Term Papers on Book Reports |
Hemmingway's The Sun Also Rises
Number of words: 643 - Number of pages: 3.... an hint of jealousy that appears in Jake's tone. He states that women
began to become attracted to Chon as he got older, and that it ³changed
him so that he was not so pleasant to have around² (16). There is
racism in Jake¹s tone, but Jake¹s problem with Chon is is strictly one of
By this time Jake has already developed an extreme distaste for Chon’s
endeavors with women, but these feelings their peak when Chon and Lady
Brett have a brief affair. Jake, having unconditional love for Brett,
blames the entire incident on Chon. In turn, Chon makes as point to rub it
in Ja .....
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Joshua (the Novel)
Number of words: 805 - Number of pages: 3.... company at times. But the main reason why Joshua never feels alone is that God is always with him, loving him always, and will never abandon him: “No. I like being by myself… God is with us all the time” (72). Pat and Herm agree but still can not imagine living alone without any feeling of loneliness and this discussion of God leads to Herm’s question.
Joshua’s response is similar to a sermon or speech, and is over a page in length; he is firm in these beliefs and reiterates them several times throughout the book. He is very prepared for the question; before sayi .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: A Summary
Number of words: 1167 - Number of pages: 5.... for what he did to him and his daughter. Mayella is Bob's
daughter who supposedly got raped by Tom Robinson. Judge Taylor is the
Judge of Maycomb County. Heck Tate is the county law official.
I think the protagonist in the story is Atticus Finch because he
has the main part and he has the biggest decision to make. The decision
being whether to defend or not to defend Tom Robinson.
To Kill a Mockingbird is set in Maycomb County, an imaginary
district in Southern Alabama. The time is the early 1930s, the years of
the Great Depression when poverty and unemployment were wide .....
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The Scarlett Letter
Number of words: 663 - Number of pages: 3.... of a very unique child which she named Pearl. This punishment handed down from God was a constant mental and physical reminder to Hester of what she had done wrong, and she could not escape it 'Thou art not my child! Thou art no Pearl on mine!' (pg.99) At times Hester would get frustrated. In this aspect, Pearl symbolized God's way of punishing Hester for adultery.
The way Hester's life was ruined for so long was the ultimate
price that Hester paid for Pearl. With Pearl, Hester's life was one
almost never filled with joy, but instead a constant nagging. Pearl
would harass he .....
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Letter To Elie Regarding The Holocaust
Number of words: 300 - Number of pages: 2.... fortunate to have stuck
together. You two were close and would do anything for each other. When
your father was beaten, you were scared out of your mind. You didn't know
what to do. I think that if you would have defended your father it would
have done everybody some good.
You should have helped your father out because it was the right
thing to do. Your father did so much for you; it was the least you could
have done for him. Your father raised you and supported you; without him
you wouldn't be what you are today. I would have helped my father out if I
were in this situation.
Honestly, your .....
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The Romantically Impaired Pruf
Number of words: 807 - Number of pages: 3.... theme. Drenched with anxiety, Prufrock says: "And indeed there will be time." Prufrock uses time as an excuse to remain comfortable in his undisturbed universe. By opening the fourth stanza with: "And indeed there will be time," Eliot echoes the memorable line: "Had we but world enough and time' from Andrew Marvell's seductive poem, "To His Coy Mistress." Ironically, Prufrock does not feel compelled to seize the day(Pagnattaro 108). Prufrock repeats his
conviction that "indeed there will be time" to wonder "‘Do I dare?' and ‘Do I dare?'"-that is, first, does he dare express .....
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Farenheit 451
Number of words: 2 - Number of pages: 1.... .....
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Summary Of "Ceremony"
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4.... the Japanese,
and then when the soldier killed Rocky, it made his path split like a silk
string to a spider's web, it went out in all directions. His mind snapped at
that exact moment and went into "shell-shock".
Tayo started very early trying to find his path, but yet his path
paralleled Rocky's until the time when Rocky died. Tayo's path paralleled but
was always a step behind, because he was trying to retain his heritage and still
keep with the new ways. Tayo walked a thin line trying to keep his path and
Rocky's close together because he loved Rocky, and yet could not understand
Rocky .....
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A Farewell To Arms Is A Classi
Number of words: 1229 - Number of pages: 5.... loves him so much that she is willing
to be alone just so he can be happy. At the same time, Mr. Henry would probably like to go skiing but would never dream of leaving Catherine alone. Death wins out over love. “’It is very dangerous.’ The nurse went into the room and shut the door. I sat outside in the hall. Everything was gone inside of me. I did not think. I could no think. I knew she was going to die and I prayed that she would not. Don’t let her die. Oh, God, please don’t let her die. I’ll do anything for you if you won’t let .....
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An Analysis Of Jane Smiley's A Thousand Acres
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... (121). She is allowed to disagree with men, contingent upon
her doing so without fighting (104). Ultimately, her opinion as a woman
remains irrelevant. Ginny remarks, "of course it was silly to talk about
'my po int of view.' When my father asserted his point of view, mine
vanished" (176). When she makes the "mistake" of crossing her father, she
is referred to as a "bitch," "whore," and "slut" (181, 185).
It could be argued that many of the male characters in the novel
are suffering from a type of virgin/whore syndrome. As long as the women
remain docile receptacles they ar .....
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