Term Papers on Book Reports |
Essay On Jim In The Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn
Number of words: 376 - Number of pages: 2.... was
owned by Tom Sawyer's aunt and uncle. Before Tom arrived to his uncle's farm
Huck was already there and he stopped Tom before the Phelpses saw him. Tom hid
until that night when they planned to break Jim out. But being the one for
excitement that Tom was he derived a plan that would for sure get them caught.
He left a note on the Phelps's porch that something was going to happen. As
Huck and Tom freed Jim Mr. Phelps fired a shot and it hit Tom but Huck and Jim
didn't realize it until they got to the boat and floated to the island. On the
island, they decided to leave to leave Tom whi .....
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Great Expectations 3
Number of words: 1751 - Number of pages: 7.... listened to the children running by as they did everyday and heard the rush hour traffic slowly build and then fade. She sometimes wished that she was able to lead a normal life, but the thought came and went as fast as children with ice cream. At the age of 22 she finally realized that she would never be able to see. She came to accept this and thought that maybe God created her this way for a reason. She thought positively, she would never have to see pictures of death and destruction from wars and she would never have to look at herself and criticize. However in the back of her mind she .....
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Fahrenheit 451: Bradbury's Fears
Number of words: 298 - Number of pages: 2.... this.
One of his fears is people all people being unhappy because there are no
books. In the book he not happy and he says “ I kept sitting there saying to
myself, I'm not happy, I'm not happy.” I'm sure if there were no books some
people would be unhappy but not everyone as in the book and only the people who
liked books who be unhappy. Mildred was unhappy but see didn't like books.
Another one of his fears his people forgetting important things because
of having no books. Such as when Mildred forgets to tell Montag Clarisse died
and when Montag asked his wife when and where they .....
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Grapes Of Wrath: Summary
Number of words: 1947 - Number of pages: 8.... 200). The farmers described in the novel were sharecroppers whom had settled the land many generations before, the effects of the Dust bowl, and the forced migration were not at all beneficial to the people of this land. The family, which Steinbeck wrote about, although fictional, represented a sample of the thousands of farmers that were forced off their land and into a new part of the country (French 8).
The Joads were a closely-knit family. As the novel opens, Tom Joad, their son, whom was returning from a seven-year jail sentence for manslaughter, rejoins the family. Tom returns .....
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Catcher In The Rye
Number of words: 917 - Number of pages: 4.... till around one o'clock or so, getting drunk
as a bastard. I could hardly see straight." (pg. 150) Holden tried all he
could to fit in. He drank, cursed and criticized life in general to make it
seem he was very knowing of these habits. I myself have found me doing this
at times, also. I, at times, feel the need to fit in to a group and do
things similar to what others do in order to gain acceptance by them. I
smoked a cigar once with two friends of mine because they kept going on and
on about how great cigars were, but that was only once. Holden and I both
place people on levels othe .....
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Mania Dictator Of Inability Ha
Number of words: 1104 - Number of pages: 5.... and hostile to others as their self confidence becomes more and more inflated and exaggerated .In extreme cases (like Hamlet's) the manic person may become consistently wild or violent until he or she reaches the point of exhaustion. Manic depressives often function on little or no sleep during their episodes .(A.L.Smith &Weisman,1992)
At the opening of the play Hamlet is portrayed as a stable individual . He expresses disappointment in his mother for her seeming disregard for his father's death. His feelings are justified and his actions are rational at this point ,he describes himsel .....
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Symbolism In The Scarlet Lette
Number of words: 878 - Number of pages: 4.... starting point of Hester’s trek of shame to the scaffold in the market place. The scaffold itself is another symbol Hawthorne uses. Like the prison, it also symbolizes sin and guilt. “The very ideal of ignominy was embodied and made
manifest in this contrivance of wood and iron” (60). It provides the setting of several important scenes in the novel. It is where Hester is forced to stand for three hours as punishment, where Dimmesdale, Pearl, and Hester stand in the night, and where Dimmesdale reveals himself and dies. It is also a symbol of truth because Dimmesdale’s g .....
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Death Of A Salesman
Number of words: 1233 - Number of pages: 5.... normal and severely regrets such failures such as raising his children poorly, as he sees it, not doing well in business, though he wishes he was, and cheating on Linda, showing her to be a commodity of which he takes advantage. "The quality in such plays that does shake us... derives from the underlying fear of being displaced, the disaster inherent in being torn away from our chosen image of what and who we are in the world" (Miller, "Tragedy…"). Willy's "underlying fear of being displaced" is the real tragedy. He wants to do things right, but the fact is he has many incidences that h .....
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Huck Finn Racism
Number of words: 629 - Number of pages: 3.... hatred towards blacks such like Pap and Miss Watson. Even if bigotry was part of Huck’s attitude towards blacks it should be excused. Towards the end of the novel Huck encounters Aunt Sally who makes a remark towards blacks. She remarked that thank god no one was hurt but it was okay if a black person was. This is just a fine example of the extremities that Huck was raised under and the society’s views towards blacks. Twain is merely revealing the harsh truth of society in a subtle tone. It is also important to remember that Mark Twain’s description of Jim was not bei .....
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The Awakening: A Woman's Fight For Independence
Number of words: 824 - Number of pages: 3.... should act and look "proper" at all times. This is what Edna is fighting against in this novel. She feels that, though many women agree with this "known" rule, it isn't fair. For six years Edna conforms to these ideas by being a "proper" wife and mother, holding Tuesday socials and going to operas, following the same enduring schedule. It is only after her summer spent at Grand Isle that her "mechanical" lifestyle becomes apparent to her. She sees how much she is unhappy with the expectations, held by society, of her life and she wishes to erase them and live her life as she wants.
Edna .....
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