Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Number of words: 1569 - Number of pages: 6.... the integration and flow of information between design, engineering, manufacturing, logistics, warehousing and distribution, customers and suppliers, sales and marketing activities, financial management and the overall control of the enterprise.
At one extreme, a Computer-Integrated Manufacturing process may be fully automated, with computers (and robots) controlling the entire production process with minimal human intervention. However, CIM is typically employed at a level short of total integration. Many manufacturers who are leaders in CIM typically have concentrated their efforts .....
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The Year 2000 Computer Problem
Number of words: 2304 - Number of pages: 9.... after '99', the only logical choice is to reset the number to '00'.
The year 2000 problem is unlike any other problem in modern history for several reasons. William Adams points out some of the most important ones. "Time is running out- the Year 2000 is inevitable! The problem will occur simultaneously worldwide, time zones withstanding. It affects all languages and platforms, hardware & software. The demand for solutions will exceed the supply. Survivors will survive big, losers will lose big. There is no 'silver bullet' that is going to fix things" (Adams 2). "It is too big and too overwhe .....
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History Of The Propeller
Number of words: 1516 - Number of pages: 6.... were made by balloonists. These contraptions were quite strange and hardly fulfilled their purpose of actually propelling the balloon. The basic propeller had evolved from the simple concepts of da Vinci, and was slowly becoming an effective means of aerial propulsion. To reach the next plateau of flight an increased knowledge of the propeller would be needed, and the mysteries of the propeller and mechanical power would need to be solved. These substantial tasks remained for aviation’s pioneers to tackle during the 19th century.
Throughout the 19th century, aviation pioneers explor .....
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Computers Related To Turf Grass Industries
Number of words: 1162 - Number of pages: 5.... concern along the nations
coastlines, and nation wide. Most of the worlds great golf courses are located
along the coasts. Ransome was banking on that an electric mowing machine would
fit that need. It has been slow to catch on as of late. It's benefits are an
almost quiet no noise machine. (Beard 302). Many country club members would
become outraged when the superintendents would send out the greensmowers daily
at 6:00 A.M. The diesel and gasoline powered engines are noisy, and would wake
up many members that live along the golf course. The second benefit is no cost
of gasolin .....
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Number of words: 1062 - Number of pages: 4.... requires a large consumption of energy, not only in the operation of
the highway construction and repair equipment, but also in the manufacture and
transportation of the required materials. An increase in the percentage of
people telecommuting to work will decrease the need for expanded highways and
associated road maintenance. The first two areas related to getting to work.
Once a person arrives at a central office working location, he or she represents
another energy consumer, often times magnified many times over what would be
required at home. The office building has heating, .....
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The Invention Of The Telephone
Number of words: 548 - Number of pages: 2.... States uses the telephone. It is a luxury that is basically taken for granted. Before it was invented, it was very difficult to communicate with people who were a long distance away. But since its invention, the telephone has allowed us to contact just about anybody with just the push of a few buttons. It has indeed revolutionized communication.
Without , there would in essence be no phone lines. Therefore, fax machines would be non-existent and the Internet wouldn’t even be a thought. The world that we would live in would be entirely unlike the one we have come to know. Busine .....
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Number of words: 3551 - Number of pages: 13.... the computers you hack into or the companies who own them.
I. Do not intentionally damage *any* system. II. Do not alter any system
files other than ones needed to ensure your
escape from detection and your future access (Trojan Horses, Altering
Logs, and the like are all necessary to your survival for as long as
possible.) III. Do not leave your (or anyone else's) real name, real
handle, or real
phone number on any system that you access illegally. They *can* and
will track you down from your handle! IV. Be careful who you share
informat .....
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Computer Piracy
Number of words: 1959 - Number of pages: 8.... of network software licenses and the production of counterfeit CD-ROMs, including “compilation CDs” that can contain thousands of dollars worth of products.” There are many ways that an individual can commit computer/software piracy. There are six different methods that you can pirate software. The first method of software piracy is called End User Copying. This is the most common method of software/. In order to do this, the individual who purcahsed the software at the local retail/department store must share this product with a neighbour, co-worker, or colleague. An example of .....
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Computer History
Number of words: 182 - Number of pages: 1.... invented a calculating machine that could add and multiply.
In 1812, computer developments had risen in Cambridge, England. Charles Babbage wanted to develop a machine that would operate the long computations to be able to operate automatically. He then devised an automatic calculating machine, which he named a "difference engine". By 1822, he had constructed a small working model for demonstrations. In 1823, he started construction of a full-scale "difference engine". It was designed to be steam powered, fully automatic and was to be comanded by a fixed instruction programer.
Babbaged worke .....
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Gates World
Number of words: 637 - Number of pages: 3.... Network you can electronically transfer your funds directly from your own personal Gates Bank account to any account in the world. The Gates Computer will provide your home with digital clarity sound! And with the Gates Radio Network you can listen to any style of music any time! Forget all those annoying radio advertisements, you’ll get interesting and exciting news on up coming Microsoft products and services!
The Gates Home Network can also control any type of electronic product in your home. Imagine your lights automatically turning on when you return home at night because your Ga .....
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