches a Host to Mina’s forehead and it burns into her head since she, herself, was unclean. Another abstruction of the Christian religion would be the fact that Dracula sleeps in a coffin and especially because the dirt in his coffin is consecrated and Dracula, being evil, uses this ground to rest in. Dracula has se .....
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Jane Eyre: Imagery
Number of words: 739 - Number of pages: 3.... to
have an intimate relationship. At one point, she even goes so far as to excuse
herself for thinking. She says, "I was thinking, sir (you will excuse the idea;
it was involuntary), I was thinking of Hercules and Samson with their charmers"
(p.289). This statement possibly begins to suggests Janes unsatisfaction with
Rochester's position of complete dominance in their relationship. To Jane,
Rochester embodies the idea of love which she has so long been denied of. As I
stated earlier, the whole movie is about Janes journey towards acceptance, by
herself and by others. It is this journe .....
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The Scarlet Letter: Arthur - Tragic Hero Or Merely Tragic?
Number of words: 1300 - Number of pages: 5.... a sinner: "The minister well knew--subtle but remorseful hypocrite that he was!--the light in which his vague confession would be viewed." (127) They love him all the more for his honest and humble character, and this is Arthur's intent. Even as he plans to run away with Hester four days after their meeting in the forest, he comforts himself with the knowledge that he will give his sermon on predestination on the third day, and thus will leave his community with fond memories of his final exhortation. Arthur's flaw can be found in the fact that he chooses to value the public view above t .....
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The Great Gatsby
Number of words: 444 - Number of pages: 2.... in depth character of all is Mr. Jay Gatsby in this novel. He
is left a very obscure individual and much is not known about him until he
reveals it to Nick. One thing Tom Buchanan finds out about Gatsby is the he is
a swindler and that is how he has amassed his fortune. The main character is
Nick Carraway a man who objectively stays the same through out the whole book,
keeping his friendship with Gatsby to the very end. This book wouldn't be the
same if not for the Giant house that Gatsby lived in.
Most of the novel takes place at Mr. Gatsby's grand mansion in East Egg,
New York. .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Jack And Roger
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... the dead mother pig proves that he is no longer the Jack that could not kill
the pig but a much more blood-thirsty one that only wants to kill and not be
rescued. Although Jack is not satanic like Roger, he loses all sense of reason,
he is nevertheless a killer. Jack tries his best to do what is best for the
boys but his power hunger actually makes the situation much worse: "The chief
snatched one of the few remaining spears and poked Sam in the ribs" (P.182)
Jack's own name has even become a taboo, he has almost god-like power and uses
it for 'evil'. If it were not for the rescue of the .....
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Ordinary People
Number of words: 1876 - Number of pages: 7.... occasional depression or anger may be what we must sacrifice for the happiness in life. Guest's style of writing is also very interesting to read. I enjoyed the way she would use the word "he" when describing a character rather than stating who the character was. I was still able to identify the characters simply through their reactions and feelings. The only possible negative aspect to this novel would be the constant mood of depression. I realize that the topic is not happiness, however, it is easy to get absorbed in the sadness and become quite depressed. I would recommend this book to a .....
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Billy Budd By Herman Melville
Number of words: 1336 - Number of pages: 5.... of the crew look up to him and love him. He is “strength and beauty. Tales of his prowess [are] recited. Ashore he [is] the champion, afloat the spokesman; on every suitable occasion always foremost”(9).
Despite his popularity among the crew and his hardworking attitude, Billy is transferred to another British ship, the Indomitable. And while he is accepted for his looks and happy personality, “…hardly here [is] he that cynosure he had previously been among those minor ship’s companies of the merchant marine”(14). It is here, on the Indomitable that Billy says good-bye to his rig .....
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What Is The True Image (the Ch
Number of words: 552 - Number of pages: 3.... any creature that shall seem to be human but is not formed thus is not human…It is a blasphemy against the true Image of God, and hateful in the sight of God.
Is this definition actually true? Not according to the Holy Bible; the real Bible. It tells us, "But I say to you, love your enemies…" (Matthew 5:44). Even if your
enemies have an extra arm, toe or leg, you should still love them! Besides when you die which part of you goes to heaven and which part stays behind on earth? Does not your soul and spirit go up to heaven and your body stays on earth? .....
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