Term Papers on Book Reports |
Why Is The Crucible So Called
Number of words: 2265 - Number of pages: 9.... hunt. There was very little privacy in Salem mainly because the fact that it was a theocracy and crimes were an offence not only against God but also against the community. Therefore there was pressure for neighbours to reveal other’s sin. The desire for privacy makes one suspect others because if they do not convict others it looks as if they themselves might have something to hide. It is ironic that Reverend Parris says that the witchcraft investigation might reveal the source of all the community’s problems ‘Why, Rebecca, we may open up the boil of all our troubles to .....
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1984: Lack Of Humanity
Number of words: 1303 - Number of pages: 5.... and they know no better. George Orwell’s 1984 shows how a human being can be stripped of its emotions, its freedom, and its identity if that human being allows a society like Oceania to rule him; therefore, anyone should never allow it to happen.
The Party controls people’s emotions by instilling basic codes of moral. It is insinuated that you should not feel emotions; and, if you do feel them, then you are a criminal. Therefore, the people of Oceania disregard their emotions. Every citizen has been emotionally crippled and they are incapable of having, expressing, or understandi .....
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Terrors Of The Night
Number of words: 331 - Number of pages: 2.... stresses and helplessness produce nightmares. From the research of the people who have experienced nightmares, it has been learned that most people continue to have nightmares from childhood to the present. According to scientist, these experiences are caused by illness of the above. Especially, these people who have experienced nightmare are influenced very easily. From the data, 70% of the people who have nightmares had to go psychotherapy and 15% went to mental hospital. Actually, nightmares are difficult to treat because they come from stress or so on. However, there are some ways to tre .....
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The Color Purple: Nettie
Number of words: 695 - Number of pages: 3.... beaten down like Ma was." (138-139) The only man Nettie had ever had contact with were Pa and Albert; so she perceived that all men treated their wives and the women in the family like possessions to be sold to the highest bidder. For the first time in her life, Nettie met a man who, not only wanted her to learn, but also had the benefit of "a wonderful marriage" (139) based on friendship and understanding.
To her great disillusionment, the situation in Africa was appalling. In some cases, the discrimination was greater than that in the United States. In the Olinka tribe they believed, " .....
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Remains Of The Day By Kazuo Is
Number of words: 666 - Number of pages: 3.... about his work after his father has died, which takes much emotional restraint. Although the reader may see this action as heartless, it is clear that Stevens respected and looked up to his father, therefore was upset by his death. Stevens believes his “father was indeed the embodiment of dignity” (34), which is what Stevens is trying to become. Stevens also is successful in hiding his feelings when it comes to Miss Kenton. He is clearly in love with her, yet he hides his love behind his somber dealings. When returning from a date Miss Kenton asks Mr. Stevens, “Are you not in the lea .....
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Oedipus The King 2
Number of words: 468 - Number of pages: 2.... was plotting against him. Creon’s modest rebuttal consisted only of a threat to himself- that if Oedipus’ claim against him were true, then let him not live out the rest of his days. Later, in a conversation with Oedipus, he justifies his denial of the charge that Oedipus had placed against him by illustrating the irrelevance of attempting to dethrone the king. When Jocasta enters, she sides with Creon and respects his oath to the gods. But later, when Oedipus says the claim against him is based on prophecy, she reasons with him since she does not believe in prophetic power. .....
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In Cold Blood: A Review
Number of words: 1339 - Number of pages: 5.... realistic to him.
Initially, one may think the answer to be that the book was a true account-
because these things had actually happened, and they were not simply a
fictional story produced by some author's overactive imagination. However,
it becomes apparent it wasn't just the horrific story of these murders that
is troubling, but the aspect of how Capote tells the story that makes
reading it uneasy.
Unlike many other murder stories, Capote not only discusses the
criminals and their role in the crime, but their childhoods, their lives
right before the crime, and their lives after t .....
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Young Goodman Brown: Theme
Number of words: 436 - Number of pages: 2.... the previous night. He didn’t know if what he witnessed was real or imaginary, he seems to believe what he remembered happened and trusts no one in the village, not even his wife. When Goodman comes back he thinks he is better than the rest and judges everyone that they are devil worshippers, and sees himself as the only good person left.
I believe the theme of "Young Goodman Brown" is that excessive pride in yourself can lead to your downfall. Goodman Brown's wife, is also his faith in God. On his journey to meet the devil, he leaves behind his faith. He sees all of the holiest people f .....
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Crime Of Passion By Barbara Hu
Number of words: 426 - Number of pages: 2.... of attack equipment. When reading this, the vision of a man in a blue uniform with his gun and walkie-talkie enters the mind. When the man had been diagnosed with lung cancer he was described as a sixty pound skeleton being kept alive by liquid food poured down a tube.
The code blues were described horrifically. He stopped breathing two to three times a day, and every time he stopped he was resuscitated. “The nurses stayed to wipe away the saliva that drooled from his mouth, irrigate the big craters of bedsores that covered his hips, suction the lung fluids that threatened to drown him, c .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 1868 - Number of pages: 7.... much of the violence that followed after the war towards the black race and for years to come. is a book set in the 1930's in a small town called Maycomb located in Alabama. Often as with small towns, the views are extremely conservative. "There was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County" remembers Scout (5). Maycomb can be seen as an everybody-knows-everybody kind of town. The majority of the town conforms to the standard norm, which is conservative and reserved for women. While the norm view .....
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