Cable Modems And ADSL
Number of words: 1447 - Number of pages: 6.... technologies are at about the same state of maturity and integration. Cable modems may offer a less expensive network solution because of its shared architecture, but that differential is more than offset by infrastructure costs required to upgrade existing networks.
The largest advantage of ADSL, and it is a significant one, is the number of telephone lines already installed that can support ADSL, or prospectively available with network upgrades. Today the global ratio is in the order of 400 million to 6 million, or about 60 to 1. Aggressive upgrades will not improve the ratio to better t .....
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Exploring The Career Of A Computer Programmer
Number of words: 2652 - Number of pages: 10.... and elevated much of the programming work done today. It is becoming more difficult to distinguish programmers from other computer specialist since job titles shift so rapidly, reflecting new areas of specialization or changes in technology. Job titles and descriptions also may vary depending on the organization. In this paper, "computer programmer" refers to individuals whose main job function is programming; this group has a wide range of responsibilities and educational backgrounds. ( Eberts 12 )
Computer programs tell the computer what to do, such as which information to identi .....
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History Of The Computer Industry In America
Number of words: 2446 - Number of pages: 9.... place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the
first "digital calculating machine". It could only add numbers and they
had to be entered by turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal's
father who was a tax collector (Soma, 32).
In the early 1800Os, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage
designed an automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could
store up to 1000 50-digit numbers. Built in to his machine were operations
that included everything a modern general-purpose computer would need. It
was programmed by--and stored data on--cards with holes punched in them, .....
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Communication Over The Internet, And The Effects It Will Have On Our Economy
Number of words: 806 - Number of pages: 3.... internet
for any means.
· How phone companies are going to bring them selves down.
-I feel that because of this phone companies will be the cause to their own
· Methods of communication over the net
-There are many ways of communicating over the net: Inter relay chat (text only)
-Video/Audio: there are many net applications which allow the user to simply
plug in a mini video camera( which can be purchased anywhere from $150+) and
speakers and a microphone and establish a net connection and be able to view to
and hear. -There are also applications such as the internet phone wh .....
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History Of Computers
Number of words: 2603 - Number of pages: 10.... took place in 1694 when Blaise Pascal invented the first “digital
calculating machine”. It could only add numbers and they had to be entered by
turning dials. It was designed to help Pascal's father who was a tax collector
(Soma, 32).
In the early 1800's, a mathematics professor named Charles Babbage
designed an automatic calculation machine. It was steam powered and could store
up to 1000 50-digit numbers. Built in to his machine were operations that
included everything a modern general-purpose computer would need. It was
programmed by--and stored data on--cards with holes pun .....
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The Future Of The Internet
Number of words: 457 - Number of pages: 2.... With these
technological advances, systems will be faster, more powerful, and capable of
doing more complicated tasks. As more people with different interests,
thoughts, and ideas get involved with the internet, there will be more
information available (Elmer-Dewitt 64). As the number of internet users
increases, the prices will gradually decrease on internet software and
organizations (Peterson 358). The best quality about the size of the internet
is it is so big that it cannot be destroyed (Elmer-Dewitt 62).
There are many problems with the constant growth of the internet. .....
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Notebook Computers
Number of words: 308 - Number of pages: 2.... punch into
a 6.5-pound travel weight, including a Pentium II/266 CPU, a 13.3-TFT
screen, and a 3.9 GB hard disk. The unit can take a CD-ROM, DVD, or floppy
disk drive internally ideal for those who need supreme portability and
don't want to deal with external drives. It lasted an impressive 3:12 on
our test.
For the road warrior principally concerned with weight, and battery
life, there is still no better option then the IBM ThinkPad 560x. The
system came with a Pentium MMX/233, an 12.1 inch TFT panel, a 2GB disk, and
a lithium ion battery that lasted a terrific 3:59 on our test. CD-ROM or .....
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Number of words: 588 - Number of pages: 3.... distribute the software this could be a great source of test data for
the software companies. This is an effective way to catch any unfounded bugs in
the software program. From debugging to hacking, hackers can benefit the most.
They can study and learn from the advancements with in the programming.
So what does all this activity tell us? This tells us the people are
willing to go to great lengths to get software at a lower cost, or possibly in
exchange for other software and that they are succeeding in their efforts.
Although more than 50% of their software income is from .....
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Number of words: 1629 - Number of pages: 6.... This, many believe, will be the world's biggest media group, letting consumers tune into anything, anywhere, anytime. The most extraordinary thing about the boom, is that so many moguls are spending such vast sums to develop digital technologies, for the delivering of programs and services which are still largely hypothetical. So what is behind such grand prophecies? Primarily, two technological advances known as digitization (including digital compression), and fibre optics. Both are indispensable to the high-speed networks that will deliver dynamic new services to homes and offices. .....
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Virtual Reality: What It Is And How It Works
Number of words: 3163 - Number of pages: 12.... space, physical, chemical, and entertainment
uses among other things.
In order to create this alternate reality, however, you need to find
ways to create the illusion of reality with a piece of machinery known as
the computer. This is done with several computer-user interfaces used
to simulate the senses. Among these, are stereoscopic glasses to make
the simulated world look real, a 3D auditory display to give depth to
sound, sensor lined gloves to simulate tactile feedback, and head-
trackers to follow the orientation of the head. Since the technology
is fa .....
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