Term Papers on Book Reports |
Anne Bradstreet And Sarah Kemble Knight: Writing Styles
Number of words: 632 - Number of pages: 3.... writing reflects the flair and care-free attitude of the independent woman that she was. Her narrative format allows her to comment and pass judgment on any of various things she encountered. She was a keen social observer and she was not hesitant to write with humor of those people by whom she was entertained. Her accounts are mostly non-fictional with a bit of reflective observation; she spares no details to good taste.
Knight and Bradstreet emerged from very different backgrounds. Bradstreet was raised in the house of a British nobleman. At sixteen, she married a scholar who even .....
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Jane Eyre: The Settings
Number of words: 841 - Number of pages: 4.... finally leaves for Lowood, as she remembers later, it is with a
"sense of outlawry and almost of reprobation." Lowood is after all an
institution where the orphan inmates or students go to learn. Whereas at
Gateshead her physical needs were more than adequately met, while her emotional
needs were ignored. Here Jane finds people who will love her and treat her with
respect. Miss Temple and Helen Burns are quite probably the first people to
make Jane feel important since Mr. Reed died. Except for Sunday services, the
girls of Lowood never leave the confines of those walls. At Lowood, Ja .....
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The Power Of Place
Number of words: 539 - Number of pages: 2.... good or bad mood, which inclines us toward good or bad behavior"(132). Each and every day we interact with one another, playing a different role from interaction to interaction; however, one tends to keep his or her surroundings as predictable as possible. The reason being one feels closer to being in control when the outcome becomes predictable, thus, creating confidence in one's performance at any given task. describes the behavioral differences picked up as soon as someone enters a bar or an office. One changes from place to place to create the persona one would like others to see. Think .....
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Midaq Alley
Number of words: 527 - Number of pages: 2.... began modernization. The materialistic insentive that characterized most of the inhabitants of the alley; best seen in Hamida, who in pursuite of her dreams of wealth and dresses became Titi that belongs to Ibrahim Faraj-the pimp. Another close reference to political events is through Abbas who leaves the alley to go work for the British Army in persue of material gains-regardless of the question of paterialism! furthermore, Mahfouz states the bad conditons of trade through Salim Alwan-the factory owner, as "wartime cut in imports from India". Thus, stimulating merchantes that are personif .....
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Number of words: 657 - Number of pages: 3.... causes Elie to think of what he would do if his father ever became as weak as the Rabbi. He decides that he would never leave his father, even if staying with him would be the cause of his death. The German forces are so adept at breaking the spirits of the Jews that we can see the effects throughout Elie's novel. Elie's faith in God, above all other things, is strong at the onset of the novel, but grows weaker as it goes on. We see this when Elie's father politely asks the gypsy where the lavoratories are. Not only does the gypsy not grace his father with a response, but he also delivers a .....
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A Comparison Of "The Handmaid's Tale" And "Anthem"
Number of words: 782 - Number of pages: 3.... it is deemed "evil" because he worked on his
project alone. The society in this book is also strict and authoritarian
to the point of dictating what your job will be, to whom you will have
children with.
In The Handmaid's Tale the story takes place sometime in the near
future after some kind environmental catastrophe that makes it impossible
for most women to have children. To solve this problem some radicals set
off a nuclear bomb in Washington during a full session of congress and then
declare marshal law. They then systematically took all rights away from
women and forced the ones .....
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A River Runs Through It By Nor
Number of words: 1435 - Number of pages: 6.... in the beginning of the story with Paul’s frequent phrase “...with a bet on the to make things interesting (Mclean 6).” “It was almost funny and sometimes not so funny to see a boy always wanting to bet on himself and almost sure to win (Mclean 5).” Unlike Norman who was rigorously home schooled every morning, while Paul seemed to escape this torment. The boys would spend their afternoons frolicking in the woods and fishing the Big Blackfoot River. The differences that developed between Paul’s and Norman’s fishing styles become evident in the published versions of Mclean’s lif .....
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Number of words: 1029 - Number of pages: 4.... him of his destiny. Balla Fasseke’s influence could be seen again on the eve of Krina before went into battle with Soumaoro. That evening Balla Fasseke sat down with and discussed everything with him from the history of the Mali to his role as a leader. Finally ’s dedication to consultation was obvious when the fighting finally ceased. Instead of keeping all the land he acquired for himself, returned it to the leaders. He also set a system up whereby all the leaders would get together and discuss their problems. Ihamim Bakayoko was not a king. He was not even a member of the union, b .....
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Death Of A Salesman: Symbolism
Number of words: 533 - Number of pages: 2.... to Willy and appe ars to be more interested in the sound and
technology of the machine instead of Willy, who i s fighting for his job.
Howard no longer need s Willy's services and without concern fires him.
This , to Willy, was like, "eating the orange and throwing away the peel".
However, Willy is partly to blame, as he does not accept change and wants
to remain in the pas t. This is foreshadowed in the scene where Willy is
left alone with the tape recorder and is unable to shut it off. Willy
believes in using his old techniques and style to succeed. N evertheless,
in hi job, it is not what .....
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Reasonable Doubts?
Number of words: 2321 - Number of pages: 9.... of the opposing attorneys? Lastly, how does that effect our court system?
We would like to trust the judicial system and believe that it is a legitimate institution we can search for truth. As I read Alan Dershowitz's book it became clear that the question "Did O.J. do it (murder Nicole Brown)?" would never be answered. Dershowitz argues that "Neither the prosecutors nor the judges were searching very hard for the truth of why the detectives went to the Simpson residence.
They apparently though that the disclosure of that truth would make the proving of what they believed was a more imp .....
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