Term Papers on Book Reports |
Red Badge Of Courage
Number of words: 1267 - Number of pages: 5.... and his fellow soldiers have grown. They had learned more about themselves than they ever believed possible. The young soldier becomes a man with plenty of courage by the end of this book.
Stephen Crane brings the reader into his book, first with his power of describing details so eloquently, and second by telling us very little of the young soldiers' life, leaving him a mystery. Crane might have generalized all the young soldiers into one. Although Crane tells the reader his characters’ name (Henry Flemming), he usually refers to the boy as “The soldier.” Crane also tells the reader .....
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Great Expectations: Self Conflict
Number of words: 532 - Number of pages: 2.... him to accept an offer to become a gentleman, and to be taught in
London, where he starts to stray ever-farther from those who truly love him.
As Pip begins his progression toward being a gentleman, he is
faced with a world that appears frightening, a commercial world of
protocol and etiquette that Pip blindly sees as the answer to the
shortcomings he sees in himself. He meets a man by the name of Magwitch,
who he immediately refuses to see as anything but a cold criminal, one
inadequate by his new-found standards. He would later review these
feelings and see that underneath the petty ju .....
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Touch Wood: Rene
Number of words: 847 - Number of pages: 4.... be safe. Then Adolf Hitler, a German man who hated Jewish people, started trouble all over again. First, seven synagogues were blown up. Then, the Germans created a curfew prohibiting Jews to go during certain hours. Any Jew caught in the street after curfew would be taken as hostage. Also, all Jewish people must wear a Star of David on their shirts. An ordinance is created requiring all Jewish firms to be registered. Then the Jewish are forbidden to go to most public places, and they are only allowed an hour to grocery shop.
Suddenly, their family¹s Jewish neighbors are being .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 4
Number of words: 2564 - Number of pages: 10.... struggling, and the big picture of what times were like.
Genre: The Grapes of Wrath is considered a protest novel to many. Steinbeck originally wrote it to ask California farmers to have sympathy for the migrating ‘Okies’. However, today recognized as a classic, this would most likely fall under the genre of drama.
Notes: As you read The Grapes of Wrath you must take into consideration that Steinbeck has traveled with Oklahoma migrants so that he is writing from experience. However, because he wants to get sympathy for migrants he may exaggerate conditions a .....
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Number of words: 1305 - Number of pages: 5.... job responsibilities, lines of authority, and ways of preventing or dealing with grievances. 4. It allows employers to hire qualified candidates by linking applicants' skills to the job analysis. Employers can also prove that their requirements for selection are related to the job. The ADA defines a qualified applicant as "one who can perform the essential functions of the job." A job analysis provides the employer with justification of why they chose a particular applicant. Other areas to note: 1. The most common reason for a job analysis is to gather information for job descriptions. The j .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Unreachable Dreams
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... his direction in life: “‘Do you feel absolutely no
concern for your future, boy?' ‘Oh, I feel some concern for my future, all
right. Sure. Sure, I do.' I thought about it for a minute. ‘But not too
much, I guess,'” (14). After leaving Pencey, he checks into a hotel where
he invites a prostitute up to his room. He gets cold feet and decides not
to have intercourse with her, though. Later, Holden decides to take his
old girlfriend, Sally Hayes, to the theater. After taking her to the
theater, Holden formulates a crazy plan which entails running away with
Sally, getting marrie .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 5
Number of words: 758 - Number of pages: 3.... The turtle overcame every obstacle that he faces. As the turtle is walking down the highway, a truck approached him. The driver saw the turle, and deliberately swerved to hit him. The driver of the truck symbolizes the owners, who deliberately try to strike down the migrants. The turtle continues steadily on westerly; the same direction of the migrant people.
Good is personified by the poor people. When Ma Joad was talking to the storekeeper who had lent her money she said "If you're in trouble or hurt or need-go to poor people. They're the only ones that'll help-the only ones" (S .....
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Being An Outsider
Number of words: 1409 - Number of pages: 6.... around him much. Her dark color gives rise to her feelings of inadequacy and her mother’s treatment of her made her always feel inferior.
Her first memories of herself are those looked at through eyes that enabled her only to see the outer shapes of things. Having such bad eyesight was one of the first instances where she notices her difference from others around her outside of her family. In her story where she tells of losing the glasses, she likes the fact that nothing is exactly perfect and all she really sees is the colors of lights and the shapes around her. Her eyesight set her a .....
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Hemingway's A Farewell To Arms
Number of words: 525 - Number of pages: 2.... to Arms was always active. They were never
staying in one place too long. It had a very good story line, which was a
love story that ended up in a tragedy. The main character's wife got
pregnant and she was off to have her baby when problems started occurring.
They had to have a caesarean, and the baby dies, and when the mother of the
child starts to hemorrhage Henry knows that it was over for his wife and he
was right.
From the beginning of the book until the end, the action was up. Ever
since the front page Henry was traveling around to different towns so it
was not boring for .....
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How Huck Uses His Creativity, Luck, And Wits To Get Rid Of The Pits
Number of words: 957 - Number of pages: 4.... collected all the supplies that
he could find and loaded them into a canoe. After that, he went into the
woods and caught a wild hog. He brought the hog in the Cabin, and
slaughtered it, making sure that it left behind a pool of blood on the hard
packed dirt ground. He disposed of the dead hog by throwing it in the
river to float downstream. Huck also opened a sack of corn and left a
trail leading to a shallow lake nearby. Before leaving the cabin, he
filled another sack with rocks, and made a path toward the river. This was
done to simulate the trail of the robbers dragging their bount .....
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