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Grapes Of Wrath Book Report
Number of words: 1494 - Number of pages: 6.... fathers farm which he hasn’t been to in 4 years. He tells the truck driver who gives
him a ride that he got in a fight with a guy at a dance and when he tried to brandish a
knife, Tom hit him on the head with a shovel. The truck driver lets him off at his father’s
farm but he finds it abandoned. He does meet up with an old friend Jim Casy who used to
be a preacher. So Tom and Jim head down to his uncle’s to locate his family. A day later
he finds them all about to leave for California. Tom decides to accompany his family to
California although it means breaking his parole. Pa .....
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The Great Gatsby: Illusions
Number of words: 1084 - Number of pages: 4.... with Daisy,
and still can never have that. Gatsby's illusion surrounding him is
totally shattered in this book, partly through the actions of Tom who feels
that he must discredit his name. Tom, however discredits name to draw
Daisy away from him when he finds that Gatsby has become interested in
Daisy. When Tom confronts Gatsby, and begins to crumble his illusion,
Gatsby is as cool and confident as he always is.
Tom's voice, incredulous and insulting: I told you I went there
[Oxford]," said Gatsby.
"I heard you, but I would like to know when."
"It was in nineteen-ninet .....
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Animal Farm: Boxer Is A Leader's Ideal Disciple
Number of words: 582 - Number of pages: 3.... Snowball was a
traitor at all in the beginning." He sticks to this until he is told that
Napoleon said that the story about Snowball was true. He then resorted
back the motto that "Napoleon is always right." He may have been able to
stick to his belief about Snowball had it not been for his naive nature.
The pigs took a great advantage of this. Boxer was also faithful to his
work. He was always trying to do more. Boxer was a very faithful
character who is a great example of a good follower.
Another quality of Boxer that made him a very good apostle was his
willingness to work harder .....
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“Masque Of The Red Death”vs.“Fall Of The House Of Usher”: A Glimpse Into The Life Of Poe
Number of words: 2171 - Number of pages: 8.... ‘In The Fall of the House of Usher,’ the tragedy is so far from being either gratuitous or a matter of capricious volition that both family and mansion are foredoomed to destruction’” (Buranelli 74).
He had a difficult childhood and lived a very disturbed, lonely and sad life. Poe was the second of three children. He had a brother and a sister. He was born in Richmond, Virginia on January 19, 1809. His mother was Elizabeth Arnold and his father was David Poe, Jr. Poe’s mother died two years after his birth on December 8, 1811. Edgar went to stay with the Allan fami .....
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Native Son: Bigger
Number of words: 865 - Number of pages: 4.... where the white society governs his state
of being. While he worked for the Daltons, "his courage to live depended upon
how successfully his fear was hidden from his consciousness"(44), and hate also
builds on top of this fear. Once he is in contact with Mary, his fears and hate
pour out in a rebellious act of murder, because to Bigger Mary symbolizes the
white oppression. In addition, he committed the act, "because it had made him
feel free for the first time in his life"(255). At last he feels he is in
control of his actions and mentality. He rebels against the burden of the white .....
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Byblis And Myrrha
Number of words: 1473 - Number of pages: 6.... [she longs]” (339). In Crane’s translation, Myrrha considers herself “most depraved” (on-line). All of these revelations compel readers to feel sorry for the girls in their situations; they seem to be victims of their desires.
both denounce their passions. After Byblis awakes from dreaming intimately about her brother, she claims she would never want to see this scene in daylight (Mandelbaum 308). Later in her speech, she refers to her incestuous pursuit as a “forbidden course” and to her burning desires as “obscene, foul fires” (309). According to Crane, Byblis calls .....
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Silicon Snake Oil Second Thoughts On The Information Highway
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... says that a computer can make certain tasks simpler and easier to do if
you know how to use a computer and use the specific program needed to
complete the specific task. If you do not know how to use a computer or are
just learning how to use one, performing new tasks can be very difficult
and frustrating. This is because computers are difficult to learn about and
understand because they are different from most other equipment. Even
someone who knows how to use a computer proficiently can still have a hard
time using new software because every program is different and requires the
use .....
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The Sun Also Rises
Number of words: 2642 - Number of pages: 10.... man thus presented is a man of action, of self-discipline and self-reliance, and of strength and courage to confront all weaknesses, fears, failures, and even death.
Jake Barnes, as the narrator and supposed hero of the novel, fell in love with Brett some years ago and is still powerfully and uncontrollably in love with her. However, Jake is unfortunately a casualty of the war, having been emasculated in a freak accident. Still adjusting to his impotence at the beginning of the novel, Jake has lost all power and desire to have sex. Because of this, Jake and Brett cannot be lovers and .....
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Great Expectations Why Does Pi
Number of words: 676 - Number of pages: 3.... he forms his “Great Expectations”.
From these experiences Pip finds out about what he considers polite society, but Satis House is a place where society is anything but polite. This is exemplified by Estella’s blatant lack of regard for Pip’s feelings; she points out to him for the first time his faults such as his “coarse hands…. thick boots” and the fact that he is nothing but “a common labouring boy”. This not only points out Pip’s own faults but also leads to his awareness of Joe’s.
Estella is the main incident in Pip .....
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Stereotypes In Woolf’s A Room Of One’s Own
Number of words: 1552 - Number of pages: 6.... literature. The classification of “non-fiction” guarantees that the personas depicted in the tale will be real people; Woolf’s non-fiction tale reads like a story - a personal anecdote shared with the reader by a persona who might not, if the story be fictionalized, exist. Thus, Woolf almost confuses the reader as to what classification it actually falls into – non-fiction or fiction?
The author’s conversational manner relaxes the reader to a point that he or she forgets that they are, indeed, reading a non-fiction essay. Woolf, herself, describes this aspect at the begin .....
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