Term Papers on Book Reports |
Of Mice And Men: Loneliness
Number of words: 724 - Number of pages: 3.... guys have their bunks in a one room
house type of building. The loneliness affects Crooks so that he remains in his
room when he has some books to read. He also usually rubs his own back with
liniment because a horse kicked or threw him when he was younger. Another thing
that showed his loneliness is that he had his personal belongings scattered
around the room. He also had this stuff scattered around the room because he
was crippled and was a stable buck, which meant he was more permanent then most
of the other people. Also, because he was alone he demanded that other people
keep their .....
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Brave New World - Religion
Number of words: 675 - Number of pages: 3.... and stress resulting in a lack of imagination , creativity, or "soul."
Yet religion can still be found in today's society because of man's continuing need for answers to
questions that cannot be solved by science or technology.
Religion can be regarded as the beliefs and patterns of behavior by which humans try to
deal with problems and stress that cannot be solved through practical applications of science or
technology. "Brave New World" deals with stress by its elimination of problems through the use of
soma. As shown in the novel, the people have been addicted to soma as to the point .....
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The Great Gatsby: Nick Carraway Fulfilling Whitman's Dream Of America
Number of words: 936 - Number of pages: 4.... fulfilling every instinct and learning a lesson from every blunder. Most important, though, is that every person maintains some semblence of truth in all they say and do. This idea contrsts with the American dream presented in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
The Great Gatsby examines an American dream based around material wealth and social status. His/her wardrobe, occupation, and income determine the value of one's life. The idea is that a person work endlessly to accrue a substantial sum of money for which houses, cars, and happiness may be purchased. The three characters a .....
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To Kill A Mockingbird
Number of words: 631 - Number of pages: 3.... in sight, and the whole church has to share one hymnbook! The graveyard contains only a few expensive headstones, with most graves merely outlined by broken glass. A further degradation occurs during the rest of the week, when the church building is used by whites for gambling.
A majority of the black community is illiterate because there are no schools for blacks in Maycomb County. Their only way of learning is from their parents or another elder. For example, Mrs. Buford taught Cal, and Cal taught her son, Zeebo. Consequently, only four blacks in the whole church can read.
In Tom Rob .....
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Zane Grey
Number of words: 1468 - Number of pages: 6.... to be one with their surroundings and is able
to cope with the problems the west posses. They gain inner peace and
become one with nature. In the novel The Vanishing American Marian is an
eastern girl who moves out west to be with her true love Nophie. Nophie is
an Indian she met and fell in love with. At first Marian struggles with
the harsh conditions and hot weather. She almost gives up but continues to
push on. Gradually she becomes stronger and able to deal with the climate
and the problems nature throws at her. This gains her a lot of respect
from the westerners who had previ .....
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Summary Of "Ceremony"
Number of words: 871 - Number of pages: 4.... the Japanese, and then when the
soldier killed Rocky, it made his path split like a silk string to a
spider's web, it went out in all directions. His mind snapped at that exact
moment and went into "shell-shock".
Tayo started very early trying to find his path, but yet his path
paralleled Rocky's until the time when Rocky died. Tayo's path paralleled
but was always a step behind, because he was trying to retain his heritage
and still keep with the new ways. Tayo walked a thin line trying to keep
his path and Rocky's close together because he loved Rocky, and yet could
not understand Rocky w .....
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The City Of Gold And Lead: Summary
Number of words: 438 - Number of pages: 2.... to the city of gold and lead. From there the boys are
taken by a tripod to the city. When they reach the city they are over come
by a stronger feild of gravity in wich the masters live in. In the city the
humans must wear suits that breathe oxygen because the masters breathe
different air. Each of the boys are then chosen by a master to be there
personal slave. Will was chosen by one of the nicer masters in the city,
while Fritz was chosen by a mean master who beat him for pleasure. Now in
the city it was Fritz's and Will's job to find out all they could about
the masters and their wea .....
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Canterbury Tales: Chaunticleer; Behind The Rooster
Number of words: 790 - Number of pages: 3.... may have been making all the stories up in order to win the argument with
Pertelote, but, this seems unlikely because he does not take heed to his own
advice and stay away from the fox that encounters him later. He is educated
enough to know these supposed quotations but not intelligent enough to
understand the real meaning of them. It is if he simply brings because they help
him win the argument with his spouse and not because he actually believes what
they say. Chaucer is using the idea that the Aristocracy has schooling
throughout their childhood, but it is only done to have seemingly imp .....
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Gilgamesh: Immortality
Number of words: 389 - Number of pages: 2.... they fought wars, and ruled the city. Eventually, the goddess of
war asked Gilgamesh to marry her but he refused, making her very angry.
She retaliates by sending the bull of heaven down to attack Gilgamesh and
Enkidu. In the battle, they killed the bull, but Enkidu injured his hand;
he eventually died from his wound. After Enkidu died, Gilgamesh went on a
quest for immortality.
Gilgamesh was trying to find immortality for both Enkidu and
Himself. After gilgamesh got the “immortality” plant and scratched himself
with it he was bathing and a snake ate the plant. As soon as .....
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Old Man And The Sea: Themes Of Santiago Against Nature, Figures Of Christ And Relationships Between Characters
Number of words: 1475 - Number of pages: 6.... It has commercial value as
well as the population of life in it. It is dark and treacherous though,
and every day there is a challenge. A similar story tells about a tidal
pool with life called `Cannery Road'.
This part of the story has to deal with figures of Christ. It
mainly deals with Santiago as being a figure of Christ and other
characters as props, that is, characters which carry out the form of
biblical themes. On the day before he leaves when he wakes up, Manolin,
his helper, comes to his aid with food and drink. Also a point that might
be good is that he has had bad luck wi .....
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