Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Catcher In The Rye: Summary
Number of words: 1215 - Number of pages: 5.... Straddler did not have sex with Jane. Straddler does not like the line of questioning and ends up in a fight with Holden, who lost trying to protect his old friend. This sets the scene for what life was like at Pency, which is a very important fact later in the book.
After the fight with Straddler, Holden attempts to befriend Ackley without success because he does not want to leave Pency friendless. Holden eventually decides to leave Pency early and stay in New York until the day that he is suppose to arrive home comes. On the train to New York Holden meets the mother of student at Pency .....
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Number of words: 4728 - Number of pages: 18.... the first scene. The first scene takes place on the dark, cold isolated ramparts; this scene begins in a brightly lit court, with the new king, Claudius, celebrating his recent wedding to his new wife, Gertrude. Everyone in the court appears happy and joyful, except one character who is sitting off to the side. He is dressed in black, the colour of mourning, and does not like what he sees. The lone figure is , the main character of the play. He is wearing black because it has been only two months since his father, senior the ghost on the battlements, died and he still is mourning his father .....
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The Use Of Symbols In Steinbec
Number of words: 718 - Number of pages: 3.... he has for her chrysanthemums/herself. As shown here, Elisa does not feel appreciated by her husband and so she takes care of her chrysanthemums, symbols of how beautiful she really is. Early in the story, Steinbeck uses little symbolic phrases to let the reader know that the chrysanthemums are an extension of Elisa.
Her gardening area could be described as a “cage” to protect herself from anything harmful. Knowing that her husband does not show interest in her chrysanthemums, gives her the thought that he does not have interest in her. The flowers and Elisa have intercha .....
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All Quiet On The Western Front: The Destructiveness Of War
Number of words: 608 - Number of pages: 3.... all, Katczinsky with a splinter in the head. Here is Paul’s description of one of the few horrifying sights he saw with his young eyes: “Beside me a lance-corporal has his head torn off. He runs a few steps more while the blood spouts from his neck like a fountain” (pg.115). Another incredible moment is stated on page 117, it says, “I fall into an open belly on which lies a clean, new officer’s cap.” These physical and emotional terrors cannot be healed completely neither the ones who saw them nor the ones who received them. Their pain is followed by deep scars, invisible to .....
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How It Feels To Be Coloured Me: Realizing Color
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... her face. All the black people aren’t doctors, lawyers, butchers and postal workers like they were in Eatonville. As she states, “I feel most coloured when I am thrown into a sharp white backround.” She realizes that not everyone is the same anymore as they were in Eatonville. She knows that she’s “not in Kansas anymore”, similar to what anyone would feel being out of their realm.
Unlike the days of her grandfather, when he didn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of doing anything with himself, she knows that she has the ability and capability of being able to do what .....
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Number of words: 1513 - Number of pages: 6.... Sethe waited for Halle, which caused her to get caught. She is then brutally raped and severely beaten by the slave owners but Sethe does eventually manage to escape without Halle. Sethe makes it out of Kentucky and gave birth to “Denver” the night before she crosses the river to Ohio. For 28 days Sethe and her children happily live with Halle’s mother, Baby Suggs, but she is soon found by the slave-owner who had come to retrieve them. To avoid a return to slavery, Sethe decides to kill her children and herself. She is only able to kill her toddler, later known as “”. At the novel .....
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To Sir With Love - Change
Number of words: 681 - Number of pages: 3.... such as such as the students
all going to visit the house of their black friend during his crisis, or
their learning to treat each other with respect;they learned to address
each other as their last names, inthe case of the boys, and "Miss", for the
girls. For the students,they learned to respect and really learn from their
teacher,something they had never cared to do before. Braithewaite helped
them to break out of the the pattern of intolerance and roughness that
society had placed them in. They began to respect themselves and then to
respect others. In short, it was obvious that both th .....
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1984 Big Brother Is Watching Y
Number of words: 1160 - Number of pages: 5.... divided into two classes, the members of the Party and the proletariat. The Party members are like machines that do the jobs of the government. In this world, never has anyone thought any different of his or her place in society. Due to this authority that attempts to control the human train of thought, paranoia among the people became common. Nobody would talk to each other. Bonds between one another were broken, and it was never thought to be any different than before. To hold on to what makes you human - emotions and the ability to speak freely - was considered a crime against Big Brother. .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Holden
Number of words: 1430 - Number of pages: 6.... once
again. In an attempt to deal with this he leaves school a few days prior to
the end of term, and goes to New York to 'take a vacation' before returning
to his parents' inevitable wrath.
Told as a monologue, the book describes Holden's thoughts and
activities over these few days, during which he describes a developing
nervous breakdown, symptomised by his bouts of unexplained depression,
impulsive spending and generally odd, erratic behaviour, prior to his
eventual nervous collapse.
However, during his psychological battle, life continues on around
Holden as it always had, .....
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A Comparison Of The Misguided Desires Of Gatsby And George
Number of words: 1523 - Number of pages: 6.... first time in five years, Nick tries to comfort him in the kitchen, and finally becomes impatient. "You're acting like a little boy," he says to Jay, and this single remark defines much of Gatsby's peculiar charm. For Gatsby, despite (or because of) his wealth, and his dreams, was indeed a "little boy"-- a worshipper of toys that he took to be signs of Divinity. For immature people like Jay Gatsby, the trivial is always elevated to the universally significant. Lastly, Gatsby, after being so proud of his wealth at the beginning of the book, totally reassess the value of all of his possessions .....
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