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Term Papers on Book Reports

Thunder Rides A Black Horse: Mescalero Apaches And The Mythic Present
Number of words: 1597 - Number of pages: 6

.... narrative, everyday life, religion, and in rituals as many generations before the present. The three major examples of life in the "mythic present" that I will primarily be discussing are the astronomical concept of the Mescalero Apache, the kin-system that the Apache implore, and lastly the Apache girl's puberty ceremony. Although I have only selected three examples, there are obviously many more such as the cultural heroine, White Painted Woman, the creation process in which Apache people are seen as the weakest link in the being-chain, and reciprocity, among others. The first examp .....

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Black Boy Analysis
Number of words: 535 - Number of pages: 2

.... would “kill” him. When the principal at Richard’s school had asked Richard to give a speech to a large audience of white and black people, Richard refused to read the principal’s prepared speech. By reading the principal’s speech, Richard was saying what the white power wanted him to say and to Richard this would be giving in to the very thing he hated so much. Richard was willing to leave school without a diploma instead of this. White people alienated Richard from his environment because he did not accept the way of life that other black people did. Ric .....

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Comparison Of To Kill A Mockingbird With The Dewey Decimal System
Number of words: 611 - Number of pages: 3

.... the librarian and the user to understand” (Gale Research, 1). Like the Dewey Decimal System Maycomb also had its classification system. In the book, Jem confused the Dewey Decimal System with John Dewey’s philosophy of education. This is clear when Scout says, “What Jem called the Dewey Decimal System was school wide by the end of my first year, so I had no chance to compare it to any other teaching technique, I could only look around me” (Lee 37). Dewey’s educational philosophy was the new way students were to be taught in the Maycomb schools. It stressed the hands on experientia .....

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Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets - Innocence Vs. Experience
Number of words: 441 - Number of pages: 2

.... fighting are tragic representations of the horrors of experience. Her brother Jimmie is the epitome of experience, driving his horses through the city and trampling any innocence upon which they come. He cannot understand how Maggie could possibly remain innocent surrounded by the filth of his world. Maggie seeks only escape from the Bowery but doesn't wish to become as her family. She latches onto Pete as a symbol of maturity and success who can both appreciate her innocence and incorporate her into his experience. Pete is at first attracted by her purity but eventually abandons her f .....

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Alice In Wonderland By Lewis C
Number of words: 665 - Number of pages: 3

.... and who served as the model for the heroine. Dodgson eventually sought to publish the first book on the advice of friends who had read and loved the little handwritten manuscript he had given to Alice Liddell. He expanded the story considerably and engaged the services of John Tenniel, one of the best known artists in England, to provide illustrations. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and its sequel Through The Looking Glass were enthusiastically received in their own time, and have since become landmarks in childrens' literature. What makes these nonsense tales so durable? Aside from the .....

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The Awakening: Triumph Over Tragedy
Number of words: 1243 - Number of pages: 5

.... pain they will undergo. King Lear is a great example of a tragic figure. He appeals to the reader, and captures their attention. The reader ends up sympathizing for him, and wanting him to overcome the obstacles which block his path. He motivates the emotion of the audience and controls their feelings. Edna Pontellier does not have the depth of character or ability to be a tragic figure. From the opening chapters she is portrayed as a troubled woman, one who is captured within a society where she does not belong. Her marriage to Leonce is one of convenience, there is no love, no passion, an .....

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The Crucible 3
Number of words: 985 - Number of pages: 4

.... possessed. It was the divine light that emanated from this candle, that they believed they could use to expose the heretics and eventually remove them from their society. The darkness that supposedly befuddled good and evil would be eliminated, and everyone and everything in their society would be seen as it truly was. This was a very hopeful idea for most of the Puritans, for a rapid decline in church participation was simultaneously taking place. And as ministers tried as they could to convince “sinners” in New England to repent, they couldn’t, and believed the devil was b .....

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The Scarlet Letter: Hester Prynne And Adultery
Number of words: 1472 - Number of pages: 6

.... by a disastrous cloud, were astonished, and even startled, to perceive how her beauty shone out, and made a halo of the misfortune and ignominy in which she was enveloped" (Hawthorne 1185). The environment surrounding Hester is instrumental in making her pay for her sin. Hester can actually feel the burning on her chest as the people stare at the letter A attached. "It had the effect of a spell, taking her out of the ordinary relations with humanity, and inclosing her in a sphere by herself" (Hawthorne 1185). Immediately we see that Hester is alone because she has set herself free. Th .....

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Edith Whartons The House Of Mi
Number of words: 2133 - Number of pages: 8

.... with those who did not have money, or those who did not choose to spend their money on luxury. When Mrs Bart died, she died, “ ......of a deep disgust. She had hated dinginess, and it was her fate to be dingy”(page 35). But Lily’s mother alone is not solely to blame for this want, Lily says of her need for luxury, ..I suppose (it was) -in the way I was brought up, and the things I was taught to care for. Or-no I won’t blame anybody for my faults: I’ll say it was in my blood (page 226) Although Lily felt that she should not blame anyone else for her high tast .....

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Prophecy In Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451
Number of words: 922 - Number of pages: 4

.... in Montag's society. The most provocative example of this is the discussion between Montag, his wife, and her friends. Mrs. Phelps, when asked by Montag how her children are, abruptly answers saying "No one in his right mind, the good lord knows, would have children!" (104) Mrs.Bowles, a mother of two, has an answer for Mrs. Phelps. However, with her response, Bradbury effectively conveys the cold uncompassionate and selfish morals in which Montag's world exists: "I've had two children by Caesarian section. No use going through all that agony for a baby . . . I plunk the children .....

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