Term Papers on Book Reports |
Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 1185 - Number of pages: 5.... cloaks and caps. Oddly enough, Jack is one of the only boys whose last name is learned. I think the author does this to make Jack stand out. He is a very important character because throughout this whole novel, Golding depicts this island and savagery to everyday life. Jack is the perfect character to play this role due to his temperament and power hungry acts. Jack is solely concerned with hunting, and cannot see the necessity of other things that can keep them alive. Fire, an important necessity, is carelessly abused and treated by Jack. His whole existence and survival depend on f .....
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The Fellowship Of The Rings
Number of words: 484 - Number of pages: 2.... remaining party they
traveled the broad expanse if terrain. Where they would befriend new
adventurers along the way. Many a time would they be tempted to misuse the
ring. But Frodo's will held strong. Up unto the climax of events, when
the ring raids came to take what once belonged to them. In a moment of
weakness, Frodo placed the ring on his finger. He vanished from his
party's sight. "Take the ring off Frodo!", they yelled. But he was frozen
in his steps. Determind to get it they approached him. In a brave
attempt to protect the ring, Frodo ran up to them, held the sting high in .....
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Symbols In The Lottery
Number of words: 448 - Number of pages: 2.... props each year. Since the occasion is not a greatful occasion the people in charge do not care if the box is old and ripped up. When iteams are old and ragged people seem to look down on them. A second characteristic that the box had was its color. The color black always symbolizes darkness or evil happenings. Since the color of the boz is black, it indicates to the readers that the event that is going to take place is evil. If the color of the box were a briught color people might be cheerful and happy instead of worried or depressed. Another reason that the box was a symbol of dar .....
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Kaffir Boy
Number of words: 621 - Number of pages: 3.... to pay for his schooling or at least some of it. He often was without the required materials like a school uniform and books. This then resulted in Mark being beaten at school. These beatings became so intense and often that Mark thought about dropping out of school. His Mother helped him decide that he should stay in school because she knew that an education was the only way out of their life of poverty. Through the support of Mark’s Mother and grandmother Mark found success in school. He almost always was ranked in the top of his class and received scholarships to continue on in sch .....
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Snow Falling On Cedars
Number of words: 1415 - Number of pages: 6.... Kabuo and Carl are depicted as friends, they lived on the same property and attended the same school. "Is Kabuo home ? ". The two often spent time together "Look at this, Kabuo loaned it to me". Kabuo had lent Carl a bamboo fishing rod made by his father. Though this friendship was condemned by Etta Heine, it continued until such a time that the "real world" of maturity and prejudice and cultural differences removed was brought into their lives by the war.
Hatsue and Ishmael also shared a very close friendship for many years, from the time of childhood till their teens when the two beca .....
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The Scarlet Letter
Number of words: 404 - Number of pages: 2.... to spend time in jail as well as wearing the letter “A” and also raises her daughter without a father. This makes the punishments both private and public. Hester wishes she were dead but then changes her mind because she says to Chillingworth, “I have thought of death, have wished for it, would even had prayed for it, Yet if death be in this cup, I bid thee think again, ere thou beholdest me quaff it. See! It is even now at my lips.”
Hester is responsible for her adulteress affair with Dimmesdale. She deals with her guilt by staying strong and helping others. The narrator tells .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Holden And Modern Teenagers
Number of words: 884 - Number of pages: 4.... I
do not read much and therefore I have problems in my grammar.
The family background of Holden and I are fairly similar, both of us come from
opulent families. Holden and I are both very lucky to be studying in eminent
institutions. Unfortunately, Holden does not take this advantage. Holden's mind
is elsewhere in a reverie, day dreaming how to save the virtuous children from
the evil. While studying away from his family makes Holden's relationship with
his family worst. I study in a private school with my sister and we go home
every day and meet our parents when we get home. Since Hol .....
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Metamorphosis: Response
Number of words: 625 - Number of pages: 3.... place
where you had let it go on the previous evening. That was why, he said, the
moment of waking up was the riskiest moment of the say. Once that was well
over without deflecting you from your orbit, you could take heart of grace
for the rest of your day.
Gregor woke up one morning to find himself turned from a human being to a
beetle. People found that to be extremely hard to grasp. Many felt as
though Gregor should have been more shocked at this change, or at least
less understanding towards it. But really, why should he? The only part
about being a beetle that seemed to truly negativel .....
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The Awakening: Edna Pontellier's Spiritual Awakening
Number of words: 432 - Number of pages: 2.... them.” (p. 115) Her actions around her suicide greatly symbolize everything she hope to achieve in her life, and finally found in her death. As she walked down to the beach for the last time she put on her bathing suit. When she arrived at the shore, “she cast the unpleasant, pricking garments from her.” That symbolized the shedding of her “unpleasant” and “pricking” life. “For the first time in her life she stood naked in the open air.” (p.115) She was on her way to being free. “She felt like a new-born creature, opening its eyes in a familiar world that it had n .....
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The Power And The Glory By Graham Greene
Number of words: 1747 - Number of pages: 7.... village to village working on the Church by
administering the sacraments, listening confessions and saying masses. A young
lieutenant of police, and ardent revolutionist and an anti-clerical, asked his
chief to let him search for the priest who, as the authorities understood it,
was guilty of treason.
Two photographs were pasted up together in police station. One was the picture
of an American bank robber who killed several police officers in Texas; the
other was that of the priest. No one noticed the irony, including the young
lieutenant, who was more interested in arresting the priest. W .....
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