Term Papers on Book Reports |
Analysis Of "A Raisin In The Sun"
Number of words: 365 - Number of pages: 2.... Walter believe “no matter how hard black folks
work they can't get ahead in this world.” He also believes it is so much
harder for black people to get anywhere that he would lose all of the money
Mama had given him, trying to spread it around getting the businesses going.
The predominately white workers are trying to keep it predominately white.
The Black Americans are predominately the most prejudice ethnic
group in the story. They are not only prejudice against each other, they
discriminate against each other's gender, business affiliation, and beliefs.
Walter also talks about .....
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The Theme Of Lonliness In Etha
Number of words: 934 - Number of pages: 4.... cold, especially in winter when the book takes place. These harsh surroundings make Frome who he is and give him a "careless powerful look".
Speech also renders some importance in this novel. A few examples of abbreviated words are: "Wurst kind", and "More'n enough", and lastly "Oh, I ain't afr'd". All of these slang words and also many more were used throughout the novel. This misuse of words shows that Frome and the other characters were not well educated. The work was more important than learning and also, Ethan Frome's parents needed taken care of while he was still a young man. He was .....
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Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse 5: Fate
Number of words: 534 - Number of pages: 2.... According to the view point of the Tralfmadorians,
the same exact things are going to happen, an idea that is indeed biased.
Based on the fact that Tralfamadorians cannot understand the human concept
of time, they have the ability to pick and choose when they want to live
each moment of their lives ,unlike humans, especially Billy Pilgrim who
has no control of his unpredictable "time tripping[s]."
Furthermore, the Tralfamadorian's belief that life is predetermined
has caused them to concentrate on the good things in life and forget about
the bad, which has lead them to become very un-senti .....
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The Chosen: Chaim Potok's Look Into Human Nature
Number of words: 440 - Number of pages: 2.... father never speak. This situation causes Danny a great deal of
emotional pain, a pain which he is unable to comprehend his father's reasons for
inflicting. His father feared, and with reason, that if something were not done,
Danny would never find his soul. After many years, Danny finally understands,
and accepts the reasons for his father's silence, and is in many ways grateful
for its success.
History is rich with individual, and broad examples of Potok's look into
human nature. During the Second World War, America suffered approximately four
hundred thousand casualties, yet reache .....
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Pride And Prejudice
Number of words: 701 - Number of pages: 3.... inheritance. She believes him because she holds so much hate
for Darcy. Later she learns that George lied to her. But before she found out,
they almost fall in love.
Mr. Bennet has no son, so his estate will be given to his closest male
relative. The closest relative is his cousin, Mr. Collins. He is an arrogant
clergyman. He asks Elizabeth to marry him but she refuses. He ends up
marrying Elizabeth’s friend Charlotte Lucas. She married him not for love,
but so she will have a safe and secure life.
Elizabeth goes and sees Charlotte at Hunsford and Darcy comes to see
his aunt .....
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Antigone - Creon As A Tragic H
Number of words: 462 - Number of pages: 2.... she lives, right after his first discussion about Antigone. In lines 142-150 he summarizes his plans for Antigone, in which he thinks of right after talking with his son. These two decisions decided the lives of two young people, but the impulsive Creon never thinks about that. In scene 5, lines 105-108 Creon tries to correct his impulsiveness with, "Come with me to the tomb. I buried her, I will set her free, Oh quickly, my mind misgives." These lines show how he changes his impulsive decision, but unfortunately is too late.
Self-pride is the tragic flaw that Creon faces in this story. Hi .....
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Of Mice And Men
Number of words: 559 - Number of pages: 3.... and sweet attempts to love even the gentlest of creatures, but, as he only has a childlike understanding of his enormous strength, the results are often tragic. Curly is the boss's son, and sensing Lennie's simple mind, he attempts to intimidate and antagonize him not anticipating his strength. He hits Lennie because he thinks Lennie is teasing him. Lennie tries to resist fighting as long as he can but after suffering many blows to the face from Curly, he grabs Curly's hand and squeezes it so hard it breaks every bone in it. Curly's wife is a beautiful woman who is always lonely and att .....
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The Crucible
Number of words: 916 - Number of pages: 4.... adamantly continuing these "witch trials". Finally John Proctor, the rationalist, shows that when people like Rebecca Nurse and Elizabeth Proctor who are the saintliest of people are accused of being witches, something must be wrong. Mary Warren has a difficult decision to make. She has realized that her whole way of life has been based on injustice. However, how can she extricate herself from Abigail and her friends, not to mention her new feelings of confidence. Mary decides to speak out against Abigail and the others for their false accusations and said that she " tried to kill me numero .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Golding Reduces The Power Of His Message
Number of words: 401 - Number of pages: 2.... by the wind and look like the beast and the way the wind picks up after Simon has let him down from the trees and carries him out to sea, so that the other boys cannot see that it wasn't a beast. The author uses the boy's fear against them, and although this could possibly happen in the situation, Golding uses it as a weapon against them, their morale and their companionship. I think that the boys split up and go to Jack because of the fear - he can kill the beast, he can get them meat, and if they ever get upset, he can start a dance and all will be fine.
The whole message of the story .....
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Children Of The River
Number of words: 1111 - Number of pages: 5.... as a responsibility. Ravy
is Sundara’s Cousin. He falls quickly into the American ways. Yet, no one
stops him. Mr. and Mrs. McKinnon are Jonathan’s parents. Mr. McKinnon saved
Ravy’s life when he came to America. Sundara also teaches him Cambodian
language, so he can go to Cambodia.
Minor Characters
Naro is Soka’s son yet he is the head of the family. Grandmother
makes sure that Sundara does what she is supposed to. Moni is like an older
sister to Sundara. Moni knows what it is like to be in America and have to
follow the same ways. Chamroeun was Sundara’s boyfriend back ho .....
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