Term Papers on Book Reports |
Silas Manner
Number of words: 1679 - Number of pages: 7.... brother and failed his girlfriend by marrying Molly a poor barmaid who was addicted to d rugs .Eliot describes their marriage as " an ugly story of low passion delusion and waking from delusion, which needs not to be dragged from the privacy of Godfrey's bitter memory."(33). The marriage was one that Godfrey did not think much about before acting on his impulse. His brother Dunstan had trapped Godfrey in a position where Dunstan could blackmail him Dunstan saw the marriage as a way "of gratifying at once his jealous hate and his cupidity."(33). For reasons not stated in the book Dunstan h .....
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Huck Finn Grows Up
Number of words: 2294 - Number of pages: 9.... just that, when he wrote what is considered by many as the “Great American Epic”.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, “The great American epic,” may be one of the most interesting and complex books ever written in the history of our nation. This book cleverly disguises many of the American ideals in a child floating down the Mississippi River on a raft with a black slave. On the outside of the story, one can see an exciting tale of heroism and adventure; however, that is not all. The book shows Mark Twain’s idea of the classic American idealism, consisting of .....
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Book Report: Bless Me, Ultima
Number of words: 1980 - Number of pages: 8.... think about the difference between good and evil and forgiveness.
Narciso- An honorable man who tries to protect Ultima from harm. Because of the loss of his young wife, Narciso begins to drink and is known as the town drunk. Through his garden, Narciso makes magic by growing beautiful flowers and plants. He is later killed by Tenorio in cold blood while trying to warn Ultima of harm and is buried as the town drunk instead of the hero that he is.
Leon, Andrew, and Eugene- Tony’s brothers. The giants in his dream. They go off to fight the War and come back grown men with their .....
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Tragedy Of Macbeth From Macbet
Number of words: 1001 - Number of pages: 4.... to create a that devilish tone in the play "If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me, without my stir. (I,iii,141-143) hides Macbeth's true intentions towards the king and he feelings on what the witches said.
The play is also filled with many references to the night or darkness which would have been used to further explain to Shakespeare's audiences the mood of deception and that cold tone, considering the fact that the audiences would have been watching this play in the middle of the afternoon. The darkness is set to "hide" the actions of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth "Come, t .....
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Macbeth From Hero To Murdereth
Number of words: 1159 - Number of pages: 5.... written by Charlotte Bronte, mysticism is one of the prevailing themes. One of the first occurrences of a mystical situation is when Jane gets locked up in the Red Room where her uncle had died. When it starts to get dark, she thinks that she sees her uncle's face in the mirror, and becomes frightened thinking that he has come to get her. However, it is probably Jane's own reflection, and because she's a terrified little girl, she believes that it is really a ghost. In the novel Wuthering Heights, written by Emily Bronte, the mirror is also used to give a sense of the supernatural. When Cath .....
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The Great Gatsby: A Full Spectrum Of Character
Number of words: 566 - Number of pages: 3.... associated with it.
Daisy seems to be easily impressed by material success, as when she is
touring Gatsby's mansion and seems deeply moved by his collection of fine,
tailored shirts. It would seem that Tom's relative wealth, also, had at one
time impressed her enough to win her in marriage. In contrast to that,
Gatsby seems to not care a bit about money itself, but rather only about
the possibility that it can win over Daisy. In fact, Gatsby's extreme
generosity gives the reader the impression that Gatsby would otherwise have
never even worked at attaining wealth had it not been for D .....
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The Prisoner Who Wore Glasses: Actions Have Consequences
Number of words: 762 - Number of pages: 3.... made him feel like a savage.
Brille is a political prisoner in the area of Span One, which has nine other prisoners just like Brille. Brille is not physically intimidating. He wears glasses and has "a hollowed-out chest and comic knobbly knees" (Head 427). Brille needed to release these suppressed feelings. He did this by turning the Warder in. This gave him a sense of control and relief from the years of suppressed feelings of depression and confusion. He wanted to see Warder Hannetjie to suffer from his mistakes just like he did. Brille wanted Warder Hannetjie to feel the grim rea .....
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The Relationship Between Billy Budd And Claggart
Number of words: 780 - Number of pages: 3.... the tension between Claggart and Billy, and set the stage for a later confrontation. They also force Billy to search for help. The person he goes to is the old Dansker. Billy recognizes Dansker as a figure of experience, and after showing respect and courtesy which Billy believes due to his elder, finally seeks his advice. But what Billy is told thoroughly astonishes him. Dansker tells Billy that for some reason, Claggart is after him. Dansker says to Billy, “Baby Budd, Jimmy Legs is down on you” (785). Billy is still confused and ignores what Dansker has told him about Claggart becau .....
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Evolution Of Frankenstein
Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3.... and an impulsive desire to achieve recognition, fame, and fortune. The scientist tampers with fate without recognizing that with the creation of life comes responsibilities and unanticipated consequences. Instead of producing a wondrous man, Frankenstein assembles a monster who becomes a hideous terror. The monster destroys the very things that Frankenstein holds dear and tried to preserve.
Correspondingly, the monster, when he is created, is an inexperienced, benign being. At first he is grateful to his creator for being given life. The monster is a gentile, disoriented creature who has .....
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Experiencing Can Be Corrupting
Number of words: 844 - Number of pages: 4.... someone who has been stripped of his innocence through his experience is well depicted in the famous short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown.” In the short story “Young Goodman Brown,” Hawthorne illustrates how a person can go from a state of innocence to a state of experience, thus corrupting the individual.
As one reads the short story of Hawthorne, it is easy to observe that the overtone is one in which it displays the corruption of a man’s mind. The corruption of the protagonist, Young Goodman Brown, would not have been so clear if it wasn’t for the theme o .....
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