Term Papers on Book Reports |
Tale Of Two Cities: The Wine Shop Chapter - Element Of Secrecy
Number of words: 361 - Number of pages: 2.... warns her husband with gentle coughs and raises her eyebrows to get his attention. Mme. Defarge said nothing...but coughed just one grain of cough. This, in combination with lifting her darkly defined eyebrows suggesting to her husband that it would do him well to look around the shop.(pg. 28). The reader, at this point, becomes aware of the same secrecy between the Defarges but is unsure why.
Charles Dickens certainly used the wine shop to install an element of secrecy in the novel. He shows that certain individuals are required to lead a secret life just to stay alive. He shows this .....
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The Riddle Of St. Leonards
Number of words: 1431 - Number of pages: 6.... statistics and in handbooks for
physicians that were written in the period. Through many letters, sermons,
and the plague handbooks, she tried to get a sense of how the people fought to
survive with the horror of the plague. She also had some help from a friend who
was an expert on St. Leonard’s Hospital. Her name was P. H. Cullum, she was
very educated in the studies of medieval hospitals. This was beneficial to
Ms.Robb, especially when writing The Riddle of St. Leonard’s.
The main character of The Riddle of St. Leonard’s is Owen Archer. Owen
is an ex-soldier, who is now a s .....
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Stephen Coonts' "Flight Of The Intruder": Summary
Number of words: 592 - Number of pages: 3.... court-
martialed, President Nixon gives the orders of unauthorized bombings
anywhere in North and South Vietnam. Grafton and Cole fly their next
mission with a EA-6B for SAM (surface-to-air missiles) suppression. This
plane only carried antiradiation missiles to destroy the SAMs and their
radar. But, as they were approximating (approaching, advancing on) the
first SAM surface gun destroyed most of the plane. The crew ejected within
the midst of the night; Grafton landing safely, but Cole's back broke.
Eventually, they were rescued by a helicopter, but an A-1 Skyraider pilot
who was killing .....
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Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 343 - Number of pages: 2.... direct message from the author, as if she had temporarily possessed Scout’s mind.
As good as the novel is, this uneven characterization happens throughout. Scout repeatedly discovers ideas that are more suited to someone much older. She would act like a normal child, break off into a philosophical reverie, then revert to her childhood persona once again. Harper Lee is so determined to get her point across that she interjects her points at the expense of character. She manages the job so skillfully that usually the reader is not aware of what is happening at first-read. It is only after p .....
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A Portrait Of Stephen Dedalus As A Young Man
Number of words: 818 - Number of pages: 3.... "Have you never loved anyone?" his fellow student, Cranly, asks him. "I tried to love God," Stephen replies. "It seems now I failed." The force that eventually unites these contradictory Stephens is his overwhelming desire to become an artist, to create. At the novel's opening we see him as an infant artist who sings "his song." Eventually we'll see him expand that song into poetry and theories of art.
At the book's end he has made art his religion, and he abandons family, Catholicism, and country to worship it. The name Joyce gave his hero underscores this aspect of his character. His fi .....
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Huck Finn
Number of words: 819 - Number of pages: 3.... the most. He acts like a young boy who is trying to help out people in need of help like Jim. He was friendly, kind, and willing to stand up for what he believed in, good or bad. With the many characters in this book, a few helped bring out the story. The main character, Huckleberry Finn, was an adventurous boy who was kind, smart, and shrewd but, no matter where he went, he always got into trouble. Jim, who was a run away slave, was a very kind man. He is very smart and knowledgeable of natural surroundings, and has good common sense. Jim and Huck were best friends. Widow Douglas was the l .....
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1984: Duty Or Desire
Number of words: 1313 - Number of pages: 5.... Big Brother.
The big brother's eyes are following Winston everywhere. "On coins , on
stamps, on the covers of the books, on banners , on posters and the
wrapping of the cigarette packing-every where the eye is watching you and
the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake ,in bath or in bed -no
If Winston does anything out of order, a voice barks out
instructions. The Party frowns on art, on sex, on the life of the mind.
Their posters warn: "Big Brother is watching you". Every Party member knows
the worst crime of all is "Thought crime": having evil thoughts against the
Pa .....
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Foreshadowing And Flashback: Two Writing Techniques That Make Fitzgerald A Great Writer
Number of words: 1156 - Number of pages: 5.... flashback.
Fitzgerald utilizes foreshadowing to the best of its ability to
help organize the novel. "Luckily the clock took this moment to tilt
dangerously at the pressure of his head, whereupon he turned and caught it
with trembling fingers and set it back in place. 'I'm sorry about the
clock,' he said. 'It's an old clock,' I told him idiotically."
(Fitzgerald, pg. 92) This quote is the first use of foreshadowing which
is in chapter five. It pertains to all of the trouble Gatsby causes as he
tries to win Daisy back. The past is represented by the clock and how
Gatsby wants to .....
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Attitudes Toward Marriage In Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Number of words: 1438 - Number of pages: 6.... from the ladies, as
well as the behaviors of both with regards to Alison. Still, Alison does
what she wants, she takes Nicholas because she wants to, just as she
ignores Absalon because she wants to. Lines 3290-5 of the Miller's Tale
show Alison's blatant disrespect for her marriage to "Old John" and her
planned deceit:
That she hir love hym graunted atte laste,
And swoor hir ooth, by seint Thomas of Kent
That she wol been at his comandement,
Whan that she may hir leyser wel espie.
"Myn housbonde is so ful of jalousie
That but ye wayte wel and been privee..."
On the cont .....
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Animal Farm Compare And Contra
Number of words: 1428 - Number of pages: 6.... personality for each character because of George Orwell’s very accurate descriptions of the characters. As a result, a great deal of characterization is visible in most parts of the book, as he is constantly building upon the characters.
The movie Animal Farm on the other hand is quite different. In the movie, very little time (relative to the book) is spent on developing the characters. In some instances during the movie we discover that there are some characters in the book that are not mentioned in the movie (e.g. Molly and Mrs. Jones). Also, in Animal Farm the movie, there is litt .....
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