Term Papers on Book Reports |
All Quiet On The Western Front: Ramifications Of War
Number of words: 514 - Number of pages: 2.... about…" [Erich Maria Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front (Ballantine Books, 1982), p. 71.] The war would change them permanently, and unfortunately, they did not realize this until they were actually faced with its brutality. They began to realize that "…a broken arm is better than a hole in the guts, and many a man would be thankful enough for such a chance of finding his home way again." [Remarque, p. 52] When new recruits came to the front and witnessed the harshness of the war, they frequently heard comments like, "You'll get used to it soon," [Remarque, p. 62.] In the .....
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Comparative Essay Between Heart Of Darkness And Apocalypse Now
Number of words: 1286 - Number of pages: 5.... his self-respect in some way. Therefore he whacked the old nigger mercilessly."(p. 13 Conrad) Soldiers in combat are forced to bring the evil within themselves out every time they go into battle. The scene in Apocalypse Now where Captain Willard first meets Lt. Colonel Kilgore exhibits the power combat has in bringing out the dark side in humans. The attitude the soldiers have towards their enemy in the scene shows how evil humans can be. Kilgore demonstrates his dark side when he tosses the "death cards" on to the bodies of the dead Vietcong without showing any remorse over the death .....
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Dunny Takes The Fifth
Number of words: 613 - Number of pages: 3.... educate Paul, though the
material he used to do this with was highly unheard of, in order to help
reduce some of the guilt Dunstan still had with Pauls birth. This new interest
of magic and saints is what later led Paul to chose the path he did when he
ran away from home. Dunstan greatly altered Pauls life without it ever
serving more than the purpose of just moving his life along.
A lot of the events that changed Pauls life also effected that of Mary
Dempster. The same "snowball" that caused the premature birth of Paul also
greatly altered the life of Mary. Mary suffered .....
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Death Of A Salesman : A Social Criticism
Number of words: 1784 - Number of pages: 7.... he is seen as a failure; he absolutely will not entertain the possibility of finding a job more suitable to his talents, even though perhaps he could function as a member of society if he did; and he lives in a deluded bubble, angry, self-righteous, too proud for his own good... qualities that simply do not survive in America's production-based, time-crunch, fast-food and fast talk society.
The play opens with Linda, the loving and ever-supportive wife, welcoming Willy home from another grueling and fruitless day's work. Linda loves her husband even though she knows "Willy is essentially .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 5641 - Number of pages: 21.... was almost
pur'fect. If it warn't for me drunk Pa gettin arrested by the Sheriff that morn,
it woudda' been real pur'fect. Course I reckon a boy's gota have a good time
at his best friend's bert'day party.
I was at Sam's house. Course I warn't de only one dare. His Pa, Judge
Clemens and Ma, Miss Jane Lampton, till she married of course, was dare and I
reckon his whole 'tire family must da been at dat house, can't barely remember
it was only his fourth birthday back in 1839 (Howard 1). Ya, me and Sam been
friends ever since he moved here, best friends too, he was born an lived in
F .....
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Scarlet Letter: Who Should Punish A Sinner? Religion, Society, Or Individuals
Number of words: 579 - Number of pages: 3.... even have prayed for it, were it fit that
such as I should pray for anything."
Society was an influence on the scarlet letter. People of the town
believed that Hester was a witch as well as sinner. Society ostracized her
because no one in the town had ever delt with any kind of sin as adultry so they
looked at her as a witch. The people in a way wanted to ruin her life because
people actually thought she was bad. One of the real canadites that wanted to
ruin Hester was Mistress Hibbins.
Through out the whole story Mistress Hibbins constantly gives Hester her
piece of mind.
" .....
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Northanger Abbey: Reader's Response To Heroine
Number of words: 2639 - Number of pages: 10.... Many of the mistakes that Margaret Oliphant talks about in her description of Catherine in the title above come from Catherine's extreme innocence. Jane Austen's heroine arrives in Bath as a young debutante and, entirely inexperienced in the ways of the world, is immediately impressed by the more sophisticated Isabella. After their first meeting this is clear as she watches her leave; "(she) admired the graceful spirit of her walk, the fashionable air of her figure and dress, and felt grateful, as well she might, for the chance which had procured her such a friend." Jane Austen's inter .....
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Interview With The Vampire
Number of words: 354 - Number of pages: 2.... at all. I believe Anne Rice had used those characters to express humanity, the whole plot was some kind of an irony. Something like a metaphor, though she exaggerated everything to make it poignant enough.
Not only were the characters a success, the time and place details were incredible. The costumes, ways of manner, history and every background changes as the years passed, and she made the backgrounds so realistic that I could almost feel everything surrounding me. Actually I think Anne Rice had done such a great job that this book should be counted as literature.
After reading the las .....
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In Search Of Excellence: Review
Number of words: 717 - Number of pages: 3.... simple. Sometimes, to a big
business, it might seem logical that business should be run more complex the
larger it is. From their research, this is usually not true. The first
pricnciple is a bias for action. This is basically saying "Stop talking and do
something about it." When Taco Bell has a rush of customers and their supplies
for making food are low, they (usually) don't say "You know what, I have no more
cheese" or "Could someone get me some more cheese?" They take action and get the
cheese, make it if necessary, and get the problem solved as quickly as possible.
The second Pr .....
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An Essay On Romance And Love
Number of words: 329 - Number of pages: 2.... some and violently wrong to others, but that is the beauty of love, it is available to all. Romance is therefore a relative thing. The fact is that romance, or Eros, is different things to different people. To me, romance is a fleeting thing. It is a step towards a better thing, towards love that isn't physical. Romance epitomizes the best and worst of love. It is a thing that I at once desire and despise. I suppose that I will eventually get ensnared in it's web, I can only hope that the nectar that it feeds me will be sweet enough to offset the acrid aftertaste of the inadequacy of romance .....
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