Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Good Earth: Summary
Number of words: 1143 - Number of pages: 5.... this first year, they had a son and a “handful a of silver dollars over and above what they needed” (32). Soon later they had another son and a daughter. During this time, Wang Lung purchases some land from the House of Hwang, where O-lan was once a slave. With this extra land, he would be able to make enough silver from his next harvest to join both pieces of his land.
All hope ends once famine drives the family from their home and they end up on the streets in a city of southern China where they had to beg for just enough to feed themselves. His two sons are raised away from the .....
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The Ironies Of 1984
Number of words: 421 - Number of pages: 2.... "littler siblings" -- this not the case with 1984's Big Brother. The Big Brother in this novel completely watches over every move a person makes keeping them controlled with fear.
The next type of irony is Situation irony, which is when a character or a sequence of events appears to be headed one way, but it ends up as the opposite of what was thought. One example of this is Winston's general health. From the beginning of the book, it is shown how horrible his health is and is continually getting worse and more difficult, but as Winston gets involved with Julia then he begins a metamorphosis .....
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Book Report On The Outsiders
Number of words: 2 - Number of pages: 1.... .....
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Essay Over The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Number of words: 729 - Number of pages: 3.... being at this part in the book, which is the end, is completely different from his arrogant beginning of this epic. Gilgamesh has gone from arrogant to scared. Second, the death of Humbaba changes Gilgamesh. Humbaba is evil. Many people who live in the city of Uruk fear Gilgamesh. Most would say that Gilgamesh himself is, in fact, evil. He has sex with the virgins, he does what he wants, and he tends to offend the gods. He has lots of problems with Ishtar. By going into the forest and facing Humbaba, Gilgamesh makes a name for himself and changes the views of the people in his city. This is .....
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The Sundiata
Number of words: 877 - Number of pages: 4.... would have to know how to kill his own food to survive, and knowing which plants would heal the wounds of injured sofas and cure their diseases was important to the survival of the troops. A great hunter would never die of hunger or wounds not treated properly.
In , the Muslim rulers were portrayed as powerful, respected, good rulers. Sundiata was a Muslim as well as Soumaba Cisse¢. When Sundiata first arrived at the court of Soumaba Cisse¢, he was at prayer. Soumaba Cisse¢ gave asylum to the exiled Sundiata and his family. He offered his home to be their home, allowed Sogolon to .....
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The Three Angles From Which The Adventures Huckleberry Finn Can Be Viewed
Number of words: 612 - Number of pages: 3.... Jim left on another adventure: the journey on the Mississippi River to help Jim acquire his freedom.
If there was a main adventure in Huckleberry Finn, it would be Huck and Jim's journey down the Mississippi River. That journey even had a hidden adventure. The whole time Huck and Jim where travelling down the Mississippi River, they thought they were in fact travelling up the Mississippi River.
The whole point of the journey on the Mississippi River was to help Jim acquire his freedom. That adventure revealed another angle from which Huckleberry Finn can be viewed: as a drama of moral co .....
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Sheldon's If Tomorrow Comes: Hardships Of Tracy Whitney
Number of words: 1259 - Number of pages: 5.... that leads to
Tracy's happiness, showing that tragedy results in something pleasant.
In this story, the character Tracy Whitney goes through a series of
changes, which lead to her eternal happiness. Tracy's character is
different from most other characters, because instead of going through one
change she goes through two. As the story begins, Tracy is loving and
compassionate. She has everything that she needs a rich lover, a great job
and happiness. Every thing is great until she goes down to New Orleans to
attend her mother's funeral. Soon after she arrives in New Orleans, her
entire wor .....
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Evelina: Madame Duval
Number of words: 2136 - Number of pages: 8.... we meet Sir Clement Willoughby, we instantly dislike him because of the character he plays in our novel. Our keen sense of depravity is quickly rewarded when we are shown the way in which Sir Clement treats our precious heroine. He is more than an insolent fool who embarrasses Evelina; he also physically violates her throughout the novel and we are horrified.
Evelina and Sir Clement Willoughby first meet at an assembly in London. He asks Evelina to dance with him and because she wants to be available for our hero, she lies and tells him she is already engaged. This arouses his curiosity and .....
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Summary Of The Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 1364 - Number of pages: 5.... interaction
between the tales and the framing story. After the Knight's courtly and
philosophical romance about noble love, the Miller interrupts with a
deliciously bawdy story of seduction aimed at the Reeve (an officer or steward
of a manor); the Reeve takes revenge with a tale about the seduction of a
miller's wife and daughter. Thus, the tales develop the personalities, quarrels,
and diverse opinions of their tellers.
After the Knight's tale, the Miller, who was so drunk that he could
barely sit on his horse, began screaming," I know a tale that can cap the
Knight's tale off!" .....
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Macbeth Theme-one Thing Leads
Number of words: 1162 - Number of pages: 5.... in Macbeth's mind. After the first of the two prophecies came true, he was faced with the decision to assassin King Duncan or to sit down calmly and do nothing about it. Macbeth's final decision was to kill the king and thus fulfilling the second prophecy of the three weird sisters. Macbeth's decision of treason is the consequential beginning of the chain of events.
As a result of becoming King of Scotland, Macbeth became very cautious and suspicious in order to secure his well being. Macbeth's friend and fellow comrade, Banquo, is a righteous and honorable man. In this quote "He hath .....
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