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Tess Of The D'Urbervilles
Number of words: 923 - Number of pages: 4.... her family is not well
off and that her father seems to be a bit of a drunk. Next, she is, to a
degree, railroaded into going to claim kinship to the d'Urbervilles.
"ŒWell, as I killed the horse, mother,' she
said mournfully, ŒI suppose I ought to do
something. I don't mind going and seeing
her, but you must leave it to me about
asking for help."
Tess was very reluctant to go to the d'Urberville house and ask for help,
but for some reason, her parents chose her. At the d'Urberville's house,
Alec first .....
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Number of words: 577 - Number of pages: 3.... that he takes from a strange, dark creature named Gollum, who lives in the dank, dark caves below the Misty Mountains. Gollum is clammy and slimy and he refers to his ring as my precious. Bilbo even manages to discover Smaug's weak spot, the bare area under his ear, which allows the dragon to be killed and the treasure divided. However, the dwarves cannot enjoy the gold alone, since it lures humans and elves, some of whom have a just claim to a portion of it. Thorin's unwillingness to share the treasure almost leads to war between the dwarves and the elves and humans, but instead war is f .....
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Abortion In Toni Morrison's Beloved
Number of words: 1352 - Number of pages: 5.... friends
can be just as painful for Sethe. All in all the life of a slave is
dehumanizing. Constant hiding and being on the run plays tricks on the
mind of slaves. Shown by Paul D in his most discouraging conflict comes in
contact with a rooster, Mister. Humiliated by the fact that an animal was
walking around with more power, he doesn't understand how an animal can
have a better life, and place judgement on a human.
During the time of slavery the love between a mother and her
children dims. Through scars mothers and children were to have secret
relationships. In Sethe's only memory of .....
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“The Prince Of Hate”
Number of words: 498 - Number of pages: 2.... found on the gargoyle was a key that will help there travels to get to Innoruuks inner sanctum. After they took out the other gargoyle they had then moved on to the Castle of Undead. In the castle they had gone around different corridors and found out they were just walking in circles.
The sun was starting to go down and the night was creeping upon the group. It was cold, dark and damp in the castle. The undead were starting to come out and look for there next victims. They had avoided the undead and headed towards the throne room where Innoruuk sat and waited for his next victims. The .....
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In What Way Is Lizzy Newberry A Highly Unusual Woman For Her Time?
Number of words: 938 - Number of pages: 4.... it would usually have been men that
would do all the smuggling.
Lizzy realises that Mr.Stockdale is very surprised, and tries to
defend herself by saying ‘’Smuggling is carried on here by some of the
people,’’ and ‘’It has been their practice for generations, and they think
of it as no harm.’’ Then to astonish Mr.Stockdale even more, she begins to
show him how to extract the liquor from the barrels, by tapping one of the
hoops around the barrel, forward using an awl, then making a small hole in
the part that was once covered by the hoop. Then Lizzy shows Mr.Stockdale
t .....
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The Fifth Child
Number of words: 536 - Number of pages: 2.... to. It's not you who is carrying this" (She cut off monster afraid of
antagonizing him.) (p. 47) At eight months she went into labor. Although she
had never gone to the hospital before for her other deliveries, this time she
insisted. This shocked everyone, especially her husband David.
Ben was not your typical baby. "A real little wrestler," said Dr. Brett.
"He came out fighting the whole world." (p. 48) Ben was eleven pounds at birth.
None of the other children were more than seven. He was heavy-shouldered and
hunched over. His forehead sloped from his eyebrows to his cro .....
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Jeremy Rifkin's "The End Of Work"
Number of words: 2301 - Number of pages: 9.... employment in both
the private and public sectors is caused by the continuing advances in
technology and it's impacts on organizations, it's structure and design and it's
direct effect on the global labour force. In particular, organizations are
using the concept of re-engineering and replacing human labour with labour
saving technologies. Rifkin gives us a better understanding of the development
of the cause of this problem by examining the three industrial revolutions. In
the first industrial revolution, Rifkin identifies steam power as the major tool
used by industrial and manufacturing .....
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The Queen Of Spades: An Analysis
Number of words: 642 - Number of pages: 3.... to meet in the late of night, but instead of seeing Lisaveta, Hermann takes a detour to the Countess’ study for a confrontation with the Countess herself. Out of desperation, Hermann insists that the Countess divulge her secret. Consequently, she refuses and in anger Hermann pulls out his pistol, which scares the Countess to her death. Later, Hermann dreams the Countess is forced to fulfill his request. Confident that the secret from his dreams will bring him is longed awaited fortune, Hermann plays the cards per the instruction of the Countess. On the last night, Hermann bet al .....
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Explication Of Dulce Et Decoru
Number of words: 747 - Number of pages: 3.... poem in describing the slow and painful deaths that many soldiers went through. Death by poisonous gas is slow and painful. The soldiers who died did so painfully, it was as if they were drowning. Choking slowly, like being drown, death by compression and collapsing of the lungs. This is a horrid death. The poem is from the viewpoint of a soldier watching another soldier die. The soldier is experiencing the death of the other soldier. He is describing his dreams of choking and grasping for breath, grasping for life. As he watches the other soldier die he is thinking about his own death, a .....
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Zinn's A People's History Of The United States: The Oppressed
Number of words: 2109 - Number of pages: 8.... bourgeoisie, and most importantly, the rising
class and racial struggles in America that Zinn correctly credits as being the
root of many of the problems that we as a nation have today. It is refreshing to
see a book that spends space based proportionately around the people that lived
this history. When Columbus arrived on the Island of Haiti, there were 39 men on
board his ships compared to the 250,000 Indians on Haiti. If the white race
accounts for less than two hundredths of one percent of the island's population,
it is only fair that the natives get more than the two or three sentenc .....
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