Term Papers on Book Reports |
The Secret World Of Walter Mitty: Walter Mittys Life Sucks
Number of words: 228 - Number of pages: 1.... nagging him. She thinks he's always sick. She likes
it because she can control him. She want's him to be at her feet. And she wants
him to think she's superior.
The lady on the street thought he was crazy. She probably thought he was
a sick, big, wimp, and a loser. Maybe she thought that that was a guy who never
scored in his life. To put it in another word he was just a funny looking, crazy,
sick, loser of a guy.
The parking attendant thought he was dangerous in a car. He thought
Mitty could be pushed around. And should be walking instead of driving,” but
even then he could be dang .....
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Catcher In The Rye: Caulfield's Lifesytle Reflects Existentialism
Number of words: 604 - Number of pages: 3.... entire story. He establishes concrete
individual existence as he abandons school and goes to live in New York by
himself. He understands that life must not be lived as a game, although he
agrees with Mr. Spencer in order not to sound inferior to him. A Danish
philosopher and existentialist, Soren Kierkegaard, once wrote, "I must find
a truth that is true for me… the idea for which I can live or die." Holden
stays true to this statement as he leads a life, not as a phony, but as
himself, leading a solitary life in order to stand up for what he believes
in, even if he stands alone. Hold .....
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Farewell To Manzanar
Number of words: 1043 - Number of pages: 4.... fit in, Jeanne accepted white culture's beliefs in terms of school and gender as the way to model her life because it is made fitting in easier.
Jeanne seems to have set up her own type of Jim Crow rules, like those in the South. She always had to be complaisant around White people and apologize or be submissive to them even if they were in the wrong. This was not anything that was enforced by law, like in the South, but it was self-enforced because she thought it would win her more respect and maybe gain her entry into the White world. As a junior high school student, Jeanne asked her .....
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Niccolò Machiavelli - The Qual
Number of words: 557 - Number of pages: 3.... comes, normally no one can take away their selfishness to still act like “saints” when they cannot even save themselves.
Selfishness is an ugly trait among people; however, disloyalty is probably the most offensive trait found in human nature. Machiavelli’s says, “when it comes nearer to you they turn away”, which clearly establishes where a person’ true loyalty stands. Loyalty is more consistent to oneself rather than to others. Past events in history supports Machiavelli’s opinion with Julius Ceasar and Brutus as an example. Brutus’s loya .....
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Racism Related To The Novel Ja
Number of words: 387 - Number of pages: 2.... reffered to her as “Violent”. Joe had killed the girl because she had tried to leave him. From that point on the story became a struggle of suffering and survival after the deception of “jazz”.
Jazz symbolized the music that bloomed along with the Harlem Reniassance between the years of 1920 and 1930. Like the harlem Reniassance, it claimed to offer a better life foe southerners with new hopes of opportunities in the North. Violet was embraced by this image, but recalled a different view of “jazz”. Like many bla .....
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Something Wicked This Way Comes: Conflicts Between Father And Son
Number of words: 1133 - Number of pages: 5.... is a man waiting to reach out to his one and only child, William, and William does not know that is expected of from his father. They are two distinct individuals who live in the same place, the same planet, and the same house. There is a barrier that seems to exist whenever they are faced with one another. For Charles, it is a constant battle to wonder of the difference of age, and William is unable to release the true feelings which he dearly holds for his father. Charles, an old man who is unable to tolerate the lingering effects of old age, dislikes the fact that he is unable t .....
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Oroonoko: Heroism
Number of words: 374 - Number of pages: 2.... and Mind, a Judgement more solid, a Wit more quick…”(pg. 7). Again, it is seen how Mrs. Behn constructs the hero with noble qualities.
The author also retells stories of Oroonoko’s heroism. She tells tales of him killing lions with bare hands, and of hunting and killing the lion which terrorized the community. She also portrays Oroonoko’s ending in the most noble of lights, in that all that he did was for love. “Perhaps (said he) she {Imoinda} may be first ravished by every Brute; expos’d first to their nasty Lusts and then a shameful Death” (pg. 71). She even portrays hi .....
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In Cold Blood: Summary
Number of words: 922 - Number of pages: 4.... struck me as the type that is your friend one minute and
enemy the next. Perry is the other charecter that I will talk about. Perry
wasn't as bad as Dick but yet he still struck me as having a bad character for
what he did to the family. It took me awhile to get a good impression of Perry.
Perry was a really nice guy and I think that he just got mixed in with the wrong
crowd. At the beginning, when they first started to kill all of the family
members, they had them tied up and Perry didn't want to kill the family but he
thought that if he acted like he was gonna kill Mr. Clutter then Dick w .....
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The Fall Of The House Of Usher: Terror In The House
Number of words: 393 - Number of pages: 2.... eye, small and thin lips, a nose delicate of a Hebrew model, and a finely molded chin. It is stated that the features make up a countenance not easily forgotten, by stating this he is pictured in the mind as being a horrifying character. Poe describes the look the disease has given Usher, a faint blush upon her bosom, and her smile upon the lip which is so terrible in death. Poe uses character to develop terror in his story.
The theme of “The Fall of the House of Usher” contributes to the total effect. The theme of the story, which is, the narrator is unable to escape the terror that .....
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Property Of
Number of words: 810 - Number of pages: 3.... jealous. Starry was The Number One Property. She is very little, and looked no more than fourteen, but the way she drank from a bottle of tequila made it evident she was no child.
The narrator convinces Danny the Sweet to let her come with him to the secret meeting before the Night of the Wolf, in hopes of catching McKay's eye. The Night of the Wolf is a fight between the Pack and the Orphans, which would determine who would have control of the Avenue and the honor that goes with it. It was this night she would learn McKay would never love her. "'What I want is for you is to fall in lo .....
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