Term Papers on Book Reports |
Cry, Our Beloved Country
Number of words: 773 - Number of pages: 3.... development of the social structure in south africa. From the pictures of jesus and lincoln on his wall, james discovered the admiration arthur had for these two men. These were men of action, who showed love for their friends, and at the same time, their enemies. These two men suffered and died for their beliefs, as did arthur in a way, this is showing arthurs' father what a great man his son was by comparison, and similarity to others. This revelation shows arthurs concern for humanity.
After the discovery of his sons views through all of his writings, james begins to realize the problem, a .....
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Beloved And Don Quixote: Similarities In Themes And Characters
Number of words: 1655 - Number of pages: 7.... while you're lying on your back and you to; finally, blessedly, you let go
of your mind. Letting go of your mind is dying. She needed a new life. She
had to be named" (Don Quixote 9-10). And she must name herself for a man –
become a man – before the nobility and the dangers of her ordeals will be
esteemed. She is to be a knight on a noble quest to love "someone other than
herself" and thus to right all wrongs and to be truly free. In another of
Acker's works she writes: "Having an abortion was obviously just like getting
fucked. If we closed our eyes and spread our legs, we .....
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The Scarlet Letter Essay
Number of words: 1210 - Number of pages: 5.... single man tempted into the depths of the hormonal world. This world, however, is a place where the society treats sexuality with ill grace. But his problem is enormously complicated by the fact of Hester's marriage (for him no technicality), and by his own image of himself as a cleric devoted to higher things. Unlike other young men, Dimmesdale cannot accept his loss of innocence and go on from there. He must struggle futilely to get back to where he was. Torn between the desire to confess and atone the cowardice which holds him back, Dimmesdale goes slightly mad. He takes up some morbid fo .....
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Objectivism In The Founterhead
Number of words: 1201 - Number of pages: 5.... became what people wanted you to be then you would have them right where you want them. Keating must have wanted them playing with his soul then. Because when a person becomes what people want him to be he opens up his soul to be influenced. When a person gives pieces of your soul to too many people he is left with an empty shell. In effect that person becomes a virus, living off the souls of others but never re-obtaining a soul for himself. As a “virus” Keating would “have people right where you want them” because the “host” would not be able to rid itself of the virus. K .....
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Cannery Row: Social Classes
Number of words: 556 - Number of pages: 3.... "Mack and the boys avoid the trap, walk around the poison, step over the noose while a generation of trapped, poisoned, and trussed-up old men scream at them and call them no-goods, come-to-bad-ends, blots-on-the-town, thieves, rascals, bums"(18). They wish to live the life they want, even if they are called bad names and looked upon as bums.
Rich people call Mack and the boys names without realizing that they themselves are worse off than they are. "In a world ruled by tigers with ulcers, rutted by strictured bulls, scavenged by blind jackals, Mack and the boys dine delicately with the ti .....
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East Of Eden
Number of words: 277 - Number of pages: 2.... and then she grew up with
resentment in her creating evil. The resentment never went away so the evil
just built up. This is a step in the direction of crime and guilt.
Revenge is pursued when a person is rejected by others. With revenge
comes more evil and crime. "I am sure my self that there would be fewer
jails"(Steinbeck p.355) Revenge causes people to do bad things which gets them
into trouble. When revenge takes over the person becomes obsessed and they tend
to go physco." I think that if rejection could be amputated, the human would not
be who he is. Maybe there would be .....
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Animal Farm: Political Satire
Number of words: 738 - Number of pages: 3.... benefits. Man, in turn, gives back to the animals the bare minimum which will keep them from starvation while he profits from the rest. The old boar tells them that the source of all their problems is man, and that they must remove man from their midst to abolish tyranny and hunger.
Days later Major dies, but the hope and pride which he gave the other animals does not die. Under the leadership of the pigs, the most intelligent of the animals, they rebel against their human master managing to overthrow him. After the rebellion, under the direction of Napoleon, the most outspoken p .....
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In Fortinbras, Laertes, And Ho
Number of words: 717 - Number of pages: 3.... the other hand, was quite the opposite. He was all action and no talk. A very headstrong character, he was rash and let his emotions make his decisions for him. an example of this is when he finds out about his father's death, he immediately assumes it was Claudius and enters the castle by force, fully intending on killing him. This is what Hamlet needs to be like, but only in moderation. Sometimes, when the time calls for it, you must act on instinct, without having to think it through for a couple of days. Hamlet didn't want to be brash and end up getting killed like Laertes did, but then .....
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A Review Of Blake's "The Chimney Sweeper"
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3.... eventually kill them. After reading the poem
I was left with several impressions in my mind. The young and innocent
portrayal of the narrator seemed to be a powerful influence on my emotional
reactions to the poem. I was left with a sense of helplessness and
frustration that I was not able to help the boys out of their oppressed
state, and because I possess some knowledge of this period of history and
culture, I know that the events described in the poem actually took place,
and thus the poem becomes even more emotionally moving. It is the value
system of the people of England in the 1790 .....
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The Catcher In The Rye: Connection To The Title
Number of words: 924 - Number of pages: 4.... 115). It is difficult to understand why
Holden is made happy by the little boy's singing unless one has an idea of
what the song means to Holden. The little boy is described by Holden in
gentle caring terms: "The kid was swell. He was walking in the street,
instead of on the sidewalk, but right next to the curb. He was making out
like he was walking a very straight line, the way kids do, and the whole
time he kept singing and humming." (Page 115). Holden notes that the
child's parents pay no attention to him. To Holden this child represents
innocence and youth unspoiled by adult immo .....
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