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Term Papers on Book Reports

Gray's "The Epitaph": An Analysis
Number of words: 441 - Number of pages: 2

.... a whole and the hollowness and shallowness of people in the world. Now the person is dead, there is no other help that you could give him. "Large was his bounty, and his soul sincere" was how the man lived, and although his soul was a true one, he was still a marked man, and now he is only marked with a stone that protrudes from the ground known as The Epitaph. God is a part of life which gray dispises. He goes against the idea of a belief in one immortal being who rules over people and casts judgments and leaves some people for broke. "The bosom of his father and his god" were those tha .....

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Ring World
Number of words: 280 - Number of pages: 2

.... insanity, Louis Wu because he has survived an adventurous life for 200 years, Teela Brown because of her luck, and Speaker-to-Animals because of his combination of strength, ferocity, and relative reasonableness. The story begins with Nessus (an insane puppeteer) gathering his crew together, Louis Wu is taken from a transport Nessus has manipulated, Speaker-to-Animals by Nessus insulting his friends in the worst possible way. Nessus meets Teela Brown, but it takes her some time to agree to come along. The price they are being paid for this adventure is a very advanced ship that can cover a .....

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Book Report On "The Red Badge Of Courage"
Number of words: 1263 - Number of pages: 5

.... then they ever believed possible. The young soldier becomes a man with plenty of courage by the end of this book. Stephen Crane brings the reader into his book, first with his power of describing details so eloquently, and second by telling us very little of the young soldiers' life, leaving him a mystery. Crane may have even been generalizing all the young soldiers into one. Although he does tell the reader his name, Henry Flemming, he usually refers to him as “The soldier.” He also tells the reader parts of his life up until present, but most of the character is left very much .....

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The Scarlet Letter Theme Symbo
Number of words: 958 - Number of pages: 4

.... the human head in its tight grasp, and thus holding it up to public gaze. The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron” (56). It was made clear that this structure was a symbol of punishment to the people, but it also came to be a symbol of sin, guilt, death, and release. How did this structure take on so many meanings throughout the book? The answer is that each time there was an event occurring at the scaffold, each of the main characters was present. The place that Hawthorne chose to unite the characters and hoard symbolic mean .....

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Around The World In Eighty Day
Number of words: 1513 - Number of pages: 6

.... of this novel many a times. Some of these settings are London, Suez, Bombay, Calcutta, Hong Kong, Yokohama, San Francisco, and New York. Clearly though one the most important settings was in the Indian forests, which were passed through, in order to pursue to Kandallah. The Carnatic and the Mongolia were also key settings to the novel. Plot: In the 19th century, a man by the name of Phileas Fogg, made a wager that he would be able to travel the world in approximately eighty days. At the time of his wager he was looking for a servant. He found a servant by the name of Jean Passepartout. Thes .....

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One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
Number of words: 725 - Number of pages: 3

.... has established for them. Nurse Ratched believes that the rules she sets for the patients are in their best interest or getting better. The nurses have entire control over the patients. They are locked into their beds every night, get up at the same time, they eat at the same time, and they watch tv at the same time every day. The patients follow Nurse Ratched's rule without ever questioning them. Basically, they have no minds of their own. McMurphy comes from a society almost opposite of the mental ward. He has lived his whole life doing what he wants. He has never had a nurse hoveri .....

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The Crucible
Number of words: 407 - Number of pages: 2

.... the Reverend's servant Tituba. After the arrival of Rev. John Hale, Betty awakes and tells of her visions of many women the the town with the devil. Those women who were accused were to be tried in court for contact with the devil through witch-craft. As a God-fearing communtiy, any evidence of evil could not be denied. Because they believe that if they deny evil, then at the same time they are denying goodness, which is God. So no defense of accused peoples could be based upon evidence, simply because evil can not be seen. So any accused person must confess to it and be rehabilitated, or wil .....

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A Tale Of Two Cities: Assorted Themes
Number of words: 751 - Number of pages: 3

.... she tried to stop Madame Defarge from killing Lucie and her family. Miss Pross was the loyal servant for Lucie. She showed her loving devotion to Lucie by fighting off Madame Defarge. Many characters are skilled with the force of love in this book. Miss Pross, fought off Madame Defarge for the reason that she loved Lucie, and did not want anything to happen to her. The true love was the feelings of Sydney for Lucie. This love was so great he sacrificed his own life for her. He showed more love for her than for himself. Hate is also plays a big part in the book. Madame Defarge h .....

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Body For Life
Number of words: 1248 - Number of pages: 5

.... calories, and weighing foods. Participants eat six smaller meals a day, each containing a "portion" of carbohydrates and proteins. A portion is measured as the size of the palm of your hand. So, an equivalent size of chicken is a breast the size of your hand. These meals are spaced out over equal time periods. Consuming six smaller meals speeds up your metabolism, because your body doesn’t get a chance to stop digesting. Also, incorporated in the meals are two to four servings of vegetables or salads. Water is also a major factor in the diet. 8. Here is a sample day in the program: 8am .....

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Comparison Of Margaret Mead's "Coming In Age" To Russian Youth
Number of words: 2592 - Number of pages: 10

.... little respect for authority. They rebel against what they feel is an unjust society and look for a culture or group that they can identify with. Often society depicts these groups as dangerous, deviant and delinquent. These groups, however, just show many of the valued structures of society, but in a more radical way. They have a standard code of dress, values, ethics and rebel in order to force their ideas onto the public and to feel part of a recognizable group. Margaret Mead noticed little individual differences among the Samoans. "We have seen that the Samoans have a low .....

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