Term Papers on Book Reports |
Red Badge Of Courage
Number of words: 391 - Number of pages: 2.... It's uh time t' drop meh rifle and m'hat... Sweet Jesus I'm a
commin' to Isreeil'!
Heh heh... And look it deh lieutenant now. He's a runnin' like the
sky's a fallin'. Damn neer busted his shoulduhr tryin' to run. Them grey
wombats are gonna womp on all dem soldr's behint me so I'ze a better get a
move on. Lucky I ain't back wit dem.
Thar's shells all 'round me, whistling lik' a dixy, each a wontin' tuh
chew me up. Whoa! That missile just exploded rit five feet in front o' me.
Packs quite a kick dar. Better dust off meh breeches and keep on a runnin'.
Whew... All the soldi .....
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The Nation Takes Shape: A Review
Number of words: 1024 - Number of pages: 4.... rivers and lakes rendered
more navigable, roads and public buildings constructed. From a mere seventy
five post offices, scattered bout the Union, the number had soared to over
twelve thousand. There were now twenty five hundred miles of canals,
though none had existed while Washington was in office; and the railroads “
beginning only ten or twelve years ago, are already completed over one
thousand miles.” Schools, colleges, lyceums, and institutes were
multiplying in scores.(1) As you can see from that example, this time
period certainly did show how our nation was growing in .....
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Ethan Brand
Number of words: 677 - Number of pages: 3.... spent too long a time alone in front of the kiln. Stories arise; such as he "conversed with Satan himself in the lurid blaze of thus very kiln."(356) His search for self-gain leaves him detached from the world of mortals. steps into the world of gods, when he learns of the unpardonable sin, and yet he has not left the realm of man. He has eaten the forbidden fruit. He lives in a human world but cannot tell of the unpardonable sin. He is too proud or feels the burden is too great for any other. He is not welcome into society. He is mocked when he returns. He learns that one may be happy and .....
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When The Legends Die
Number of words: 771 - Number of pages: 3.... that life was ongoing. Birth, life, death, and rebirth are the main principles of the idea, almost like an everlasting circle. This is where we developed the term cyclical. is full of references to this key term. In fact, the whole book is cyclical. In the beginning, Tom lives in the traditional ways of his people, and is enjoying it. As he matures, he finds himself faced with new challenges and opportunities. In the end though, Tom finds himself coming back around to become a clout Indian to complete himself fully in a circle. Beside these examples of cyclical life in the book, the .....
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Death Of A Salesman Essay
Number of words: 795 - Number of pages: 3.... was against him and that his life would never amount to anything. When he says “I’m always in a race with the junkyard,” (pg. 73) it is simple to sense that Willy is not satisfied with his life.
Willy’s actions also help the readers take a look into the world he lives in. With all his hopes and dreams for Biff, Willy never paid much attention to Happy. Any praise and acts of approval were always focused on Biff. This is shown when Biff repeatedly says, “I’m losing weight, you notice Pop?” and Willy ignores him each time. Willy also has a lot .....
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Walking Across Egypt: Mattie Rigsbee
Number of words: 335 - Number of pages: 2.... them about getting married so she can have some grandchildren
proves that she cares about their well-being very much. The love she
radiates is extended to more than her children, like at the end of the
novel when she finally decides to take Wesley on as a foster child so he
can have a nice home and so he can go to church every Sunday.
Through the whole book, Mattie has proven beyond a shadow-of-a-
doubt that she is one of the most wholesome, good, and lovable characters
in books today. Her overall uniqueness is a special thing that not too
many people can or will ever hope to have. .....
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The Epic Of Gilgamesh
Number of words: 730 - Number of pages: 3.... this part
in the book, which is the end, is completely different from his arrogant
beginning of this epic. Gilgamesh has gone from arrogant to scared.
Second, the death of Humbaba changes Gilgamesh. Humbaba is evil. Many
people who live in the city of Uruk fear Gilgamesh. Most would say that
Gilgamesh himself is, in fact, evil. He has sex with the virgins, he does what
he wants, and he tends to offend the gods. He has lots of problems with Ishtar.
By going into the forest and facing Humbaba, Gilgamesh makes a name for himself
and changes the views of the people in his city. This is a .....
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Janies Quest In There Eyes Wer
Number of words: 606 - Number of pages: 3.... to have, baby, it’s protection. ...He (God) done spared me...a few days longer till Ah see you safe in life.”(p.14) Nanny instilled a sense of needing a man to be safe on Janie that she keeps with her all through her life. After
Nanny’s death, Janie continued to stay with Logan although she disliked him. She would have left if she didn’t need him to depend on.
Next is Joe Starks. He is a kind of salvation to Janie. He is a well-dressed black man who has worked for “white folks” all his life and has earned enough to travel to a place where black people run .....
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A Critique Of "Gone To Soldiers" By Marge Piercy
Number of words: 497 - Number of pages: 2.... and belief in herself Louise did not instantly return to
her ex-husband Oscar even though they both still loved each other, because she
was strong enough to resist him and his womanizing ways. Piercy gave me a much
better understanding of the cultural and social issues of the World War two era.
I learned about the little struggles of working American women, such as the
unavailability of stockings and society's negative attitude towards women
wearing pants. These issues were ones that I had never thought about before.
It amazes me that only fifty years ago a woman could not wear pan .....
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The Stone Angel
Number of words: 855 - Number of pages: 4.... father sent her to
school out east to learn how to become a proper lady. After coming back
from college to become a proper lady, Hagar wanted to teach school but her
father wouldn't allow it. Hagar, instead, kept her father's accounts and
played hostess. Hagar meets Bram Shipley three years later and decides to
marry him. Her father does not approve of the marriage, but Hagar marries
Bram in a spirit of willful pride. Hagar's father does not speak to her
ever again. When entering the marriage with Bram, she expected that she
could change him into the image that she wanted him to .....
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