Term Papers on Book Reports |
Stillwatch: Summary
Number of words: 1397 - Number of pages: 6.... she does find genuinely intrigues
her: murders, love affairs, suicide, an extremely obese mother who wasn’t
appreciated, and an ex-fiancé...but that’s not all.
Pat’s real name is Kerry Adams. She is living in her parents’ old
house in Washington. 24 years ago, her parents died. It was said that her
father had killed her mother and then himself. Pat’s not real sure that
was the case. She’s living in that house so that she can try to conjure up
some memories. And she it or not. Pat begins to remember
scenes such as tripping over her mother’s bleeding body, .....
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Rainbow Six - Tom Clancy
Number of words: 494 - Number of pages: 2.... cutting off the head of the viper before it had a chance to strike. Such an organization already exists. Its code name: RAINBOW…
John Clark, the well-known maser of secret operational missions, is about to face the world’s greatest fear- and his own- in Tom Clancy’s, Rainbow Six. As the Newly named head of an international task force dedicated to combating terrorism, Clark is looking forward to really sinking his teeth into a new mission. But the opportunities start building faster and thicker than anyone could have expected. Is there a connection between all these .....
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Number of words: 929 - Number of pages: 4.... to become a lawyer, whereas what Kafka wanted was a literary degree.
Franz Kafka made his character, Gregor, transform into an insect in the story. Nobody wants to associate themselves with an insect, which is a lowly creature, a pest, or nuisance. This symbolizes Kafka’s depression and his poor self image. Since his family treats the insect like an outcast, that must be how Franz felt about the treatment that his own family gave him. It showed the control that his father put on him. He was not allowed to leave his room. Gregor’s parents were so afraid to take him out of the ho .....
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A Lesson Before Dying 2
Number of words: 1110 - Number of pages: 5.... the help of a plantation school teacher, Grant Wiggins, who at first isn’t too keen on the idea of helping a crook. Wiggins agrees to talk with Jefferson only out of a sense of duty--he is an unhappy, angry man who dreamt of escape from his deprived childhood yet returned to his hometown after a university education to teach in the same one-room parish school he attended. Despite humiliation at the hands of the white sheriff, Jefferson's lack of cooperation, and his own sense of futility and uncertain faith, Wiggins forges a bond with Jefferson that leads to wisdom and courage for b .....
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The Count Of Monte Cristo
Number of words: 810 - Number of pages: 3.... another person, other than the guard, for years. Faria reaches Dantes by means of a tunnel that took him 3 years to dig with his makeshift tools. Even though he had limited resources, Faria made matches, a lantern, a ladder, and a knife. Faria hid all these tools behind two separate rocks in his cell. All of these things show how smart Faria really was. Faria’s intelligence is what helps Dantes make his transformation. “There is a maxim of jurisprudence which says, ‘If you wish to discover the guilty person, first find out to whom the crime might be useful.’ To who .....
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Grapes Of Wrath Essay
Number of words: 1406 - Number of pages: 6.... and told to move some fifteen hundred miles away. The Joads’ lives had all of a sudden drastically changed, "The family met at the most important place, near the truck. The house was dead, and the fields were dead; but this truck was the active thing, the living principle."(128) Their change in values, was the first step in adapting. The change of environment came progressively: first at home, then their life on the road, and finally when they actually arrived in California. Life on the road was slow, unpredictable, and so very new to the Joads, who had never traveled before. "The m .....
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An Autobiographical Portrayal
Number of words: 1911 - Number of pages: 7.... Club, an undergraduate
club which wrote and produced a lively musical comedy each fall, and
performed it during the Christmas vacation in a dozen major cities across
the country. Fitzgerald was also elected to “Cottage,” which was one of the
big four clubs at Princeton. “Its lavish weekend parties in impressive
surroundings, which attracted girls from New York, Philadelphia and beyond,
may well have provided the first grain of inspiration for Fitzgerald’s
portrayal of Jay Gatsby’s fabulous parties on Long Island” (Meyers, 27).
A .....
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Animal Farm: Animal Satire
Number of words: 4776 - Number of pages: 18.... as Political Satire KORKUT, Rydvan Supervisor: Assoc.Prof. Dr.
Joshua M. Bear
This study aims to determine that George Orwell's Animal Farm is a
political satire which was written to criticise totalitarian regimes and
particularly Stalin's practices in Russia. In order to provide background
information that would reveal causes led Orwell to write Animal Farm,
Chapter one is devoted to a brief summary of the progress of author's life
and significant events that had impact on his political convictions.
Chapter one also presents background information about Animal Farm. Chapter
two is devoted .....
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Hawaii By James Michener
Number of words: 4310 - Number of pages: 16.... Since Hawaii covers such a huge time span, there are a great many plots
and sub-plots, all of which show the different situations that each of the
many "types" of Hawaiians are confronted with. Michener uses mostly
specific, fictional details to support the general ideas of the islands and
their various people, that he conveys through Hawaii. I will go into more
detail about the plot in the "Documentation" section.
Michener's Hawaii is a superb example of a great work of literature. He
paints vivid literal pictures of various scenes throughout the novel. For
example, in the first cha .....
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Alive Book Report
Number of words: 961 - Number of pages: 4.... Parrado and Canessa were the one’s who saved their friends in the Andes. The setting in ALIVE gave you a real sense of how terrible it was for the Andes survivors. First of all, the Andes setting was basically what kept the survivors from being found by an airplane. The snow covered mountains blended to the roof of the Fairchild to a point where the plane was literally invisible from more than 50 ft. away. Secondly, the intense cold, which at night dropped to around 40 below zero, weakened many of the passengers. Since there was no proper protection against such extreme temperatures, m .....
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