Term Papers on Book Reports |
Fahrenheit 451
Number of words: 1120 - Number of pages: 5.... is questioned why books are illegal and why firemen burn the books. She also asks him if he had ever read any of the books that he burned. His reply was that it is against the law. Clarisse even asks, "… long ago [did] firemen put fires out instead of going to start them?"(, page 38) Montag replies by telling her that that is nonsense, and that "Houses have always been fireproof,…"(, page 38) Here you can see how brainwashed and blinded the truth is for the people. Clarisse says good night to Montag, and right before she leaves she asks him, "Are you happy?"(, page39) Before M .....
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Black Boy By Richard Wright
Number of words: 1524 - Number of pages: 6.... live with Uncle Clark. After finding that a boy died in his room he can't sleep. He finally went home to Granny. His mother is living at Granny's her health is improving.
Chapter 4
Richard is twelve years old. The poetry of religious hymns inspires Richard to write his own poetry. Richard isn't religious his granny tries to convert him. One day at church he tells his grandmother that if he ever saw an angel he would believe. His grandmother misunderstands him and thinks that he has seen an angel. His grandmother tells everyone that he has seen an angel. Afterwards Richard apologizes and prom .....
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Lord Of The Flies: Book And Movie Comparison
Number of words: 656 - Number of pages: 3.... theirs. He becomes Ralph’s only friend at the end. Roger is the last
important character and he is the one who supported the killing that Ralph
tried to stop.
Lord of the Flies is full of symbolism. For example; Jack
represents the primitive nature in man and Ralph represents civilization.
Also, Piggy’s glasses represent the civilization that they are losing.
When Piggy’s glasses are taken it seems like the end of whatever
civilization they had left. Also the sows head that is speaks to Simon
represents the devil or the evil that is present in man. The Lord of the
Flies al .....
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Lord Of The Flies
Number of words: 654 - Number of pages: 3.... the conch the platform was crowded(#32)." Next, one of the bigger symbols is the fire. Enforcing the rules is one thing, but the children would rather play than keep the fire going. Ralph gives the idea for the fire, but can they keep it going? " There's another thing. We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the island they might not notice us. We must make a fire(#38)." Jack has a great idea to use Piggy's glasses to light the fire." Jack pointed suddenly. "His specs-use them as burning glasses (#40)!" Jack has a obsession of hunting and it turns to the choir as well. They have the .....
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Coming Of Age In Mississippi
Number of words: 593 - Number of pages: 3.... schools, and why she couldn’t tutor whites who needed help. She also wanted to understand why blacks were being mistreated, beat, and even killed for no other reason but their color. The event in Anne’s childhood followed her into adolescence. Anne’s challenging spirit was growing. This caused a bad relationship with her mother; she wanted Anne to just follow those before her. She began to hear of blacks that were standing up for themselves and about the civil rights movement. By high school Anne was fed up and after graduation Anne went away to college, partly to get away from the .....
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"Fighting On Two Fronts": Henry Fleming In Red Badge Of Courage
Number of words: 587 - Number of pages: 3.... the camp. Here life was
boring for Henry. The only thing his company did was drill day in and day out.
All of the experienced soldiers told war stories every night by the campfire.
Henry could only listen because he was still 'wet behind the ears'. He felt
left out and often sat alone wondering about battle. War was like an illusion
to him. He couldn't imagine people slaughtering each other. "Aren't we too
civilized to massacre ourselves?" he often wondered. After hearing the tales of
battle, Henry began to be intimidated by fear. Would he run when faced with
death or would he have t .....
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The Crucible And Death Of A Salesman: Search For Happiness
Number of words: 509 - Number of pages: 2.... to do this, she accuses his wife Elizabeth of witchcraft. Although she causes an uproar in the town along with her friends with their stories and accusations of witchcraft, her plan backfires on her. Instead of doing away with Elizabeth, John, whom Mary Warren accused of being the devil, was hanged. Therefore, Abigail does not attain her happiness due to her vicious, vengeful ways.
Similarly, in the play Death of a Saleman, a search for happiness is also a theme. Taking place in the late 1940's, in New York, one views the troubled Loman family. The main character, Willy Loman, a salema .....
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Great Gatsby
Number of words: 397 - Number of pages: 2.... the reader in Gatsby's shoes and seeing what the reader would do in the same
situation. It raises a great debate; should people live their lives yearning for something in the past? Is it acceptable to live one's whole life on a past experience or
memory hoping to reach back in time and pull the past to the present. Is it healthy?
In this case, Fitzgerald is saying no its not healthy. He says it ruins a person and things change. Is Gatsby great? In some ways he is, you have to admire a man who
lives his whole life devoting himself to his passion and never getting sidetracked. But you also have .....
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The Island Of Dr. Moreau
Number of words: 622 - Number of pages: 3.... He was right about his expectations of future societies and his ideas about how scientific advancements would affect our world. It was different because when this book was published it got horrific reviews for being too outlandish with its views on society. I think that if the book was published today it would be raved as a good warning for all the cloning scientists. Today we can actually say that we can clone things and it is more of a reality than it was in 1896. This change has been so dramatic that Barnes and Noble would have had to take the book off the science-fiction shelves and .....
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Scarlet Letter 2
Number of words: 616 - Number of pages: 3.... be
most improper to have one who has committed as sin as she had to be
involved in the marital bonds of another couple. Nevertheless, she does her
work dutifully and completely.
She is emotionately worn out by all the work and penance for her sin.
Midway through the novel she no longer appears as a hidden beauty. Hester
now wears her hair in a cap, and the only effort of considerable worth is
that which she expends in her teachings to Pearl. She has earned the towns
people respect. People now regard the letter as representing the word
As the Reverend Dimmesd .....
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