Term Papers on Book Reports |
In Our Time: Review
Number of words: 587 - Number of pages: 3.... The Old Man and the Sea ages ago in high school, but
it was so long ago that it has slipped completely from my memory. He is one of
those authors that I always connect with my father and his college years for
some reason, although I'm not entirely sure why. I've always wanted to read
Hemmingway, but I've always wanted to read all of Shakespeare, Homer, and Eliot,
The edition I'm reading has the short stories separated by "Chapters" which do
and don't tell a story. The "Chapters" strongly remind me of Pink Floyd's The
Wall. I was also surprised at how simple it is to read them. They ar .....
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Ethan Frome-comparison Of Matt
Number of words: 442 - Number of pages: 2.... is seen when she fires Mattie, her own relative, giving Mattie nowhere to go and no job skills on which to survive. Most people would not do this to their own kin. Mattie, on the other hand, is a very compassionate towards others, including Zeena. She is genuinely concerned for Zeena’s health when Zeena had to see the doctor and whenever Zeena wasn’t feeling well. She wants nothing but to do a good enough job around the house so that Zeena will be pleased with her.
Also, Zeena is a pessimist while Mattie always tries to hope for the best. For example, Zeena is told b .....
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Stephen Coonts' "Flight Of The Intruder": Summary
Number of words: 591 - Number of pages: 3.... President Nixon gives the orders of unauthorized bombings
anywhere in North and South Vietnam. Grafton and Cole fly their next mission
with a EA-6B for SAM (surface-to-air missiles) suppression. This plane only
carried antiradiation missiles to destroy the SAMs and their radar. But, as they
were approximating (approaching, advancing on) the first SAM surface gun
destroyed most of the plane. The crew ejected within the midst of the night;
Grafton landing safely, but Cole's back broke. Eventually, they were rescued by
a helicopter, but an A-1 Skyraider pilot who was killing o .....
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You Belong To Me By Mary Higgi
Number of words: 496 - Number of pages: 2.... Susan's has also been paying attention to the case though, and he is worried about something happening to Susan. He finds her in her office before she suffocates, and they are able to have the police arrest the bad guy before he does any more damage.
"You Belong to Me is a superb thriller from one of the genre's all-time greats, Mary Higgins Clark." (Book Browser 1) Almost all critics had only good to say about Clark's work. "No doube many readers have one or more Mary Higgins Clark novels set aside...and not just because she is one of the most popular large-print book authors or becaus .....
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Hamlet, The Social And Psychol
Number of words: 772 - Number of pages: 3.... deciding to test the validity of what the Ghost has told him by setting up a “play something like the murder of (his) father’s” (2.2.624) for Claudius. Hamlet will then “observe his looks” (2.2.625) and “if he do blench” (2.2.626) Hamlet will know that he must avenge his father’s death. In the course of Hamlet avenging his father’s death, he is very hesitant, “thinking too precisely on the event” (4.4.43). “Now might I do it…and he goes to heaven…No” (3.3.77-79) and Hamlet decides to kill Claudius w .....
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The Last Hung: Joop's Mid-Life Crisis
Number of words: 1232 - Number of pages: 5.... all the ways that Mari resembled the
goddess of Diana. During the period that Joop was married to Mari, she
portrayed herself in a few ways as being Diana. She did this by giving the
name of "Worshipping Diana to the act of Joop kissing her.
Her skin was white except for one violet-colored bruise just under her
right collarbone; it never disappeared entirely during the hunting season and
came from the kick of her hefty weapons. It pleased her that he liked to kiss
this particular spot. She called it "Worshipping Diana" (Stern 112).
By doing this, Mari therefore .....
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A Rose For Emily
Number of words: 445 - Number of pages: 2.... her father was responsible for her becoming a hermit, her pride also contributed to her seclusion. "None of the young men were quite good enough for Miss Emily and such.” The town and Emily thought that she was of higher status because of her family name. Faulkner uses the feelings of other characters to show Miss Emily's pride. Her pride has kept her from socializing with other members of the community reinforcing her solitary. But Miss Emily's father is still responsible for her being a hermit. "We remembered all the young men her father had driven away…” If .....
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Animals In The Eyes Of The Dragon
Number of words: 1257 - Number of pages: 5.... as it does. Just as arson dogs help pinpoint the location of
substances used to start fires, Frisky uses her keen sense of smell to
pinpoint exactly where Dennis, son of Brandon, has journeyed to from
PeynaÆs farmhouse. DennisÆs mission is to go back to the castle where
Thomas the Tax-Bringer and Flagg, the kingÆs magician, live and are at
high power. Peyna, who has just given up his Judge-GeneralÆs bench, has a
feeling that there is some reason why Peter has asked for the Royal
Napkins and his motherÆs dollhouse. Dennis is to find this reason by
sending a letter to Peter, who is impri .....
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Everything That Rises Must Converge
Number of words: 907 - Number of pages: 4.... not the oblivious southern racist he makes her out to be. And either is he the free-thinking poet he struggles so hard to make his mother believe he is. In reality, Julian's mother has sacrificed a great deal for her son's well-being. She's allowed her own teeth to rot to afford him braces, has worked hard so that he might attend college, and makes excuses for his unemployment. Although she talks only through a string of cliches, Julian's mother is all too eager to please her son and obviously lives through him. This makes Julian's harsh view of his mother even more irritating to the reader. .....
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Book Report On Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov"
Number of words: 3141 - Number of pages: 12.... even though the
attention he receives is negative. Because he has no respect for himself,
he can have no respect for others, either. He has no respect for women,
for example; he is a despicable "voluptuary," and he satisfies his lust at
any cost. He drives his wife to madness by bringing "women of ill-repute"
into their house right in front of her. Even more shockingly, he rapes a
mentally retarded woman, who later dies giving birth to his illegitimate
son, Smerdyakov, who grows up as his father's servant.
Fyodor is even more blatantly disrespectful to his three legitimate
chil .....
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