Term Papers on Book Reports |
“Style Critique On The Hot Zone”
Number of words: 882 - Number of pages: 4.... the effects of the viruses to make it sensational. Doctors would be brief and scientific in their reports on the symptoms. Preston description’s are not brief and are graphic. “ His face lost all appearance of life and set itself into and expressionless make…the eyeballs themselves seemed almost frozen in their sockets, and they turned bright red. He began to look like a zombie…and then you see that his lips are smeared with something slippery and red, mixed with black specks, as if he has been chewing coffee grounds. …. He is going into shock. He leans over, head on his kn .....
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An Interpretation Of Franz Kafka’s Parable “The Trees.”
Number of words: 479 - Number of pages: 2.... This fact poses a discrediting, of sort, to the validity of the parable. It may not hold true for each individual that is reading the parable, yet it seems to be reflective of the experiences of the narrator and no one else.
These interpretations, though complicated and seemingly apparent, do not portray the atmosphere of the parable as adequately as I felt after I read it over and over again. Perhaps in the Parable’s simplicity I could be able to interpret something a little more simple and relative to the human viewpoint. Or rather than relating to human viewpoint, it might be easier to r .....
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Fifth Business
Number of words: 630 - Number of pages: 3.... join the Army. Dunny needed a change in his life, something to get his mind off Mrs. Dempster and the guilt he felt for her. Leading up to his departure to the War he never really saw much of Mary, mainly because Mr. Dempster told him to stay away, but also because every time him saw her he couldn't hold back feelings of guilt and remorse. This troubled Dunny, much more then he would ever let on. On the other hand, Boy was doing as well as ever, possibly due to the fact that he knew that much of the responsibility of Mary and Paul was securely on the shoulders of Dunny. Dunny knew t .....
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The Martian Chronicles
Number of words: 251 - Number of pages: 1.... Mars is perhaps the most common source, in early SF literature, for invasions into Earth - the most famous example being H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. In Bradbury's novel, we see how it can happen the other way around. As in Wells' work, here, too, the Martians are killed by Earth's bacteria -- but rather than a case of victory in a war, this is a sad disaster. The desease wiped out a beautiful, wise, and ancient civilization.
The book depicts humankind as mostly violent in nature. Bradbury holds a mirror in front of the reader's face, and the reflected image is not very nice. The science .....
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Machiavelli's "The Prince": By Any Means Necessary
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... been asked forgiveness
for the pride of the author, the reader drops barriers that he may have
against arguments driven by ego and opens his mind to Machiavelli on a
personal, sincere level. By placing himself at the feet of the reader,
Machiavelli puts himself and his argument in a position of power. He wastes
no time in using this power to gain more control over the reader. In the
next sentence he states that his intention is to create an outline for
behavior in public office “ of use to those who understand”. This statement
compels the reader to agree with the points that the trustwor .....
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The Awakening 2
Number of words: 973 - Number of pages: 4.... her but she did not love him. It was not even the case that she did not know what love was, for she had had infatuations that at the time (being so young) she believed was love. She consciously chose to marry Mr. Pontellier even though she did not love him. When she falls in love with Robert she regrets her decision of marrying Mr. Pontellier. Readers should not sympathize with this because she was the one who had set her own trap. She did not love her husband when she married him but will never once admit that it was a bad decision. She attributes all the problems of her marriage to the way .....
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Symbolism In The Crysanthemums
Number of words: 838 - Number of pages: 4.... quote about how the Salinas valley is closed off from the world is a symbol of the struggle that Elisa is soon to face. The second sentence of this story reinforces that the this place is isolated by saying, "On every side it sat like a lid on the mountains and made the great valley a closed pot. "(Steinback 267) The symbol of a closed pot works in conjunction with the first sentence to give an idea to the extent of how hard it would be to escape the pressure of the isolation that Elisa is feeling. The symbol of living on a farm helps Steinback show Elisa's isolation. Location is not the .....
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Findley's The Wars: Analysis
Number of words: 860 - Number of pages: 4.... all who are involved.
Robert Ross could have been any soldier in the First World War by another name. He went through many of the same problems and was faced with many of the same dilemmas all soldiers went through in that time. Robert had to frequently deal with the death and mutilation of his friends and fellow soldiers. He also experienced the horrors on the battlefield, for example when “chlorine and phosgene”(p.75) was used at the beginning and “mustard gas”(p.75) was unleashed on the soldiers at the end of the battle of “Ypres”(p.73) and the witnessing of men dying befor .....
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Character Analysis Of Arthur Dimmesdale In "The Scarlet Letter"
Number of words: 475 - Number of pages: 2.... hidden, so his is a concealed sin. Here Hawthorne
shows us just how strong Dimmesdale actually is, by allowing him to hide
his sin and bear the weight of it, he creates an extremely interesting and
tremendously strong character.
The scaffold is the place that Dimmesdale shows the amount of pain
and self-loathing he is truly capable of concealing. He realizes that he
is as much at fault for Hesterÿs torment as any common villager, if not
even more so. Seven years prior, Hester stood in this place and took the
punishment for both of them while he quietly stood aside and led people to
b .....
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English Macbeth
Number of words: 635 - Number of pages: 3.... fail’
Lady Macbeth plans the murder from a very early stage even when Macbeth is unsure of what he is to do
‘When Duncan is asleep… his spongy officers, who shall bear the guilt of our great quell?
Overall Lady Macbeths ambition, confidence and naivete is perhaps the major factor in pushing Macbeth into the murder of Duncan. She does not think of the consequences of the murder so she is 100% behind Macbeth killing Macbeth, which makes it difficult for Macbeth to go against her.
Another factor is Banquo. The fact that Banquo knows of what the ‘imperfect s .....
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