Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Great Gatsby: Importance Of Daisy
Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3.... Myrtle which destroys Mr. Wilson’s life. Then she gets Gatsby killed by killing Myrtle in the car accident leading Mr. Wilson to believe that Gatsby was driving the car which hit Myrtle and killed her. So Mr. Wilson kills Gatsby as revenge and then commits suicide. Daisy just can’t find real love so she dates many men and wishes that someone will decide who she loves for her as the following quotes prove, page 151 "suddenly she again keeping half a dozen dates a day with half a dozen men" and page 151 "She wanted her life shaped now, immediately- and the decision must be made by some fo .....
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A Farewell To Arms - Response
Number of words: 748 - Number of pages: 3.... essays while deciding which would be the topic for my class presentation that I know many people see that the unfairness of life and the insignificance of our free will are apparently the most important themes in the book, but I don't agree. I also don't agree that it is a war story or a love story. Exactly what it is, though, is not clear to me. Can't art exist without being anything? "There isn't always an explanation for everything." War and love are obviously important themes in the book, and the relationship between the two is explored by Hemingway and, somewhat, by Henry. In the first .....
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Secrets In Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 1373 - Number of pages: 5.... to her and urge that she reveal her fellow adulterer. In essence, he is called upon to commit yet another sin, that of hypocrisy. Dimmesdale’s accumulated sins build inside of him, constantly afflicting his soul until it begins to affect him negatively. Thinking himself a hypocrite, he tries to ease his conscience and requite his sin by scourging himself on the chest during the night, fasting for days on end and even climbing the same platform on which Hester began her humiliation.
Walking in the shadow of a dream, as it were, and perhaps actually under the influence of a specie .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front
Number of words: 734 - Number of pages: 3.... Paul or the other soldiers to question war and become detached from civilian life. After viewing the death of a close friend and a recruit whom he had comforted earlier, Paul went home finding that war had isolated him from his family and his childhood. With the return to his unit he again felt the presence of belonging. Soldiers had become his family. The mental anguish was again vividly displayed after Paul killed a French soldier; discovering that the soldier had a family, Paul slipped into a deep agony vowing to prevent such wars from again occurring. The depth of the emotions that s .....
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Kim Kim
Number of words: 1689 - Number of pages: 7.... lama, in search of the Holy River of the Arrow that would wash away all sin, came to Lahore. Struck by all possibility for an exciting adventure, Kim attached himself to the lama as his chela. His adventures began almost at once. That night, at the edge of Lahore, Mahubub Ali, a horse trader, gave Kim a cryptic message to deliver to a British author in Umballa. What Kim did not know was that Mahbub was a member of the British Secret Service. He delivered the message as directed, and then lay in the grass and watched and listened until he learned that his message meant that eight thousand .....
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Book Report: The Hot Zone By Richard Preston
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3.... Ebola Sudan, and now, Reston. These are all level-four hot viruses. That
means there are no vaccines and there are no cures for these killers.
In 1976 Ebola climbed out of its primordial hiding place in the jungles
of Africa, and in two outbreaks in Zaire and Sudan wiped out six hundred people.
But the virus had never been seen outside of Africa and the consequences of
having the virus in a busy suburb of Washington DC is too terrifying to
contemplate. Theoretically, an airborne strain of Ebola could emerge and circle
the world in about six weeks. Ebola virus victims usually "crash and bl .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird 2
Number of words: 3687 - Number of pages: 14.... its land, which was the source of family incomes until the twentieth century when Atticus Finch (Scout's father) and his brother Jack left the land for careers in law and medicine. Atticus settled in Maycomb, the county seat of Maycomb County, with a reasonably successful law practice about twenty miles from Finch's Landing, where his sister Alexandra still lived.
Scout describes Maycomb as a lethargic, hot, colorless, narrow-minded town where she lives with her father, brother Jem (four years older) and the family cook, Calpurnia. Scout's mother had died when she was two.
When she was fi .....
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Book Review: Changing Concepts Of Race In Britain And The United States Between The World Wars.
Number of words: 1249 - Number of pages: 5.... --Anthropology, Biology and Politics. In each section, Ballen compares developments in Britain and in the United States, for the case against racism developed quite differently in the two scientific communities. On both sides of the Atlantic, physical anthropology and racial taxonomy lost ground to the new social and cultural anthropology. This shift away from biological determinism was significant, but Ballen too readily equates environmentalism and cultural relativism with a defense of racial equality. (p. 34) In the British case, as Henrika Kuklik has recently demonstrated, social a .....
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Comparison Of London's White Fang And The Call Of The Wild
Number of words: 1154 - Number of pages: 5.... was brought into Klondike to
pull sleds during the gold rush. The name Call of the Wild comes from the
natural instinct that animals have to be free in nature. The main
characters in this story are Buck the four- year-old half Saint Bernard and
half-Scottish shepherd, John Thorton and the Scottish half-breed. Buck
was stolen from his home in California during the gold-rush in the Klondike.
Dogs were a necessity and considering the size of Buck he had the makings
of a great sled-dog. Buck, being thrown into a totally different
environment, encounters such problems such as, how to stay warm b .....
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Analysis Of The Epilogue Of Th
Number of words: 580 - Number of pages: 3.... of what Prospero has said is very nice cute, but the most interesting part of this monologue is what Shakespeare himself is saying. "Now that my charms are all o'erthrown, and what strength I have's mine own" means, now my plays are over, and it's no longer my characters speaking. The "Island" or stage Shakespeare is on is now "bare" and it is time for "you" the audience to release Shakespeare and his actors from this play with the "help of [y]our good hands." Shakespeare was not only being released for the performance of the play, he was being release from his career as a playwright. But the .....
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