Term Papers on Book Reports |
Do You Have A Voice
Number of words: 664 - Number of pages: 3.... That line, from the story, is basically saying that Huck is trash for doing that to Jim. Then fifteen minutes later Huck goes into Jim’s wigwam and apologizes. This is showing that Huck does have a voice because any other white person from the south would not apologize to a slave. The slaves were thought of as being lower than any white person and Huck was showing that a slave as equal to him or even better than him because he went and apologized to Jim. By doing this Huck was different and developed a voice because if he had no voice he would have gotten angry with Jim .....
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The Joy Luck Club: Journey To Adulthood
Number of words: 756 - Number of pages: 3.... the house that the Huangs were much higher in society than her family was. Once she stepped inside, however, she sees that the house is uncomfortable and imposing. Lindo was not welcomed warmly as a new member of the family. Instead she was shown to the servants' quarters which gave her a good idea about her position in this household. Her sole purpose of being the bride of Tyan-yu was to provide grandsons for Huang Taitai, her mother-in-law-to-be.
Lindo was determined to honor her parents and worked hard to become a good wife, learning how to sew, cook and clean. She had promised her fa .....
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Number of words: 330 - Number of pages: 2.... a while they ship him off to the Dukes other home in Scotland. Poor Lassie misses Joe so much he decides to go home. Lassie gets out of his cage and starts on the long journey home.
On Lassie's journey home he meets a lot of people and some are very nice and help him if it wasn't for them Lassie would have never made it. He did though one afternoon when Joe Carraclough was coming out of school there he was waiting as before. Joe saw him and ran out and hugged him real tight he had never been more happy in his entire life. That night every thing was back to normal. LASSIE H .....
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Summary Of Jane Eyre
Number of words: 946 - Number of pages: 4.... home and there are strange things going on in the house. Many days pass away. One day when Jane goes out to the village to post a letter, she meets a horseman with his dog.
The horse falls and the man is hurt and Jane helps him on his feet. When she is back home she recognizes the dog and understands that the horseman is Mr. Rochester.
She meets Mr. Rochester many times and they have interesting conversations and she starts to like him very much, in spite of his sarcastic and authoritarian manners. He tells her much about his journeys. Sometimes she hears strange laughter in the night coming .....
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The Theme Of Coming Of Age In Literature
Number of words: 1844 - Number of pages: 7.... and other forms of entertainment, there is also a very realistic part
to this event in a person's life which is often ignored. The coming of age is
an event which is often celebrated in many different cultures, through rituals
or ceremonies. The rituals, also known as passage rites, mark the passing of a
person from one stage of life to the next: birth, infancy, childhood, adulthood,
old age, and death. The coming of age is celebrated along with birth, and death
because it is known as a universal life crises. Evoking anxiety, these crises
often elicit passage rites. Arnold Van Genne .....
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Breakfast Of Champions- Kurt V
Number of words: 646 - Number of pages: 3.... why people do such ridiculous things such as, “[agree] with friends to express friendliness” and everyone else follows. He sees that people feel the need to conform for acceptance and this annoys him. In his story he also cites the time of which “Earthlings discovered tools”, referring to guns. Trout points out that the “tools” only purpose is “to make holes in human beings”, this seeming extremely ridiculous to him. Realizing all of this bothers Trout immensely and puts him in a bitter state.
Kilgore Trout proceeds in watching the act .....
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Grapes Of Wrath 3
Number of words: 7173 - Number of pages: 27.... family had been compelled to leave their land through repossession by the large corporations another example in Tom's life how the larger are trying to control the less fortunate. This land had been his family's source of pride and livelihood throughout his life with them and it's loss was the first sizable impact on Tom's conscience that would lead him to an awakening. After visiting the land the Joad family had lived on for many years Tom and Jim traveled to his uncle John's house nearby. There Tom meets his family as they are making preparations to leave for California. Tom's family has .....
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Paradise Lost 2
Number of words: 476 - Number of pages: 2.... defends God's foreknowledge in Book III, when God says,
. . they [rebel angels] themselves decreed
Thir own revolt, not I: if I foreknew,
Foreknowledge had no influence on their fault,
Which had no less prov'd certain unforeknow.
God states that His knowledge of future events is not the same as predestination, he establishes himself as merely a bystander in these events. To force His divine will on the Angels or Man would be an injustice to each particular creature's own free will. Instead, God must let each creature act on its own choices. In turn, God must act as a judge: He must .....
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Ordinary People: Loss
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... it.” He looks for answers elsewhere. Cal begins searching within himself for a conclusion. “I’m the kind of man who…?” He can’t answer this question without being too painfully truthful; afraid of finding something he doesn’t want to see. He begins noticing imperfections in himself. “He has noted this about himself lately: He drinks too muck when they go out. Because drinking helps.” Cal finally comes to a conclusion that there was nothing he could have done to prevent the death of his son. He gives up more so than he heals.
Conrad. He found his wounds to be deeper than he .....
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Similarities And Differences In Kafka's "The Trial" And "The Metamorphosis"
Number of words: 705 - Number of pages: 3.... as
to why he was arrested. Not even the inspector that arrested him,
"These gentlemen here and myself have no standing whatever in this affair
of yours, indeed we know hardly anything about it. We might wear the most
official uniforms and your case would not be a penny worse. I can't even
confirm that you are charged with an offense, or rather, I don't know
whether you are." (p 12)
As you can see, K has no luck getting information regarding his case. In
fact, from the time he was first put under arrest to when he was killed, he
never encountered the anonymous force that issued the arr .....
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