Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn: Symbolism
Number of words: 974 - Number of pages: 4.... sequential order. Huck started off despising the Widow’s rules, and when his Pap kidnaps him, he has no interest in returning. The juxtaposed thoughts in Pap’s mind, money and education, make him feel unworthy to Huck. Since Pap has neither quality, he does not want Huck to accelerate him in anyway. His father’s frantic activities show him as a person to always avoid and Huck now intentionally goes to school “to spite Pap”(Pg.27). “School is everything Pap is not, and everything he will never be.”(Mrs. Hunsaker) Huck had reached a point where he “was getting sort of us .....
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Great Expectations: True Goodness In A Person
Number of words: 718 - Number of pages: 3.... his girl, Estella. He had what Dickens called “great expectations”.
Pip’s expectations of are what finally bring him to realize the importance and value of true goodness. He is brought to London where he was to become a gentleman. But he only finds that life there was even more unsatisfying. He grows deeper in debt, and starts loosing friends because he felt he was better than them. When he visited Pip was actually embarrassed by him, one of the few people who loved him most and cared for him so much when he was a child, and Pip just turned him away. He even did the same to Mag .....
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Juanita Platero's "Chee's Daughter": Character's Environment Reveals A Great Deal About Personality
Number of words: 513 - Number of pages: 2.... well. Another way to show this is how Chee
thought that if he "Take care of the land and it will take care of you."(81)
Chee cared and respected the land and in turn the land gave him food for which
he would to barter back Little One from Old Man Fat. Chee treats the land as an
equal. "he felt so strongly that just now this was something between himself
and the land."(82) Chee treats the land as an equal, respects it and it
respects him by giving him the food he needs. Where he lives is pure and real,
like the earth.
The setting Old Man Fat chooses to live in reflects his personality and .....
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Im The King Of The Castle
Number of words: 2402 - Number of pages: 9.... Kingshaws arrive Edmund throws a piece of paper out of the window which said "I DID NOT WANT YOU TO COME HERE" Charles picked up the paper and he read it, he was afraid. When the two boys first meet they have a fight because Edmund says he own's everything in the house. Edmund also tells Charles that he has to sleep in the bed in which his grandfather died, this is not true. Charles hates his mother for taking him to this house and he also dislikes the way she is smiling to mr.Hooper. Chapter 3: Charles has been at Warings now for over a week, he wanted to go away from there so he decided to .....
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Number of words: 646 - Number of pages: 3.... goes into great detail to contrast the young girls with the fifty-year-old woman. He describes the older woman as having rouge on her cheekbones and no eyebrows. The young girls are all given nubile qualities, which are described by the character of Sammy using references to food. The first girl to catch his eye is a chunky girl with a sweet can and two crescents of white just underneath it. The second girl is described as having a chubby berry face with her lips all bunched together under her nose. The third girl doesn't get compared to food until she is at the cash register and is obvi .....
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Shoot The Teacher
Number of words: 431 - Number of pages: 2.... feels inferior being the new kid and
outsider that he is.
Adam's relationship to his father seemes to vary a lot. At first Adam looks at
his father as if he was a perfect stranger.And he has all rights to do that
since they practicly hadn't seen each other att all since Adam was born. Then
some kind of a father-son friendship evolves, but I get the feeling that it's
only because they feel they have to. When Simon is accused of murder, Adam
starts to hate him. Perhaps stop caring about it, is a better way of describing
Adam's feelings towards his dad.
The author used a technique with many en .....
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William Faulkner's Absalom
Number of words: 1288 - Number of pages: 5.... of an author, as
an artist, is to depict the human heart in conflict with itself. This
attitude is revealed in the conflicts that Henry Sutpen undergoes in
Absalom, Absalom.
Thomas Sutpen is the son of a poor mountain farmer who founded the
Sutpen estate. Thomas Sutpen stands for all the great and noble qualities
of the South, and at the same time represents the failure of the South by
rejecting the past and committing the same types of acts that his ancestors
did (Brodhead 34). He rejects his own father to adopt a plantation owner
as his surrogate father, who acts as a model of .....
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Wuthering Heights-storm And Ca
Number of words: 759 - Number of pages: 3.... begins to take definite shape when the aristocratic Edgar Linton falls in love with Catherine, upsetting the balance between the relationship of Catherine and Heathcliff. Edgar’s love for Catherine is sincere, but the element of great passion which is strongly characterized does not compare to Heathcliff’s love. The difference between Catherine’s feeling for Heathcliff and the one she feels for Linton is that Heathcliff is a part of her nature, while Edgar is only a part of her superficial love. “For he (Heathcliff), like her, is a child of storm; and this m .....
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A Clockwork Orange
Number of words: 894 - Number of pages: 4.... Alex. Three of his "droogs"(friends) that help him in his crimes are Dim, Pete, and Georgie. Throughout the story, the author creates his own language called "nadsat", which is used by the youth of the futuristic world. "Nadsat" is a mix of Russian, English, and the slang words of both.
The story begins at the start of a wild and violent night with Alex and his friends sitting in a diner. To start a typical night they encounter an old man walking the streets, so they harass and hit him. However, this is not just any ordinary harassing episode but more of a complete and utter pounding. The .....
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Lord Of The Flies: An Analysis
Number of words: 1735 - Number of pages: 7.... live amicably in peace.
Soon however, differences arise as to their priorities. The smaller
children (know as littl'uns) lose interest in their tasks; the older boys
want to spend more time hunting than carrying out more routine duties, such
as keeping the signal fire on the top of the mountain going, and building
shelters. A rumor spreads that a "beast" of some sort is lurking in the
forest, and the children have nightmares.
Jack, (A ruthless, power-hungry person), promising to fulfil the
children's desire for a reversion to the ways of primitivism, is chosen as
the new leader .....
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