Term Papers on Book Reports |
Catch 22: What’s Fair Isn’t Fair
Number of words: 2358 - Number of pages: 9.... of their country.
Although the title of General, Sergeant, or Major may make one seem distinguished and well-learned, Heller offers a different perspective. Major Major Major, Scheisskoph and co. share one common characteristic: they are more fit to be clowns than leaders. Through portraying Major Major Major as an inefficient Major (he is unwilling to meet with those who wish to see him) whose promotion was a direct result of his name, one is inclined to believe those in military leadership actually do not belong in their respective position. Bomb patterns, parades, and success of mess .....
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Fahrenheit 451: Books - A Part Of Our Past
Number of words: 854 - Number of pages: 4.... fifty years. But
without the recordings of Einstein and all the other famous scientists,
television probably would not be invented that early.
In our day and age people are watching too much television. We figure
that everything that is in books is on the television. If we need to learn
about something we rent a movie about it or watch a show on it. No one reads
books anymore just for the fun of it, or so they can read the paranormal,
science fiction, horror, classics, fiction or non-fiction novel that surround
our world. If we want to see stuff like that we will watch “The X-Files .....
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Flowers For Algernon: Supplementary Book Review
Number of words: 762 - Number of pages: 3.... and
Fay, a character who did not make much of an appearance, but in my eyes
believed, that she played a very important part in Charlie's involvement in
trying to sort out his past and figure out his present and future plans.
Charlie is a mentally retarded person who has impressing people and gaining
friends as one of his top priorities. He then hears of an experiment which
could possibly make him smart. He makes himself subject to this human
experiment with the hopes of gaining knowledge in a sole purpose of gaining
friends. As the book progresses, Charlie goes through dramatic ch .....
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A Dolls House 2
Number of words: 548 - Number of pages: 2.... significant loved ones gives us a better understanding of Nora. It gives us an image of who the character Nora really is.
Mrs. Linde shows her loyalty to her family when she did not think that she “had the right” to refuse her husband’s marriage proposal. After taking into consideration her sick mother, her brothers, and Krogstad having money. She married for the welfare of her family.
Which means that in this society family is top priority. To the women is this era, loyalty to their loved ones is highly expected.
Then, we have Nora, who on the same token saves her hus .....
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The Glass Menagerie: Symbols
Number of words: 722 - Number of pages: 3.... greatly affect her physical condition, more so than normal people.
Another symbol presented deals more with Tom than any of the other characters: Tom's habit of going to the movies shows us his longing to leave the apartment and head out into the world of reality. A place where one can find adventure. And Tom, being a poet, can understand the needs of man to long for adventure and romance. But he is kept from entering reality by Amanda, who criticizes him as being a "selfish dreamer." But, Tom has made steps to escape into reality by transferring the payment of a light bill to pay for hi .....
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The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 1054 - Number of pages: 4.... Douglas spoke he had better listen, or there
would be consequences. He said, “When the Widow rung a bell for supper,
and you had to come on time. When you got to the table you couldn’t go
right to eating, but you had to wait for the Widow to tuck down her head
and grumble a little over the vicuals...”
Huck actually got used to living that way, and liked it for a while.
Until one day he said, “The Widow Douglas she took me for her son, and
allowed she sivilize me; but it was rough living in the house all the time,
considering how dismal regular and decent the Widow was in all her .....
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Uses And Abuses Of Information
Number of words: 2261 - Number of pages: 9.... of Party members, unlike a television it cannot be turned off and it transmits as well as receives. Winston works at the Ministry of Truth, one of four government ministries. The Ministry of Love is concerned with law and order, The Ministry of peace concerns itself with war, The Ministry of Plenty which deals with economic affairs and The Ministry of Truth which is responsible for the production of news, education, entertainment and fine arts.
Orwell is said to have based the infrastructure of Oceania on that of Stalinist Russia of the 1940s. I want to compare and contrast Orwell’s vis .....
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Notes From The Underground: Underground Man
Number of words: 901 - Number of pages: 4.... they would become noble and good. His only advantage would be in the good. The only reason he does bad things is because he does not know his own interests. The Underground Man does not really believe that though. He thinks only innocent, naïve people believe it is that easy. In reality, man knows his interests but continues to pursue other things.
The Underground Man has his perspective on life, which is for once close to the way it really is. He does not contradict his opinion on this topic, so you conclude that he really believes it and is not just speaking to confuse you the way .....
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Change In Heart Of Darkness
Number of words: 2201 - Number of pages: 9.... (Conrad ?), is “dangerous, dark, mysterious, treacherous, [and] concealed” (Karl 32). When the characters are unable to withstand the various temptations along this passage they helplessly sell their souls to corruption. In both the book and the movie, the various events along each individual journey help illustrate not only the physical deterioration of the environment and the characters’ health but also the psychological degradation of the characters’ conscience and consciousness.
In both Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now, the various dramatic shifts in the .....
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The Yellow Wallpaper: Women In Society
Number of words: 864 - Number of pages: 4.... takes place in herself while she is there. In this way the house still is the cocoon for her transformation. It does not take the form of the traditional symbol of security for the domestic activities of a woman, but it does allow for and contain her metamorphosis. The house also facilitates her release, accommodating her, her writing and her thoughts. These two activities evolve because of the fact that she is kept in the house.
One specific characteristic of the house that symbolizes not only her potential but also her trapped feeling is the window. Traditionally this symbol represents .....
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