Term Papers on Book Reports |
Similarities And Differences Between The Odyssey And Oedipus The King
Number of words: 881 - Number of pages: 4.... and wasting his father's wealth while looking to
marry Penelope, Odysseus' wife. In Oedipus the King, a wild plague has been
killing a big population of the city-state of Thebes . This was a big
conflict that the people in Thebes turned to King Oedipus to solve. He
helped the city before by solving the riddle of the Sphinx and they needed
help from him once more. During this plague, blight on the crops was
present, children stillborn, women dying after giving birth, and cattle
were sickened.
The main characters in both epic poems were also very similar. Both
King Oedipus and Odysseus were w .....
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Number of words: 1432 - Number of pages: 6.... 132). “Do to his youthful beauty, he was chosen to lead the chorus in the Paen of Thanksgiving for the naval victory at Salamis in 480 BC.” (Rexine 132)
In Sophocles’ long life he several times held public office, partly do to his fame as a dramatist and his gentle qualities as a man. “In 440 BC he was appointed one of the generals in the war which Pericles led against Samos, and in 413 BC.” (Magill, Kohler p# 1023) He was also one of the ten commissioners appointed after the failure of the expedition to Sicily, to govern Athens. Pericles once sai .....
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The Giver: Book Report
Number of words: 491 - Number of pages: 2.... with
Gabe, plus The Giver.
Rising Action: Jonas receives the assignment of Receiver of Memory.
Complication: Jonas finds out that not all memories are nice.
Conflict: The conflict is man vs. man. Jonas can't turn down his
assignment without being released.
Climax: Jonas runs away from the perfect community so that Gabe won't be
Falling Action: People search for Jonas and Gabe.
Resolution: Finally Jonas and Gabe make it elsewhere, and they were safe.
#1: “Now the landscape was changing. It was a subtle change, hard to iden .....
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Religion And Its Effect On Stephen Dedalus
Number of words: 1177 - Number of pages: 5.... the type
of attitude Stephen begins to associate with his Catholic teachers. By the
end of Chapter One, Stephen's individualism and lack of tolerance for
disrespect become evident when he complains to the rector about the actions
of Father Dolan. His confused attitude is clearly displayed by the end of
the chapter when he says, "He was happy and free: but he would not be
anyway proud with Father Dolan. He would be very kind and obedient: and he
wished that he could do something kind for him to show him that he was not
proud." Stephen still has respect for his priests, but he has lost hi .....
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Essay On The Stranger
Number of words: 575 - Number of pages: 3.... liberated from shame and self-consciousness" because he knew that his manner of hunting was evil and would only lead to lascivious killing. While describing that hunt to the boys, Jack was "twitching" and "shuddering" as he talked. He knew it was wrong. Eventually all the savages hid behind their masks when their lust for killing climaxes on the manhunt for Ralph. Throughout all of the story, all hunting, killing, and shedding of blood was done while hidden by masks.
The mask, to whoever wears it, makes the boy unknown, unrecognized, and mysterious. When the first mask was put on, Jack "l .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird Essay-ev
Number of words: 581 - Number of pages: 3.... is shriveled and totally useless. On the other side of the coin, Atticus shows the court that Mr. Ewell is not ambidextrous but is only right-handed.
A second testimony that supports the opposite of the verdict, was the fact that Mr. Ewell never called a doctor after learning of Mayella’s injuries. Following the incident, there had not been any physical examination performed by a certified physician. If indeed Mr. Robinson had committed the crime, Mr. Ewell’s first instinct would have been to get his daughter checked out. Upon finding his daughter “assaulted”, .....
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Comparing "The Adventures Of Huck Finn" And "The Catcher In The Rye"
Number of words: 1368 - Number of pages: 5.... are symbolic death and motifs. The Cosmogonic
Cycle is an interesting way to interpret literature because is Universal or
correlates with any time period and any situation.
The Call to Adventure is the first of the Cosmogonic Cycle. It is the
actual "call to adventure" that one receives to begin the cycle. There are many
ways that this is found in literature including going by desire, by chance, by
abduction, and by being lured by an outside force. In The Adventures of Huck
Finn, Huck is forced with the dilemma of whether to stay with his father and
continue to be abused or to leave. .....
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The Rime Of The Ancient Mariner: Nature
Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3.... - "Water,
water, everywhere nor any drop to drink." When "the mariner begins to find
his salvation when he begins to look on the 'slimy things' as creatures of
strange beauty" (Fraser 203), he understands the Albatross was a symbol of
nature and he realized what he had done wrong. The mariner is forgiven
after sufficient penance - "We could not speak" - is performed by Nature.
Nature shows us more strength as we realize that people of today often can
not forgive someone who has shot or killed another person.
At a spiritual level, Nature's power can decide if we will live, or be
conde .....
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Elie Wiesel
Number of words: 2393 - Number of pages: 9.... story to Elie, he wanted to warn the Jews of Signet of what could
happen to them. However, they only thought it was a vivid imagination
speaking from his lips. No one wanted to believe his story and people lived
life as usual.
It was not until German troops would enter Hungarian territory that
life would change for the Jews of Signet. At first the German soldiers did
not seem like a threat. During the week of Passover things seemed to be
going well. People were celebrating yet, it was not a complete celebration.
On the seventh day of the Passover Jewish leaders of the community were .....
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Great Expectations- Morals
Number of words: 939 - Number of pages: 4.... was fear. In this stage, Pip's main excuse for his actions was his fear of punishment. Pip displayed this because Mrs. Joe was constantly beating and threatening him. This kind of behavior made Pip very sensitive and easily swayed in his thoughts. A specific example of Pip acting out of fear was when he met Magwitch, his convict, on the marshes and was told to bring him a file and some whittles or else Pip's liver would be ripped out by the convict's friend. This made Pip steal from Mrs. Joe and lie to his family. This shows that morally, his fears are taking over, making it impossi .....
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