Term Papers on Book Reports |
Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde: Life Of Dr. Henry Jekyll
Number of words: 809 - Number of pages: 3.... out the worst evil in other people. Since Hyde represents evil,
he is symbolically represented as being much smaller than Dr. Jekyll.
I believe Dr. Jekyll created Hyde because he had a theory that man has a
good side and a bad side. While investigating this, he developed a potion that
could release the evil in a person in the form of a totally different person.
Then this person could commit any evil act it wanted, and then drink the potion
to return back to normal. The only problem with this is the fact that he drank
this potion so many times, he was no longer able to control this process. .....
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The Scarlet Letter: The Harsh Puritan Society
Number of words: 1063 - Number of pages: 4.... Hester and his undying love for her. It
is here that Hester can do the same for Dimmesdale. It is here that the two of
them can openly engage in conversation, without being preoccupied with the
constraints that Puritan society places on them. The forest itself, is free.
Nobody watches in the woods to report misbehavior, so it is here where people do
as they wish. To independent spirits like Hester Prynne's, the wilderness
beckons her: "Throw off the shackles of law and religion. What good have they
done you anyway? Look at you, a young and vibrant woman, grown old before you
time. .....
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A Portrayel Of Women In The Or
Number of words: 870 - Number of pages: 4.... (Aeschylus 116). Odysseus of the quick wits was held in high esteem for such craftiness, yet intelligence and wit, while exulted in a man, are threatening characteristics in a woman. In the kingdom, Clytaemnestra has been having an open affair with Aegisthus. The chorus, who acts as the voice of the common man, and therefore the voice of morality, condemn her for this affair even though it is common practice for men in ancient Greece to have many extramarital affairs themselves. In this way Aeschylus condones the double-standards thrust upon the women of the time, but he also, pe .....
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Blood Justice
Number of words: 1065 - Number of pages: 4.... white people to convict a black man. The ruling went on to say that one African American had to be on a jury when an African American was on trial. This defense tactic by Brown was a legally intelligent thing to do but this actually became the motive for the mob to kill Parker.
On Friday April 24th J.P. Walker, Preacher Lee, Crip Reyer and L.C. Davis got into Reyer’s Oldsmobile and they took off on a mission to kill Mark Charles Parker. (3 other cars of men followed) They went to the courthouse/jail in Poplarville and they could not get in. So they went to Jewel Alford’s House (The jai .....
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Pycho By Alfred Hitcock
Number of words: 1978 - Number of pages: 8.... is unrealistic, he proudly boasts about how his money is to thank for this. Another thought from Mr. Cassidy is that money does not buy happiness, but it buys off unhappiness. His interaction with Marion was brief but very vital to the next turn of events.
Mr. Cassidy asked Marion point blank if she was unhappy. Her reply “not inordinately” shows that she is not completely happy with her life(Hitchcock). The major source of her unhappiness is the fact that she can not marry her beloved Sam until he gets his feet on the ground financially. She then takes Mr. Cassidy’ .....
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The Awakening
Number of words: 424 - Number of pages: 2.... other limitations of being female. Edna refused to attend her sister’s funeral even though, according to her father, she should go out of “womanly consideration”. And as most wives unconditionally obeyed their husbands, Edna often refused her husband’s wishes from simple matters of merely meeting him downtown to more complex issues such as her Tuesdays at home.
Through her struggles, Edna came to understand her means to happiness. She realized that an abundance of material things as were in her husbands home did not please her and in fact added to her continually deepening depress .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird: Controversial Issues
Number of words: 1230 - Number of pages: 5.... through the other birds. In the novel, the people of
Maycomb only know Boo Radley and Tom Robinson by what others say about them.
Both of these characters do not really have their own "song" in a sense,
and therefore, are characterized by other people's viewpoints.
Throughout the novel, Scout, Jem, and Dill are curious about the
"mysterious" Boo Radley because he never comes outside of his house or
associates with anyone in the neighborhood. The children are, in fact,
afraid of him because of all the stories they hear about him from the
people in Maycomb. For example, Miss Stephanie .....
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Number of words: 490 - Number of pages: 2.... If that is not enough, starting on page 62 10 begins a speech lasting 2 pages in which he spews out his views of people like the defendant: “Human life doesn’t mean as much to them as it does to us…And they are-wild animals.”
10 is an impatient and uncaring/unconcerned person. It is made clear by viewing his lines that 10 does not take his part on the jury seriously and only wants to reach a consensus as quickly as possible. His reason is quickly found on page 22 when he states, “I got three garages of mine going to pot while your talking. Let’s get done and get outa here.” .....
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Great Gatsby
Number of words: 558 - Number of pages: 3.... concerned with their possessions and money, than their health and lives. Subsequently, the people at his parties show careless recklessness with their abuse of alcohol and their bodies. First of all, the people at Gatsby¹s balls drank all night and showed no respect for Gatsby¹s house or possessions. Also the participants of the parties held at Gatsby¹s mansion are audacious enough to drive home while very intoxicated. Furthermore the individuals who were drinking were astonished to see the car in the ditch but none of them bothered to help. Alcohol in large amounts and large groups can .....
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The Feminine Mystique
Number of words: 1276 - Number of pages: 5.... which was even
greater than that which the white women suffered from.
In addition to hair color, women often went to great lengths to achieve
a thin figure. The look that women were striving for was the look of the thin
model. Many women wore tight, uncomfortable clothing in order to create the
illusion of being thinner and some even took pills that were supposed to make
them lose weight.
The role of women was to find a husband to support the family that they
would raise. Many women dropped out of college or never went in the first place
because they were lead to believe that working outs .....
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