Term Papers on Book Reports |
Of Mice And Men 4
Number of words: 1033 - Number of pages: 4.... use of loneliness is in this novel is very noticeable in some of the dialogue like when Lennie accidentally stumbles into Crook’s home in the stable and they talk. "You got George. You know he’s goin’ to come back. S’pose you didn’t have nobody. S’pose you couldn’t go to the bunk-house and play rummy ‘cause you was black. How’d you like that? S’pose you had to sit out here an’ read books. Sure you could play horse shoes til it got dark, but then you got to read books. Books ain’t no good. A guy needs .....
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Wuthering Heights And The Them
Number of words: 916 - Number of pages: 4.... used because of her biased opinions. In addition, the structure of Wuthering Heights displays a uniqueness. Just as Elizabethan plays have five acts, Wuthering Heights is composed of two “acts,” the times before and after Catherine’s death. However, unlike stereotypical novels, Wuthering Heights has no true heroes or villains. “Although this work was written in the Romantic Period, it is not a romance. There are no true heroes or villains, only a revealing of what people truly are” (Baxter 1). With all of its unique qualities, Wuthering Heights is a very c .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Holden; A Teenager With Definite Moral Values
Number of words: 517 - Number of pages: 2.... to Phoebe's school and found “fuck you” written on the wall. He was
infuriated because he knew all the children would see it. He said, “
Somebody'd written ‘Fuck you' on the wall. It damn near drove me crazy”
(201). Holden wiped it off because he wanted to protect the children form
seeing it. In fact, the title of the book deals with Holden wanting to
protect kids. Holden told Phoebe, “...I have to catch everybody if they
start to go over the cliff... I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all”
(173). I believe the cliff represents innocence, and Holden wants to .....
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Rasin In The Sun Two Influence
Number of words: 315 - Number of pages: 2.... " Look honey, we're going to the theater-we're not going to be in go change, huh? " (80) He likes to toil too though, such as when he calls Walter prometheus as they walk out the door to the theater. (86) Also another example of Asagai's return to his youth was when he had the conversation with Beneatha after her brother had lost the remaining of their father's money. His theory on the matter, saying that the money basically should not have been relied on, would probably differ than George's relative to what we know. Both men have different views of their world but both are val .....
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Fahrenheit 451: Books - A Part Of Our Past
Number of words: 854 - Number of pages: 4.... fifty years. But without the
recordings of Einstein and all the other famous scientists, television
probably would not be invented that early.
In our day and age people are watching too much television. We
figure that everything that is in books is on the television. If we need
to learn about something we rent a movie about it or watch a show on it.
No one reads books anymore just for the fun of it, or so they can read the
paranormal, science fiction, horror, classics, fiction or non-fiction
novel that surround our world. If we want to see stuff like that we will
watch “The X-Files” .....
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Othello - The Ambivalence Of H
Number of words: 1112 - Number of pages: 5.... to the other characters. The reader sees the true evil of Iago and how he fools the other characters into believing he is an honorable man. His false displays begin with him and Roderego informing Brabantio of Desedemona's marriage to Othello, a Moor. The reader knows from the conversation between Iago and Roderego in Act I scene 1 that the two men are upset that Iago is not Lieutenant and Roderego cannot have Desedemona and they are acting out of Malice and retaliation. But, to Brabantio, their acts appear to be out of concern for the well being of Desedemona and respect for Brabantio.
Th .....
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Where Should The Line Be Drawn?
Number of words: 1403 - Number of pages: 6.... move to Berlin, Germany. After World War II, Howard is secreted by the CIA back to New York to escape extradition for crimes committed while under cover. Howard eventually turns himself in and is sent to Israel to be tried for war crimes. In the novel Mother Night, Howard’s crimes are not justified by his position in the CIA. Werner Noth, Police Chief of Berlin and Campbell’s father-in-law, believes that Campbell is a spy from the beginning. In a conversation with Campbell, Noth tells him he doesn’t care if he is a spy “because you could never have served the enemy as well as you s .....
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The Sun Also Rises : Moral And Social Values
Number of words: 522 - Number of pages: 2.... never happen. He is tolerant of her behavior because he loves her
unconditionally and is willing to overlook everything she does. Jake¹s
willingness to endure and forgive Brett¹s promiscuity and infidelity is an
indication of the skewed values of the age. It was an ³anything goes² era
right after the first war, and Jake¹s message to Brett seems to be the
same: anything goes as long as you eventually come back to me.
Jake is forced to accept living in this seemingly terrible way for
more than one reason. He a weak person socially, but he is also
physically disabled because .....
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The Summer Of The Falcon
Number of words: 816 - Number of pages: 3.... by June, and the mistakes that he fall into the river, he grows matured
has been well trained. At the same time, June also has been trained by her
mother and, watching the things happen to Zander, June becomes mature too. She
helped her mother by carrying suitcases and boxes and walked carefully up the
stairs to her room, holding her head high as she had been taught in the dance
Everybody is supposed to have their own freedom. Without freedom, one
will not live like a human being but like a toy. But, too much freedom for a
ungrown child will cause danger rather than he .....
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House Made Of Dawn: Religious Names
Number of words: 2277 - Number of pages: 9.... between Cain and Abel in comparison to Abel's killing of the white man. While the Bible portrays Abel as the sympathetic victim of a vicious crime of jealousy, in Momaday's story, Abel seems at first to have taken the position of the aggressor in killing the white man. However, despite Abel's violent crime, he still seems to mirror his Biblical namesake more so than the violent image of Cain.
However, unlike Cain, Momaday's Abel has valid personal reasons for slaying the white man. We first see him as the victim of the white man. At the feast of Santiago, we see the white man br .....
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