Term Papers on Book Reports |
Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom!: An Innovative Narrative Technique
Number of words: 2161 - Number of pages: 8.... Sutpen objectively. The first chapter serves as merely an introduction
to the history of Sutpen based on what Miss Rosa heard as a child and her brief
personal experiences.
The narration of Absalom, Absalom!, can be considered a coded activity.
Faulkner creates the complex narration beginning at chapter 2. It ironic that
one of Faulkner's greatest novels is one in which the author only appears as the
teller of the story in one brief section; The details of the hero's arrival,
Thomas Sutpen, into Jefferson in chapter 2. Although Faulkner sets the scene up
in each section (The omniscient .....
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Building Blocks Of A Family
Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... TV on school nights. We don't let him talk on the phone till he's finished his homework. But he tells us that he doesn't have any homework or he did it all in study hall. How are we to know what to believe?" (Schwiebert 287) The principal gives Daisy the idea to check his assignments everyday. This wears down on Daisy and she becomes less involved in her daughter's life, and short towards her husband. "By the time her husband, Matt, came home, she'd be snappish. She would recite the day's hardships… Matt would look surprised and confused, and Daisy would gradually wind down. There was no w .....
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Symbolism Found In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Tale Of The Minister’s Black Veil
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... him and humanity. He has become a dissenter, because his ideologies were opposite of the majority. The people, question his sanity and form hypothesis’s on his reason for wearing the veil. He becomes feared by the children, ostracized from his former society, and imprisoned in his own heart.
The veil symbolically serves multiple purposes. First and foremost, the veil serves to keep Hooper’s face from anyone, who considered him a role model, which, ironically is everyone. He felt that it was inappropriate to be a role model, when he himself had “sorrows dark enough to be typi .....
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“A Rose For Emily”: Changing Of Values And Attitudes In Southern Society
Number of words: 346 - Number of pages: 2.... situation.
To avoid being “poor Emily” after her lover apparently refused to marry, she took matters into her own hands purchasing Arsenic. She offered no explanation for its use even though the druggist explained to her that the explanation was required by law. When an unbearable stench emanated from her property, the men sprinkled lime around the property to contain the smell but asked no questions out of respect for Miss Emily. The people of the town “knew that there was one room in that region above the stairs” that most likely held a tragic secret. Out of respect for who .....
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Critique Of "Death Of The Author"
Number of words: 777 - Number of pages: 3.... man or that he
at least has very little common sense outside of the literary world. If he wrote
in a more simple, to the point modern style I would have read the story,
absorbed its content, and would not have given it a second look. The story
could be summarized into 3 lines and thus reduce the amount of paper it is
replicated on the amount of bandwidth required to transmit it, the space it
takes, and the time it takes to read it. I came to this conclusion after reading
"The Death of an Author" for the fourth or fifth time. I began to wonder why
does this man write this way? What ca .....
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Miss Massey
Number of words: 1485 - Number of pages: 6.... Jaz. He thinks that trying to comfort him
would cause a worse temper whereas I believe that Jaz would like some words
of consolation. Of course Tony knows Jaz better than I do, but most people
like some comforting when they are upset about something.
(In the following paragraphs I presume that the city referred to in the
text is London. This may not be correct, but I know of no other English
city with an Underground).
Miss Massey and her situation is not unusual in London. There are
many destitute people living on a day-to-day basis just like herself. We
Danes are not used to se .....
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The Count Of Monte Cristo: Revenge
Number of words: 1192 - Number of pages: 5.... four
conspirators are Danglars, Caderousse, Fernand Mondago, and Villefort. In order
to take revenge on his four enemies, Dantes uses a variety of names and
disguises. The main new identity he uses for himself is The Count of Monte
Danglars, as mentioned above, was the Count's shipmate when his name was
still Edmond Dantes. When Edmond went to jail, Danglars ran away and became
very rich. Caderousse was a tailor. He was also the Count's father's landlord
and once the count was sent to prison, Caderousse allowed Dantes' father to
starve to death. Fernand Mondago was in l .....
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Great Gatsby Failure Of The Am
Number of words: 1768 - Number of pages: 7.... who has made a deal with the devil in the sense that the reward is not worth the sacrifices made to attain it.
Gatsby is a man whose delusions of achieving the American Dream is corrupted by the basis on which he strives for it. American Dream consists of becoming rich through hard work and determination through legal means. Gatsby’s poor background didn’t afford him to take the straight and narrow path through life, so instead he chose to make his money by working for the mob. After leaving the Army he met this rich drunk named Cody who employed him as a worker on his boat. He en .....
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The Things They Carried 2
Number of words: 1041 - Number of pages: 4.... or mission, as was in the Vietnam War, the toll on the human spirit is even greater. Acknowledging this, Tim O'Brien in his vignette, " The Things They Carried," which is about a platoon of soldiers and their experiences and emotions brought by the controversial Vietnam War, shows how soldiers become desensitized to the death of others, and acquire an induced violent nature while also making an effective anti-Vietnam War statement.
In his narration of the story, O'Brien consciously juxtaposes the emotional burdens the soldiers carry, as they march through the Vietnam jungle, with descriptiv .....
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The House On Mango Street: Esperanza
Number of words: 829 - Number of pages: 4.... the door locked.
But that night he comes back and sends a big rock through the window.
Then he is sorry and she opens the door again. Same story ” ( pg. 85 ).
Minerva finds herself forgiving without truly seeing that her husband is
sorry. She used marriage as a way out from her undesirable life, yet her
married life still carries the same characteristics. And so, without
fighting for a satisfactory life she settles with the hand she is dealt.
Furthermore, Sally, an innocent friend of Esperanza, tries to escape her
father’s cruel beatings through marriage, but her circumstances do .....
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